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Posts posted by dioxide45

  1. They provided us with Passport applications at my ceremony, but there was no passport control officer there accepting them. Though I was at a small ceremony. I have read about larger ceremonies where they take applications, but you still have to provide your original certificate of naturalization. The only way I am aware of to retain your original certificate is to apply in person at one of the Regional Passport Agencies.

  2. On 10/7/2017 at 1:11 PM, marcusa said:

    then you have to go applying for a duplicate certificate out of your pocket. this is the easiest way if the money is not a big issue.


    i always wondered why the passport agency ask for original certificate and keep them for a while,and send it back in a  cheap 49-cents first-class USPS mail.  It possibly get lost,damaged or wrinkled so easily. also, they might send you the wrong certificate or even a black/white photocopy in this case.The passport agency or the passport factory are NOT responsible for any lost ,error and  damages of your original certificates. Then receiver will pay for their faults. 


    A reason why it is good to apply in person at a Passport Agency if you are close enough and you can. The officer that takes your application validates your documents and gives them back on the spot. The passport follows later once processed.

  3. You must send the original. Chances are very low of them losing it or it otherwise getting lost somehow. If it is lost, as long as you get the Passport back first, you have all you need to prove citizenship. If you are concerned about mailing the certificate with your application, if you are close enough to a passport office, you could apply in person and they return your certificate to you right then and there.

  4. On 1/5/2017 at 2:31 PM, charmander said:

    I updated my SSA records over the Christmas break more than 5 months after gaining US citizenship. Call it laziness.


    I took both my passport and naturalization certificate but they only looked at my passport. Gave me a confirmation sheet in the end. I kept my current SSA card since I didn't make any name change and it didn't have any employment authorization notice. 

    Similar experience here. Though I was perhaps more like 8 or 10 months after naturalization before I went to the SSA office to update my status. From what I understand, the status only really matters when you go to file a SS claim. Either at retirement or if you have a disability claim. So no rush for many in most cases.

  5. On 2/4/2017 at 8:05 PM, silkafi88 said:

    Please do not give false information.


    If the kid is living in the custody of the naturalized parent. Has a green card and is less than 18 years old the day the parent naturalizes the kid acquires citizenship automatically. 

    The kid doesn't have to apply for anything. 

    The parent can either apply for a passport or a citizenship certificate for the kid. Short term proof is the passport, long term proof is the citizenship certificate even though it costs and arm and a leg. 


    Good luck. 

    The question was what would be needed to obtain a US Passport for the OPs son. Not what would be necessary for them to be a US Citizen.

  6. On 2/6/2017 at 2:22 PM, Chardon Ne' said:

    This is the I9 form that employers use to verify eligibility for work. When you apply for a job you just have to present at a minimum any one of these. You should be getting a naturalization document in the mail that you can use. http://jobs.irs.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg-uploads/files/IRSDownloads/I-9EmploymentEligibilityVerification.pdf

    Not sure what naturalization document you would receive in the mail. You receive your naturalization certificate after taking the Oath at the Oath Ceremony. 


    As a Citizen you really don't need to provide anything different than a permanent resident does. Drivers license and Social Security card is all that is needed. As long as that SS Card doesn't indicate you are not authorized for employment.

  7. I applied for my Passport at the Passport Agency in Detroit. I didn't have immediate travel. Travel was set for about 10 days after my Oath Ceremony.When I applied, I was given my Naturalization Certificate back on the spot. My Passport came via USPS two days later. When you apply at a Passport Agency, an officer actually accepts your application and validates your ID and proof of citizenship at the window. They have no need to then hold your certificate after that and you should be able to walk out with it. At least this was my experience in Detroit. YMMV.

  8. I will submit my application through overnight delivery and expedited the process even though I have no plan on traveling. This way I can cut down in the timeline I'd have to wait to receive my original certificate. I wish there was a way I could expedited the delivery of my Certificate and pay upfront for certified mail.

    Why not just apply in person at a Passport Agency? If you profile information is correct, there is a Passport Agency in Aurora CO. They will review your application and you walk out with your Nat Cert and receive the passport in the mail later.

  9. Depending on your office, you might want to make the InfoPass appointment now for as far out as you think is needed. For Cincinnati, I had the ability to make an InfoPass only a few days in advance though I think I made it about a week or more out. For busier offices they may not have available times for weeks out. Best to have an appointment and cancel than to need the appointment and not be able to get in for three or more weeks.

  10. This is getting way over-blown. A parking ticket is not a traffic violation, its a fine - overstaying your time in a parking garage does not fit the definition of violating a traffic law by any stretch of the imagination. And it was in a foreign country.

    On N445 the question indicates:

    4. Have you been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, including traffic violations?

    I don't disagree. I was responding specifically to the mention that you don't have to report a citation of $500 or less, not necessarily to the OPs issue. I agree that they likely don't need to be concerned with their parking violation.

  11. There's a reason why they clearly stated on the letter that you should keep this interview date even if you have plan that day. Because honestly if I was USCIS the new policy would be to reschedule the interview 6 months from the date of cancellation because of the burden on the interviewer when an appointment is cancelled. The only way I would cancel my interview date is if my son is admitted to ER with serious life threatening condition which is unlikely. Not going to cancel such interview to take a trip to Paris or Italy.

    You can cancel or reschedule for all we care but at the very least we understand how hard it is to get an interview date to begin with. This is why most will recommend cancel the trip and go finish what you started.

    I am not sure what the burden is, as long as you ask for the interview to be rescheduled well in advance. They likely just fill that time slot with someone else. Life happens, people have previous plans. They offer the option to reschedule, there is nothing wrong with doing that. I don't understand why you say it is so hard to get an interview date to begin with. Almost everyone that files form N400 will get an interview.

  12. I wouldn't list attending church for question #9.

    For#23, you should answer Yes since she was cited with a traffic offense. This is a topic of great discussion, some say to not include them other say to include them. I say it is better to answer Yes since she had to appear before a judge. They likely won't be interested in the traffic ticket though.

  13. No, USCIS clearly indicates that you don't have to report any traffic violation if the fine was under $500. But you are more than welcome to report it if you wish.

    Not so sure it is clear. They state you don't need to provide documentation of the citation/offense if it was under $500. Of course, how do you prove it was under $500 unless you have documentation to prove such? Under $500 or not, you should still report it on the N400. Though many do not and never have a problem.

  14. The only way I know to be able to hold on to your certificate when applying, is to apply at a Passport Agency. They will review the original certificate when they take your passport application and give it back right their. The Dept of State does not extend the ability of Acceptance Agencies to verify proof of citizenship, so you have to send your original naturalization certificate with the application.

  15. I naturalized last October and just went to the SSA office earlier this month to have them update my status. I just never had the chance to get around to it. I think it would really only matter when you go to collect benefits. So you could probably just update your status at that time?

    I think the status matters as to how / when benefits are paid out. A citizen can collect benefits living anywhere in the world, a PR can only collect if they live in the USA? Not sure if that is true, but I recall reading that somewhere. I could be wrong though.

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