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Posts posted by MrMrsKnight

  1. I miss the good times (except for the whole long distance relationship thing, lol) when I didn't have anything else to do, but post all day long.

    But now I'm a mom, a wife, have a house to take care of, bills to pay, etc... But I still miss this place and feel bad for not being able to keep up.

    Anyways... you guys can stop crying now.

    I'm posting some recent pictures of my little one, Marcus. He'll be 3 mo old next Tuesday. Enjoy.






  2. Marcy !!!! Que bom que vc apareceu :)

    Eu sempre acompanho as fotinhos que vc poe la no orkut.... ta linda viu ?

    E menininho ne ? Ta chegando a hora.. que felicidade :)

    Eh menino sim.... Marcus Stradlin Knight! :)

    Marcela, ta linda a tua barriga. Eu estou de 4 meses, nasce em Abril. Eu me sinto super cansada, sem vontade de sair da cama. Espero que logo eu comece a me sentir melhor, quero voltar pra academia que ja faz umas 6 semanas.

    Eu me senti cansada no comeco.... mas agora no final da gravidez eu estou praticamente MORTA. Ainda to trabalhando normalmente, mesmas horas, mas semana que vem, na minha 36th semana, eu comeco a trabalhar menos. Aproveita cada fase..... eh mto bom!!! E ve se coloca fotos da sua barriga pra gente ver tbm.

  3. Hey mommas,

    I have 2 questions:

    do every women's belly button stick out at a certain point? if so, when does it start?

    is it normal for your belly hair to grow? like from my belly button up to my boobs, a line of hair that wasnt there before.

    My belly button started sticking out early this month (8th month), and I never got the dark line either... just more light hair everywhere at first, then it went away.

    Nessa, try this website..... www.whattoexpect.com it's sooooo good! Just like VJ but for pregnant women.

  4. Oi amores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que saudades!!!!!!!!

    Estou passando pra deixar um beijo e dizer que falta pouco pro meu baby nascer. Umas 4 semanas soh. Talvez o medico tenha que induzir, porque ele estah crecendo mto. Estou ficando nervosa.... mas minha mae estah vindo pra cah dia 9 de novembro, entao estou mto feliz tbm!

    Quando ela e minha irma foram tirar o visto, minha mae passou, mas minha irma foi negada! Ve se pode..... Estou com tanta saudade da minha pequenininha.... mas pelo jeito vou ter que esperar ateh o proximo ano pra ve-la de novo.

    Nessa.... estou sabendo q vc tbm estah esperando um baby!!! Como estah se sentindo e com quanto tempo vc estah?


  5. Hey girls... I havent been here in a while but just wanted to stop by and let you know DH and I are gonna have a baby. I'm 12 weeks along, just heard the heartbeat yesterday, it was amazing. Hoping to see some familiar faces around here....

  6. Marcela!! good to see you again :luv:

    Welshicookie (F)

    Hey Welsh!!!!! Good thing you signed as Welsh or I wouldn't have known your new nickname.

    Who's Mister Fancypants? :P

    Good to hear from you Luz and Gary... hope things are going great for you too!!

    awwwww I'm emotional..... lol

  7. Hey!!! The pizza bizz is going great and I'm very happy at work. I've been enjoying life here like I had no idea.

    How are you both doing?

    Oh... I thought that sounded like Gupt.... lol... somethings never change!

  8. I dont know if you remember me but I sure remember you and have missed you all a lot lately. I haven't posted in a long time but I'm glad tosee this is still up and going.

    I hope you're all doing well and, if not reunited with your love yet, that it'll happen soon.

    I'll try to be on more often (man I really miss the mess this can be). I just feel kinda lost right now, not knowing what's new and what is going on around here.

    Any major updates? New trolls I should be aware of?

  9. Marilyn, after a few months without posting and visiting the Off Topic section.... I have to say I'm very happy to read about your pregnancy.

    I wish you the best!!!

