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Posts posted by Stephaniazg

  1. Hi! You can send the AOS fee but I wouldn't recommend it. I suggest you pay the AOS fee through the payment portal, wait for the IV fee to be invoiced and pay that. Once both are shown as paid in the payment portal, then send BOTH packages together with the cover letter you receive from paying the invoices.

    This cover letter helps them keeps track of everything and you don't want to risk them losing anything!

  2. Exactly - this process works better for anyone just now starting at the NVC process but not for us who had to wait months to do what they can do now in one week.

    One month means a lot if our AOS package is returned with a checklist. The first person I spoke with, Artie, ended up yelling at me saying that this works to our advantage. I called again to get a different person and she apologized saying that ALL applicants must now go through this so regardless of the fact that the process was different when we began, we will have to wait until they review the IV package. Very fustrating :(

  3. I am so happy that the NV has simplifed the process for applicants! I just wish they communicated this better as I am on day 60 of having sent my AOS package and eagerly called this morning only to find out from a very rude operator that I have to wait another month since they will be reviewing with my IV package :/ Just really hoping both get accepted!!

    Everyone here probably knows this quote but it always makes me feel better to say it! "“Distance is not for the fearful, it's for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those who know a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough” Good luck everyone on your cases!!!

  4. Hi there!

    Looks like we have a lot in common! I also live in NYC and my husband lives in England. Your steps are a bit off as noted from the person above. First and foremost, I would suggest having your I-130 ready to submit immediately after getting married. The USCIS is always delayed and even though they publish a 5 month processing time, it actually takes much longer.

    Once you submit your I-130, which is relatively simple, its just a waiting game. The NVC is a bit more complicated but there is a wiki available that is very helpful. http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/NVC_Process

    Right now Matthew and I are finishing up at the NVC so feel free to send me a message if you have any questions!!

    Best of luck and am excited for you city hall marriage! It was lovely there :)


  5. Hello,

    My husband is from the UK and since we filed our petition, we were worried as well about his visits. He has come over for plenty of visits, some longer than others, and we had no problem. He always brings proof of employment, and copies of our immigration forms to show that he is coming back to the UK and that we are doing it the right legal way. He discloses this information everytime he gets to custom and has never had a problem and never even gets to the point where he must show proof.

    Good luck!!

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