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Posts posted by stevana

  1. Current income is what matters. As long as you make over the poverty line now, you'll be alright. My petitioner didn't make over the poverty line on 2013 nor file taxes for the most recent returns (2013 at that time for us) for our case, we got approved without a joint sponsor because he made more than the poverty guide line now( May, 2014 - now). Of course, we followed the instruction by NVC to write the reason why he didn't file taxes for the most recent tax return. No checklists. We used the basic form (I-864) so I cannot say that from my own experience but I-864EZ should work out for you.

  2. Hi everyone. Well good and bad news.

    The bad is that I got a checklist this afternoon (dated yesterday) via email that said I was missing the DS-260 which I submitted about a week ago. I'm dumb and didn't realize that it also has a certain time frame to be reviewed. I thought it was just reviewed with your packets as long as it was submitted before the 60 days or that they would at least give a CC and set up an interview a little later once reviewed.

    I called the NVC and got cut off twice (I was calling from a phone app since I'm abroad) but I did get far enough for one agent to tell me that I now have to wait 60 days for DS-260 to be reviewed, however the confirmation email I got after submitting the DS-260 says 30 days. I'm hoping for 30!

    The good news is that she said it looks like the IV and AOS packages have been cleared! That's a huge relief!

    Let's hope that's all it is and I'm not missing any docs! I didn't get far enough to see if I need to reply formally to the checklist or just wait for them to clear the DS-260 and hopefully get a CC. I will call back on Monday, but does anyone have ideas?

    Good luck to everyone! Jealous of all the CCs and kicking myself because this was something easy that I could have submitted a while ago! Oh, well. You live and learn I suppose.

    I'm sorry to hear that you have to wait longer. Hope they'll give you CC in 30days, not in 60 days.

    And thank you!

  3. CONGRATS!!!! So, so excited for you! Hopefully they'll get you an appointment right away!

    Just checked online and still no N/A, so I've got a feeling that means a checklist....

    Best of luck with the interview and the move to the US! I will keep you posted about mine.

    Thank you and I hope that will happen :)

    Don't lose the hope yet, ivy75! Some didn't even see the N/A for CC.

    Yes. Stay in touch!

    Thank you! I cannot wait till I finally am able to go back to my husband!!!!! I miss him so much!

  4. Great News!!!!! I've got my CC today!!!! I saw 3 N/A today and just talked to a rep to confirm it.

    Scan date: Dec 2nd, CC: Jan 29th. It took 59 days for me. YOU ARE NEXT, ivy75!

    Anyway, that's a great system you have there in Spain. It was really hard.... a lot of depressing moments..But my husband has been working really hard to save up money for our future and I'v been dealing with this visa application pretty much by myself since i have more time than him. We kept ourselves busy like that.

    Now I can see the end of this journey! Thank you for your thought!!

    I hope you get CC really really soon!![/quo

    Congratulations!!! This is very exciting!!

    Thank you! You are next! Hope you hear the good news soon!!:)

    ame="neilsqueen" post="7451372" timestamp="1422575834]

    Congratulations and I am so happy for you and your husband... makes my hope high since our scan datr is on 15th of Dec. Hoping for cc and no more checklist in the next few days... also my husband is coming home in 8 days so I am really hoping that we will receive a good news of cc while we are together..

    Thank you very much!!!!!!:) That will happen to you! I'm sending you my thought! Wishing you the best of luck to you and your husband ;)

  5. First, I just found out someone got their CC this morning with an 11/28 scan date and no N/A on the website. The date make sense more or less taking into account the blizzard. Let's hope ours is sooooonnnn!


    And yes, my husband and I both live abroad, where we met, which is very lucky. I can't imagine being separated for so long, it must be so difficult for you and your husband. In Spain they sort out your residency in about a month or two once married and if you're from a visa waiver country, you can do it all within Spain, so you never have to be separated. Wish it was the same in the US!

    I'm hoping you and your husband can be reunited soon! Buying that one way ticket is going to feel so good for you!!

    Great News!!!!! I've got my CC today!!!! I saw 3 N/A today and just talked to a rep to confirm it.

    Scan date: Dec 2nd, CC: Jan 29th. It took 59 days for me. YOU ARE NEXT, ivy75!

    Anyway, that's a great system you have there in Spain. It was really hard.... a lot of depressing moments..But my husband has been working really hard to save up money for our future and I'v been dealing with this visa application pretty much by myself since i have more time than him. We kept ourselves busy like that.

