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Posts posted by TomJK

  1. Hope to make this purchase! Interview Approved yesterday so need to get that VISA in hand soon! :D

    Congratulations for you! A friend of mine knew a travel agent and we were able to get the whole thing done through EVA Air, she got it all done within 20 minutes! I am going to use a travel agent from now on.

  2. SEATAC was a breeze for us when my fiancée came here. Really friendly and easy going. In and out in 30 or so minutes. No questions for us, I was with her, but they did give us the "Marry in 90 days" instructions. She thought it was great when they said "Welcome to the United States!"

    Good luck!

    Wow! Thanks so much! Michael is coming in this Sunday Aug 17, I am so excited and trying to get everything ready for him in the house. I will not be with him but waiting for him at the airport so I am really hoping it is as easy as yours!

    Thanks again


  3. Hello

    I am trying to purchase a plane ticket for my fiancee to come to the United States from Manila. How do I do that? Every time I try to use an online service I am told that Philippine law requires that a one way ticket must be purchased in the Philippines. How do I do that and also use my Alaska Airline mileage program so I have to use one of their partners like Delta or Korean Air ?

    Thanks so much!


  4. Hello everyone

    I am ready to purchase a ticket for my fiancee to come to the US as soon as he receives his visa, he passed the interview on July 31! We are both so excited. I have Alaska Airlines Mileage program which partners with Korean Airlines. However I cannot purchase a ticket from Manila to Seattle on Korean Airline site because it tells me I have to purchase all one way tickets only in the Philippines. How does this work? Is there a travel agency in the Philippines I can use to buy his ticket and do it online?

    Thanks so much for all your help!


  5. If you got an email stating your interview has been moved to July 31st then you don't need to do anything but show up will ALL required documents plus bring a copy of the email may be a good idea as well.

    *** ... for sure never believe anything on "that" website again.

    From the embassy instructions letter, if they urge you not to arrange travel the wedding plan is next on the list to not schedule ;) :

     Do not finalize arrangements for travel to the United States, dispose of properties, or resign from your
    job until a visa has been issued and delivered to you. Generally, a one-entry fiancé(e) (K1) nonimmigrant
    visa is valid for six months from the date of issuance, unless its validity is limited by medical or other

    Yes Hank

    I have learned so much from this whole process, mostly how wonderful and supportive all of you have been on this forum and how helpful too. The whole thing would have been impossible without your advice. I have a wonderful caterer, florist, and chapel rental person who will move us to any open date if we need to. I can also reissue invitations so that is no crisis really, just frustrating. My family won't come anyway so their long distance travel isn't an issue either.

    Learning as I go along in the OTHER more wonderful Washington :)


    Just print the email the embassy sent him for July 31 interview and bring it with him on that day. Include also that appointment confirmation that got cancelled. They will give him a form to fill up there inside the embassy for the visa delivery address. Good luck for his upcoming interview and speedy visa delivery so you can get your fiancee plane ticket right away before your scheduled wedding..

    Thank you SO much, that is exactly what we have planned to do. Michael also scheduled his CFO even though he knows he will need to go back there for the stamp once he gets the visa issued. I know this will all continue to work out we just have to keep at it and avoid more typhoons :)

  6. I am in a same situation.

    We are all set to schedule the interview, except she is waiting for the Russian police certificate,

    which can take up to 4 months according to their embassy, and it's now 4th week.

    We plan to wait it out and not risk going to the interview too early.

    Best wishes.

    Thanks, our interview just got postponed due to the typhoon so we have more time for Qatar certificate. I read online that if you have emails and proof of trying to get the certificate and making every attempt to get it they will let that go, just have to show that you have done all you can to get the certificate. They are well aware that people have lots of problems getting these. Isn't the paperwork fun?

    Hope you get it soon

  7. Good morning from the West Coast:

    My fiancée's interview on July 16 was cancelled due to the typhoon Glenda. He received an email saying that it would be rescheduled for July 31. On the website though there is no interview date listed and even the delivery option he had selected has been removed. A message there says the first available date for interview is September 15. This is so frustrating. We have been approved for interview since March 2014. I scheduled our wedding for September 20 and have deposited several thousand dollars, dumb I know, but I read on some website that having definite plans made the case stronger. I have sent a message to the embassy asking them why the July 31 reschedule date is not showing up on his dashboard. Is anyone else in the same situation and have you been able to resolve it?

