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Posts posted by HannahAndLeslie

  1. Uscis changed the medical rule in June 2014. So if you had a medical prior to June 2014 then you should not get an RFE for a new medical however if you got a medical after June then you will most definitely need a new medical completed once your original medical exam that is valid for 1 year expires. If you read the NPIW thread here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/452854-notice-of-potential-interview-waiver-case/page-133AOS applicants have received an RFE for a new medical due to expiry. It sucks but there's not much else we can do. FYI my medical expires end of June 2015 :(

    Thanks for clearing that up. Mine expires towards the end of July

  2. Oh dear! Have you read the NPIW thread? It can go a lot longer than 6 months :( here's hoping it's less! I expect I'll get one of these letters shortly...

    There's a thread for NPIW letter recipients if you wanna join for some support :) I'm expecting one of these letters myself too.

    Thanks! Just reading some entries brings up concerns that I didn't even think about. Risk of the overseas medical expiring and having to fork out for another medical seems really unfair. Oh jeez fingers crossed that it doesn't take THAT long.

  3. Had my AOS interview, and ..finally! Approved!

    The immigration officer was a nice lady...we discussed some things in the application, all good, liked my photos (she chose 3 pages). She gave me a document that said "the case is in review" ...and I was like @$##$% and then she explained that I can't leave the country until I get the GC, and if I have to then return for an infopass, and explained the ROC, the 90 days etc.....so I thought...maybe it was approved? The interview was at 8.20am, and lasted like 30 minutes, then around 4.30pm I got a txt msg that my case was updated, and when I checked...new card is being produced!

    Thank you all for the support we give each other!

    I feel so...exhausted .....I just want to....sleep.....zzZZzz...


    My husband and I went for our interview and we were approved for the 2 year green card.

    When we came into the building we went through the security. We then went to the receptionist and gave her our appointment letter. She told us to sit and we waited for my husbands name to be called. There were 4 other couples waiting.

    Once we were called in, we took an oath before sitting down.

    We sat down and the interviewer asked for both of our stated IDs. She then asked for my husbands passport.

    She then went through our I-485 form, line by line, asking both of us to verify the information that was on file.

    For example, the first question was for my husband, she asked him for his full legal name. The next question was for me and she asked me when is my husbands birthday. She went through the whole form alternating between my husband and I answering the questions. Then my husband was asked to sign and date the form.

    She asked me my husbands parents names, when did I meet them and how often do I communicate with them.

    How and when did we meet

    How long after meeting did we start dating

    Where was our first date.

    She then asked me if I had any additional documents to submit as proof of our relationship. I handed everything I had compiled, but she didn't look through it nor did she ask any questions.

    She asked for any pictures. We gave her our photo album and some print outs of pictures that we have posted on Facebook. She looked through the album asking us when and where did we take each picture. She asked how many people attended our engagement party.

    Her last question was for me. She asked which of our trips did I feel most close to him.

    She told us to expect an envelope with the green card in a few weeks. Then she escorted us out.


  4. I am sorry, I have only posted a couple of times, but I will fill out my timeline soon (hopefully today)

    Anyway, we had our interview yesterday.

    First let me say, we had no fraud factors. We are similar in age, my spouse had never been in the US before she began to visit me, she had never overstayed any visas,etc.

    We had an early morning appointment (750am). We arrived at 0730, went through security, and sat down in a room full of empty chairs.

    Promptly at 0800 we were called to the back. We went into an office with our interviewer. I had a giant stack of documents.

    Our interviewer was pretty stern, but at the same time not rude.

    We were sworn in.

    The interviewer began to ask questions of my russian spouse, but was quickly underwhelmed by my spouse's english, and asked if we needed a translator. I said "she doesn't need one, and anyway we don't have one". Because my spouse is fine with english. But maybe the cadence of the interviewer wasn't good for her. Anyway, quickly the interviewer became frustrated again, and picked up the phone to order a translator.

    They kept the interviewer on the phone too long so the interview resumed.

    After that it went pretty smoothly. The packet questions were asked, (have you ever been arrested? been a prostitute? etc.) They were asked in the sequence from the aos packet. Then each one was checked off in red pen "no".

    The interviewer asked a few questions of my spouse. Why were you married before? Why did that marriage fail?

    Then she asked me how we met. She asked me to pronounce the airport in Moscow where i flew...

    I found the questions to be "tricky", but only if you are not telling the truth. Had i not been to moscow, which has 4 major airports, I could have chosen the wrong one, nevermind how to pronounce it.

    Then we were asked about what evidence we had. I showed our bank account, cell phone family plan with records and bills, our medical insurance on my employers plan and a pet adoption record with our joint names.