    Now I can see the end of this journey! Thank you for your thought!!

    I hope you get CC really really soon!!

  6. I know, the order of review is strange. I agree that they must have certain agents that are quicker than others. Also, the blizzard is probably messing things up these past few days.

    Maybe it also has to do if they're reviewing a checklist vs packet? Maybe one is a little quicker than the other? I can't really find a pattern though when I look at others cases. My case was a little weird because I didn't send my IV package until about 60 days after my AOS because we were trying to slow the process a little. Luckily we don't need to move until the end of summer so if we do get a checklist we are still in our time frame, but it would be good to have some piece of mind and have CC instead of getting more docs together and waiting another 60 days!

    So yes, as you said let's stay positive together! I must admit though, I am checking the website constantly looking for that N/A! In a friend's case, she saw the N/A a few days before getting the CC.

    Yea....the blizzard... now they have more excuses for the delay of reviewing the cases.

    I thought that could be it too, but the person I know didn't have any checklist before and got CC 2 weeks ago. Really strange, right? I understand that if that's the case, it cannot be helped..

    We'll never be able to know how they handle everything unless you we talk to a supervisor and ask him/her probably.. Oh well.

    Oh ok. So you are living with your spouse outside the U.S. now huh? Good for you... at least you have your partner next to you to go through this process. In my case, my husband lives in the U.S. and I live in Japan. It's been almost a year since we are apart because of this process and I really want my case to be completed.

    I'm actually doing the same thing!!! Logging in the website multiple times a day. Nice! I hope we both see the magical 3 N/A & CC really soon!

  7. I have the same scan date as you, or at least I think so. I received the email on December 4, but it said they'd received my packet the 2nd.

    Anyways, I saw on another forum that someone with a scan date of December 3 just got CC today. They checked online and it was saying N/A instead of the usual "paid" under the "AOS fee" section which is supposed to be an early sign of CC.


    I'm really frustrated because I'm worried this means I'm getting a checklist...

    Yes, you are on the same boat and on the same page.

    I know exactly how you feel. I don't really know how they review the cases. My guess is that some agents are doing their jobs really quickly and some aren't. I believe that our case review is hand of an agent who haven't finished reviewing November scan dates applicants' paper works or something like that and haven't even touched ours yet. Because there are also some November scan date people just got their CC yesterday and today(Same date as those Dec scan date ppl)and some Nov-scan-date- ppl are still waiting for CC too. I called in NVC last Friday and a rep told me that it's not even been reviewed yet. I knew someone with Dec 2nd scan date who got CC on Jan 16th at that time and that's why I called. And your link shows that same scan date got CC yesterday. There is already a more than a week difference with same scan date there too.

    Let's stay positive together. We'll see the N/A soon or receive the CC email very soon!!:) ( I heard that 3 N/A doesn't happen to all the cases.) Our 60days mark is this coming up Friday, which is in couple of days. Finger crossed!! Hope we all get CC!!!

  8. Hi there.

    I also found a mistake on that specific section of DS260. In my case, I misread the question. I thought it was the last 5 years of your visit. hahahaha And I did't state the visits before that. I called NVC about it and a rep told me that it can be fixed at the interview. Just tell them the truth and it'll be alright. I'm still waiting on my case to be completed but I'll fix my mistake at the interview. So you can.

    Also, I have an answer to your question. It says in DS260 help section that "Help: Previous U.S. Visits - If you are unsure about when you visit the U.S., please provide a best estimate." So yea, you can let them know a best estimate of your visits!;)

  9. yay!!! that's wonderful news, i'm glad you got it too!

    I stopped logging in to the main site, it has some kind of glitch that logs me off.

    Try this one: https://ceac.state.gov/ctrac/invoice/signon.aspx

    I see my IV fee available to pay. I even clicked on the check box, but i'll pay as soon as i can. God willing.

    OMG! This link worked!!! Thank you sofi!!! :D I just made a payment!!!!

    jcparker - try her link to see if it works for you too!!!

  10. wow! just got the invoice. nice surprise. now i have to find a way to pay. hahaha.

    Praise to God for everything!

    ~ Sofi

    I paid mine on 10/25 and am just getting the IV invoice now, but after a request made to the supervisor on 11/24.

    God Willing you'll get it soon. If you have not already called to ask them to have a supervisor review it, you may want to do that now.

    **Best wishes**

    ~ Sofi

    I've got the invoice email too just now. Haha So happy.:) Although, when I log in, it still shows $0 amount for IV fee.. How about you Sofi?

