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Posts posted by Redvedev

  1. What you did is kind of penny wise and pound foolish if you now can't find a civil surgeon who will sign off for less than $250. You need a civil surgeon to sign off on your vaccinations (Form I-693). Good luck finding one who will do that and not require you do have another full medical. You don't need the full medical, but getting a civil surgeon who actually understands that is often frustrating.

    So on the vaccination page, since it is not flu season, the civil surgeon will mark the waiver excuse "not flu season". You never have to get the flu shot. Even if your AOS is not adjudicated until after Oct 1 when flu season starts again, your waiver will still stand because they go by the date the medical form was signed. Not flu season when the form is signed, then no flu shot needed. It's called a blanket waiver.

    At the time of my medical I was quoted in excess of $300+ for all of the vaccinations I required, so I opted for getting them done for free on the NHS. I've already been in touch with a local civil surgeon in Atlanta and booked an appointment for him to sign off my Form 3025, without a medical, and I was given a quote of $50 for the service. I don't feel I've been overly 'foolish' in waiving getting my vaccinations sorted at the time seeing as looks to be as if it's saved me a considerable amount of money instead of getting unnecessarily stung for a service I could mostly get for free later on.

    My primary concern was whether I would still need to get a flu shot given that it was flu-season (September-March) when I had my original assessment. My vaccination worksheet has already been signed by a civil surgeon but has been annotated 'Applicant has chosen to defer vaccines at this present time' and has ticked the box marked 'Vaccine History Incomplete: Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) because vaccination(s) not medically appropriate (as indicated above)'. My worksheet has been marked as requiring TDAP, MMR and Influenza, so as far as i can tell i still require the flu shot.

  2. Hello! This is my first post here so apologies in advance if I make any faux pas with regards to forum etiquette or if I've posted this in the wrong forum!

    I had a quick question with regards to the vaccinations I need for my AOS. I've recently arrived in the US from the UK on a K1 Visa. I had my medical back in January 2014, however at the time I couldn't get my vaccinations signed off as I didn't have the proof that I'd had all the necessary ones (and I refused to pay the extortionate fee to get them done on the day!). Since then I've received all the appropriate vaccinations barring the flu shot, which unfortunately by the time I got around to getting it done was no longer being given anywhere as it was out of season.

    Now that I'm finally IN the US I'm running in to the same issue, as it would appear that none of the chain pharmacies in the area carry the flu shot until September, and I'm rather keen to get it sorted ASAP as I don't want to be sitting around waiting to file my AOS case and be unable to apply for work. I've been told health centres might potentially be able to give me the shot now as well as travel clinics possibly. Has anyone else run in to this issue? My vaccination form states that I definitely do need the flu shot (owing to having my medical in flu season) so I take it I definitely do need to get it, regardless of it's availability? I've combed through other forum posts around similar questions but none of the answers have quite fitted the scenario I'm currently in.

    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

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