    Oh and all the other moms to be too, of course! :)

  10. Ah nao tem muita novidade..... levando a vida normal mesmo. Deixa eu pensar...... comprei um carrinho pra mim ha duas semanas atras! YAY!! :dance:

    Eu, David e um amigo nosso estamos planejando nossa ida ao Brasil em maio do ano que vem. Espero que nada mude ateh lah porque eu estou muiiiiito ansiosa pra ver minha familia.

    Eu estou amando morar aqui. Me ajustando cada vez mais sem nenhum problema. Fiz um monte de amizades, mas sempre me da uma saudadezinha de voces aqui do VJ. Sempre dou uma passadinha pra ler tudo :)

    2014 tah tao longe.......

    Well, melhor do que nada neh! :P

  11. Hey girlies :)

    Just decided to drop by to say hi and I miss you all very much! I wish I wasn`t always so lazy when I`m home :P

    Things here have been great... really really great! I hope I`ll find the time to actually sit here and tell you all about everything that has been going on.

    Happy to see you`re all still here, and happy!


  12. So, David and I got married on April 17th!!! YAY! :)

    Now it`s time to file for AOS, I know.... but I want to know if I really only have till May 11th (90 day mark) to do it. I asked my parents to send my birth certificate + english translation to me and it`ll probably take a couple of weeks till I get those in the mail. Also, we`re kinda tight this month because of the wedding expenses, moving, and all.... so we`d rather wait a few weeks to save some money. I think the AOS has nothing to do with the 90 day mark (which is when you have to be married), but I just want to make sure I`m not screwing everything up!

    Oh, one more question while I`m at it..... do I have to file for EAD? Would I not be able to work if I only had my green card?

    Thank you guys!

  13. Oi amiguitchas!!! Me sinto tao mal por nao estar postando tanto quanto antes. Minha vida aqui anda uma loucura. Terca feira me caso no civil. Vamos fazer uma cerimonia soh na courthouse por enquanto. A cerimonia religiosa e a festa vao ficar pra quando meus pais e minha irma puderem vir.

    Estou numa duvida cruel.... nao sei se uso meu vestido que mandei fazer no brasil ou se procuro um outro vestido e guardo esse pra depois. Meus pais dizem que mesmo nao tendo festa, terca feira vai ser um dia mto importante e que eu devo vestir o que me fizer sentir especial. Que duvida cruel!!!!!! :blush:

    Estou trabalhando na pizzaria da familia e ajudando bastabte por lah. Eh um ambiante otimo e eu simplesmente amo o que eu faco! Eh mto bom poder ajudar com as despesas tbm. Estou me adaptando super bem, melhor do que eu esperava. As vezes tenho umas crises de choro.... saudade da familia! Mas essas crises sao raras e sempre que sinto mta falta deles, entro na net e ligo a webcam.

    Adoro a cidade, os amigos, a familia, as pessoas.... tudo e todos me receberam de bracos abertos! Essa semana vou me increver na escola de direcao e estou morrendo de vontade de tirar minha carteira aqui! Eh a unica coisa que esta faltando..... fora isso minha vida finalmente entrou em harmonia.

    Morro de saudades de voces e eu quero muito encaixar o VJ na minha rotina... eu soh tenho que me organizar melhor.

    Beijos e espero que todas vcs estejam felizes!!!!!!!!

  14. I love this place and everyone here is treating me so well. His family is amazing and I couldn`t feel more at home.

    Brother Dean, that was very flatering :) Thank you everyone for the nice messages, you guys rock and make every step a lot easier to take!

    Oh and by the way.... it`s cooooooold here!!! :P

  15. I GOT HERE!!!!! :)

    I got here yesterday and it was amazing! I love everything here and already met part of his family, his favorite places around, some of his friends, etc. The kitty even knew who I was because he had heard my voice so many times before, because David and I used the webcamera everynight.

    I feel good just being here and being able to live a normal life. For now :P

    David has been great and being with him after so long couldn`t feel any better.

    The POE was easy, and I`ll post about it later.

    I couldn`t forget to thank all of you for everything you represent to me. My escape, my firends, my strength.... thank you so much!

    I wish all of you the best of luck and I`ll be around just as much because I love this family we have become! (F)

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