    I probably just have to wait a little more time huh?

  11. Hi everyone! I need to get my police certificate translated. Although it only says that the document has to come with a certified translation, can it be anyone? Or does the translator has to be a certified translator as well? I know I can't do it my self, but can it be a family member? Do I need some kind of attorney or something to sign it etc.? I still cannot contact them to ask these questions :(.

    Hi there, I'm a Japanese citizen living in Japan now. I'm pretty sure the police certificate from Japan are already translated to English. I mean you are not supposed to open the envelop or it will be invalid. It says on the envelop that "to be opened by the addressee only"- "To : The Authorities Concerned United States of America( Content:Police Certificate)." So you won't need the translation for it.

  12. I assigned agent on Nov 7 and AOS Fee Paid Nov 8. On Nov 19 i called NVC and they told me DS261 is not reviewed but as you have called now its gonna reviewed now (otherwise it was going to take 30 days) and you will get IV invoice emails after 2 business days. I got no email and today i again called and they said your ds261 reviewed on Nov 20 and you will get IV Invoice email between Nov 28 to first week of Dec as NVC is backlogged.

    Also am i the only one who think that after Agent Assigned, AOS and IV fee payment you have to send all documents in one packet as written on following link http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/immigrate/immigrant-process/documents/Submit_documents.html


    Why people are sending Support Document early and then IV documents???

    I know exactly how you feel. That's what I thought and what it says there too. But I was told by a rep that I don't have to wait till the IV fee to be paid. And some others did. At the same time, from FB(I-130 group page), someone talked to SV at NVC about it and was told that it WILL DELAY your case if you don't wait for IV fee to be paid to send out your package. So many different opinions about it even reps at NVC. But there are so many of those who already sent out their package before the IV fee payment and got accepted without any problems as well. My husband suggests me to wait because that's what it says on their website. But if there is any shortcut, I would like to really take that. Because I'm here in Japan waiting for this whole journey to finish asap to finally live with my husband, I just don't want to waste any time. I'm pretty sure all of you feel the same way.

  13. I´d say its safe to go ahead and send your IV packet, although you should use the bar-code cover sheet from the NVC welcome packet, that is a document checklist.. Well that´s what I did atleast, a lady from NVC said I was okay to do so.. I hope we find something out soon..

    use your bar-code cover sheet. like this..

    Yea, I think I would like to do that.. But I need to talk to my husband about that.. He thinks it's safe to wait. He's really busy with his work everyday that doesn't have any time to research things like I do... I'm gonna have to really give him a good reason to send them out without any problems. But either way, I think that I have to wait until this weekend for him to send out the package since mailing service offices closes before he gets off workkkk. So I'll see if I get my IV fee available by the end of this week.

    Thank you for the advise though!!

  14. Hi there. I'm still waiting for my IV fee to be available. It says "pay now" but like you said it shows the $0 amount.

    I have paid AOS fee on Nov 4th. Haven't sent out both of our package yet because that's what it says on their website now...

    So I called in last week about the IV fee. The lady told me that it was because DS-261 hasn't been generated and she needed to speak the Petitioner (my agent) to proceed it, which didn't make sense to me at all.. Well but fortunately, I was visiting my husband at that time and we were together so I gave the phone to him and she spoke with her. She told him to wait about 5 - 7 business days to receive an email. It has been 6 business days. I still haven't got any email. I think they are just backlogged with every steps.... But I'm here pretty much on the same boat as you are.

    I called in again today. The rep told me to wait till the end of this week to receive the fee. I asked her if we still have to wait for the fee to be paid to send out our package, then she said NO. I don't have to wait till the fee to be paid to send out the package.... So confusing. I'm still deciding where I should send them out without IV coversheet or not...

    But yea, just to make your feel better, I'm here still waiting for it like you are. Hope to receive the email soon..

  15. Hi. I'm new here. Just wanted to tell you that I'm going to visit my husband next week while IR-1 visa is still pending. I have started this visa journey on April this year. It's been 7 months. This topic made me decide to try going there to see him simply because I miss him so much, which you all would understand. So I'll definitely let you all know about my experience. I'm going to Los Angeles, CA.
    I'll be honest and say that I'm here to visit my husband at the board of entry. I have my NOA2 and my flight info ready. I'll be visiting him only for 5 days since he's really busy with his job. I'm really nervous about this but my country is on VWP so I think I should be alright. I've got my copy of ESTA as well. So yea.

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