    If I find out anything I will post it here as well.

    Extremely frustrated in Washington state.


  8. What the heck are Sky Flakes? Are they as good as Lucky Charms? ;)

    Also, I agree: a 221g will be given. My fiance's appointment in Ireland was delayed by 3 weeks due to a South African police cert being lost in the mail. booooooo KEEP your interview date! :D

    Sky Flakes are crackers made in the Philippines and they are just the most awesome cracker I have every had. They are similar to Club Crackers but taste better, probably more oil in them :) They are very good and irresistible lol....Yes we will keep the interview appointment and just hope that the good people of Qatar will listen to the agent we hired and move as fast as they can.............

  9. Hey Tom! Agreed with Caryh. If the Qatar Police certificate didn't arrive by the time of Michael's interview, he will only receive a 221g. The issuance of his visa will then be pending until the embassy receives it. But given the difficulty of getting an appointment with USEM now, I would also just hold on to that July 16th interview date.

    Ahhh.. Skyflakes! It does give me nostalgic thoughts. It helped me survive hunger during thrifty college days! :D I don't see any here in the near Asian supermarkets though.

    Thanks so much for the information! They are selling Sky Flakes here on the West Coast apparently because a friend of Michael's was able to get them sent to the ship in Florida and it says on the big plastic container that they are export to the West Coast. Maybe they will soon spread to the whole country!


  10. Thank you both so very much! Since Michael is very eager to get here, as I am sure all the K 1 fiancees are, he will probably want to do the CFO interview early if he can possibly do so. He lives in Dasmarinas so it is relatively close to Manila if you don't mind a full day in traffic :) But the wonderful Philippino people are very patient and never seem to complain about how long it takes to get everything. I am so humbled by his patience, his belief in a higher power, and his ability to always look on the bright side of things. I am a teacher and recently one of our teachers was complaining about her new classroom in our new 117 million dollar school because her window will not show Mt Rainier, and I just couldn't control myself! I said my fiancée family still needs a roof on their house after Yolanda, the typhoon season regularly hits with at least 25 storms, and you are complaining because you cant see a mountain?!!! She wont probably talk to me much anymore lol.

  11. If it is required, they will issue a 221G requesting the police clearance. He will then send the clearance via the 2Go to the embassy.

    Some countries will not give police clearances if you're not currently living in that country. The USEM is aware of those countries, and you might get lucky that this is one of them. Except for the fact you've already paid $800 USD to get one. He should bring the documented attempts to get one though.

    BTW enjoy your sky flakes. My wife enjoyed them for a while after arrival, but now finds the American versions a touch better. Which is rare for her considering she mainly only eats Filipino food after almost three years here.

    Thanks so much for the information! Unfortunately Qatar does not require you to live in the country in order to get the clearance so it is obtainable, it just takes time. Yes so many costs for this process but so worth it. I hope they do not require the document.

    Funny your wife no longer likes Sky Flakes, when I returned from my trip to Manila during Christmas the official in San Francisco who checked my passport was a US Filipino and he asked me if I had brought any Sky Flakes back and I said yes my suitcase is full of them and he was hoping I had some in my carry on :) I have to sneak them as they are not on my official diet at this point :)

  12. Can the K 1 Fiancee attend the CFO before the USEM interview in Manila? Is this a smart thing to do or should he wait until he has his US VISA package in hand? My understanding is that the K 1 packet is sealed and cannot be opened until arrival in the US so how does my fiancée give the CFO people the data and number of his visa ? This is confusing :)

    Thanks so much for all of your help!


  13. My fiancée Michael and I are lucky enough to have finally gotten our US Embassy appointment in Manila scheduled for July 16. All of the paper work is ready, except we are trying to get his police clearance certificate from Qatar. I hired a firm in Qatar to obtain it and have sent them the required documents via courier at great expense. They now need a current Police Clearance Certificate from the Philippines, original form sent by courier! Michael is on a cruise ship and will not return to Philippines until July 1 and then he can get current Police Clearance and then send to Qatar. I am worried what will happen if it does not arrive in time for the interview? I have kept all of the emails between myself and the firm in Doha, and the receipt for the US 800 it will cost to get the document.

