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Posts posted by liamworrad

  1. Hi im sure its probably been asked 1000 and 1 times before but i couldnt find much about it,

    im in the process of getting everything ready for the aos and my fiancee didnt earn enough on her pevious tax returns, i can get a letter of employement from both her employers shes well above what she needs to earn and also getting pay stubs that wont be a problem, but will the lack of income on her tax returns be a problem?

    Thank you for any help you can give me!


  2. Can the company re-write the letter to say "XXXX is currently working full-time (40 hours) per week at a rate of $xx.xx?

    The employer dosent seem to want to write it this way! I have no idea why, would I be Okay just going to the interview with payslips from one job and a letter and payslips from the other and explain that the employer wouldn't give a letter? Thank you

  3. Hi I would like peoples advice as my fiancee has got me the letters from work to day how much she earns etc, but on the letter they have only put how much shes earnt since she started which will be poor if it's devided up into months as she didn't have full hours for the first month or two (she's only had the job for a few months) the company has given a phone number to contact them if they need to, would this all be okay if I explain it and show a paycheck that will show how much she earns now she's working full hours? Thank you.

  4. My appointment was rescheduled to 1pm and in the email they said they will not be doing morning interviews anymore all will take part in the afternoon! I first had my interview for 9am on the 5th then moved to 1pm around a week ago.

  5. I know what you are asking, but couldn't give a good answer without knowing exactly where you were in the timeline.

    How about doing DS-160 in four weeks so they know you still want a visa. That let's them know you haven't abandoned. Then wait four more weeks before calling for a medical appointment. Go to the medical around first part of May. Then wait two weeks before sending in the readiness form. On it say you want to marry October 10. They won't rush to give you the first available interview when you don't need to be there until October. If you do get an interview assigned that is earlier than you want, then there is an online contact form with a tickbox to say you want to change your date. The only thing you need to watch is the medical is only good for six months, so it would have to be done again (parts of it) if you don't interview and have a visa before it expires. The visa is good for travel six months from the medical date, not six months from interview date.

    Because your petition approval will expire around the end of April, your fiancé will have to mail you a new signed letter of intent to take to your interview to revalidate the petition. That is no problem at all and not a reason for one bit of concern.

    If she gets a job, then speed up the timeline.

    Thank you best answer I could wish for! Really appreciate it nich-nick. Thank you again.

  6. Ive read them all I forgot to update it I will now, sorry I think you misunderstood my question I was asking how long do I have to schedule my medical etc? I dont want to do the d-160 etc until my fiancée has a job as shes searching for one after losing her other one, I dont want to do the medical and get my interview scheduled for her to not get a job before that time. Thanks for your help.

    And sorry yes ive received my letter.

  7. Hi im in the process of a k1 visa and have sort of hit a wall, my fiancée lost her job and were at the part where I schedule my medical then interview, I would like to know is there any time limit I have to have my medical by, I dont want to have the case disappeared and have to start over, my fiancée is currently seeking a job. Thanks for your help, Liam.

  8. When we filed I recall reading somewhere it needs to be dated within 30 days of USCIS receiving the petition. However, I have not seen anyone specifically refer to having an issue regarding this so I assume it should be ok.

    Thanks for that information, does anyone know for certain about this? Thanks in advance liam.

  9. Hi first of all I'd like to say this website is brilliant and I don't know what I'd do without it! Thanks, secondly I have been with my us fiancee for a year and a half now and we met for the first time a week ago, we get along so well and I.proposed on the final night of being.there! And I plan on moving over to get married. Basically I'm asking.as she won't have a permanent address until November so I.would like to know if she files the i129 (I will be.living near St Paul! So I'm not sure where it will get send to) if it's send it november is.there a good chance I'll be able to get married in mid august as that's what's planned! Many thanks from you all, such a helpful forum. Thanks Liam.

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