    I began to show photos, but The interviewer quickly said "i have already seen those! dont show me the ones you already sent!" so, I started showing some new ones, which were taken and kept, to be placed with our file.

    Finally, the interviewer said "okay--I am approving your case." and then she stamped our file, with a big stamp.

    I was relieved and excited of course, but i was weary that i had heard wrong :) So the interviewer repeated ..."you are approved, you are now a lawful permanent resident"


    The process was about 35 minutes or so.

    As for my thoughts,

    I front loaded a lot of evidence, and i feel it did help. I saw many people say it doesn't, but the fact that our interviewer said "don't show me those photos that you already sent" indicates that our file was already viewed and sort of an opinion is formed at bit beforehand. Also, the file that was on the desk was about 4-5 inches thick!!

    Good luck everyone!

    We are same sex couple too. We had our AOS interview on the 10th of this month. Our interviewer was very nice, my wife is not that fluent in English as well but the questions requires simple answers, such as what is our address, my wife's father and mother names, my birth date. My interviewer was a very nice lady, we have this impression that she was very friendly and patience. So that right away, put relieve to our interview. She then asked me a few questions about how we met, the trip I took to see her, how often I go, where was my wedding, what is my wedding date etc.

    She then told me that she did not see any issues with our application and that it is approved. However, she didn't stamp her passport saying that they don't do that often anymore. Only with emergency case with travel plans will they do that. We are in a hurry to travel, so it doesn't really matter that her passport is not stamped. It would have been nice to have some proof :). But currently our green card is ordered for production, so I think we will get our green card soon.

    Congrats guys!!! :D We are yet to have our interview

  5. I'm just going to chime in here on something not related at all to the OP so please forgive me. I just want to say how thrilled I am to be reading about the progress of same sex couples. Two and a half years ago when i started coming here to prepare for my visa journey this type of thread wasn't even happening as far as I know.

    So I just want to say how happy I am for all those same sex couples out there who are able to start this journey. I hope a lot of couples on the board happen to see this though I doubt they will as it is a bit of a random post in a random place.

    For those of us who think WE waited a long time to be with our loved ones (I'm not one... I got lucky and was fast) there are so many other couples who have been together for years and simply had no option just because they were of the same sex. So congrats to all of you who are finally able to be together!!!!

    Thanks so much :) <3

  6. I am terrified of driving))) In Russia we just use the metro and bus)) My husband tells me I am being a chicken and that I should go test and get a car)) I think I will when I return home))

    I didn't drive in the UK either as public transportation was great and it was very easy to get around. I just got my learners permit here in Nebraska and my wife is trying to teach me. I must admit, I am nervous but we all have to start somewhere. Good luck! :)

  7. We had an frfe, and we responded to it and it was recieved november 19th, stattus still saying Rfe response was recieved. I recently had my biometrics and now have my ead thank god, but i would think the status should had changed a bit at least

    Mine still shows this too

    Hi my fellow vjers,

    :dance: I was finally approved this morning. My journey is over for now. All the best to everyone here. And just in time for my B day which is tommorrow. YYYYEEEEAAAAAA :dancing:

    Awesome!! Congratulations!! Happy Birthday for tomorrow! What a great Birthday gift :)

  8. Hi Hannah, I learned from your timeline that you've received your EAD after 8 days of approval. How was it mailed to you? I am still waiting for the actual combo card. Where was it sent from?

    I received a RFE too. Not to worried about the AOS timeframe as long as I can go out work and travel.

    Hi there :)

    I received my EAD via USPS. It stated that it would take 2 days to deliver when the status changed to 'mailed'. It also stated 2 days while inwas tracking it too. Then suddenly it changed to 'out for delivery' and I received it that day (1 day early :) ). I believe it was sent from the Missouri location. Fingers crossed that yours will be in your hand real soon.

  9. Help!

    For those who have an Interview waiver letter or are expecting one; can you please join in to get something added to the visajourney immigration timelines?

    I started a thread here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/531703-aos-potential-interview-waivers-timeline/

    Basically, we need something, ANYTHING to reflect data for those who won't be getting an interview to receive their 2 year conditional greencard.

    This way we can estimate what percentage (25%, 50%, 75% etc) of AOS'ers actually get their greencard without an interview, and what timeframe is average to get the greencard from first filing AOS (It could be 6,9,12, or more months)

    Please feel free to spread the word to get this ball rolling. :) Thanks!

    GREAT idea!! :D

  10. Form I-693 only needs to be completed if the overseas medical form (form DS-3025) was not complete and there were vaccinations missing. A civil surgeon is needed for this. They will fill out the form and seal it in an envelope. If this is not the case and the form is complete, then you just need to send in the DS-3025 with your AOS application. The iveeseas medical also needs to be within 1 year of applying for AOS.

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