    Is it enough to show that we tried everything to get the document? If it does not arrive in time for his interview then how does it get the document to the embassy if they hold his visa until they receive it?

    Thanks so much for the help on this forum it has been the best place in the world to get help.

    Thomas in Seattle waiting for my fiancée, and eating Sky Flakes, the best food in the world :)

  14. Hey everyone! Last week was our last week of school, I had to pack up my classroom to move into our new school building and also scheduled Michael's interview appointment in Manila for July 16!!!! I cannot thank all of you so much for your kindness and support for both of us. Now we just have to get that police clearance certificate from Qatar, but i Heard if you can show that you made every attempt to get one that the embassy might not require it.....hope that is the case if it doesnt reach the Philippines in time.

    Thanks everyone and good luck to you all!!!!!


  15. Getting an appointment is the most absolutely the most frustrating thing at I have done.

    But to be honest I am sitting here in the US with a roof over my head and food in my refrigerator, my fiancé also has a roof over her head and food on the table. The typhoon created unimaginable devastation to peoples lives their families. There are children with no parents, their parents that have lost children and have nowhere to work living underneath the plastic tent.

    The monsoon and typhoons season is once again upon Philippines again. Im pretty sure the embassys very overwhelmed with the daunting task of helping the people. As much as I want my fiancé to get the visa I understand their people in need that make up before me.

    I believe if Im patient and understanding it will work out!

    Lonesome what a noble and intelligent person you are.

  16. New Question:

    Since it seems that my fiancee's profile page is correct my question is that I was literally online on the page all weekend, once time for 13 straight hours, I carried my laptop with me everywhere, i refreshed the page every 15 seconds, I stayed awake and didn't sleep or anything and i NEVER saw even for a second any dates appear. I thought the dates would at least appear for a second or two and then disappear, but NOTHING ever came up on my screen. I know that they released dates. Is there any reason they did not appear even for a second on my screen? Do they ONLY appear if you have a chance to grab them?

    Just wondering that if they never appear unless you can get one then how can you select or click one at all?


  17. PAL is horrendous. They are cheap but the cheapness comes at a cost: Almost always late, inedible food, dirty old planes. If you have the money, get a different airline.

    Candy flew PAL once. ONCE. Get my drift?

    I would definitely agree with this one. When Michael my fiancee came to the US on his C1/D Visa to go to work on the cruise ship the PAL plane broke down right before take off, the flight was canceled for a whole day, and then the next day almost didn't take off. Not something I would ever take. Not worth a life, no offense to the local airline, I wish it was better :)


  18. Hi everyone

    I know they released dates over the weekend and I also know that I stayed online without sleep for 13 hours. I never saw any change in my screen and I refreshed it every three or four seconds. I need to find out if there is something wrong with the profile or why it will not let me schedule any appointments.

    My fiancée returns to the Philippines in ten days from his job on the cruise ship so maybe he will be able to find out what is wrong.

    What an insane process and so impossible. I need all the good karma I can get.


  19. Yes it's true every time they release a date it won't last few seconds coz so many people are waiting and constantly checking online to get an schedule. My case was expedited and had to go through the same process. I have waited more than two weeks being online day and night until I finally came across with a perfect date...Don't give up your time will come just extend your patient a little bit longer.

    Thank you so much for your kindness and sorry for my rant and crazy words. I went out and got a hamburger and fries and now I am happier :)

  20. CFO is Commission on Filipino Overseas everyone from the Philippines is required to get the CFO certificate and must have stamp/sticker on their passport before leaving the Country.

    Thanks so much. I just called the embassy and they took allmy information and then said I needed to stay online and keep checking I told the guy that I have been online for two days straight, Ihavent salept in 12 hours and he said that they released dates already and they filled up....that is impossible because I literally have been online for 12 hours nonstop and saw nothing. He said to check in a week. This is absolutrely the worst procedure ever. Shame on the USEmbassy in Manila!!!!

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