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Posts posted by aloe333

  1. well the thing is she cant travel casue of her (minor autism...well she wont discuss it to me in full detail...)but as her mom says she is not very good with dicision making ...i already talked to her mom countless of times and trying to plan everything ...and she says she can come up with medical certificates that could prove of her inability to travel...i myself have already sent an engagement ring..and she's about to send me a couple of stuff including my engagement ring(though it was cancelled due to their not having enough money to pay for the carrier)..

    anyways if thats the case i guess il try to convince my aunt to just help me get a visitor visa instead and take picture and reciepts,plan ticket and all other evidences ive learned from this site...

    i would try to update my profile here as so i can get to learn more from you guys...

    and please dont be offended by my childish post of asking for help...i myself suffer from extreme depression like her...well she might be lying..but i guess she the last hope i have to have a future..and no im not talking about (financially but as a life)...i mean one of my options is sending her enough money to get herself a passport and visa and just have her as a TNT..though that would be quite problematic in all sense since she might not be used to the weather here and if she gets sick ..its too expensive to get her hospitalized...

    though im still counting on my 2nd plan which is getting a visitor visa and scrapping up as much evidence as i can so as to build our case in getting a fiance visa or if i can get married with her a spousal visa.....

    and it is sorta helpful that theres a forum like this..though i might need to learn more like the update thingys and such....

  2. well the thing is i just foudn this forum and i just thought id post something and people might see it and try to help me understand...

    the thing ive been dating someone online and and its just this january of this year...

    and since done quite an amount of research,i think getting a fiance visa would just get me denied since we havent met yet...

    if theres anyone who has had the same experience and got accepted?(me and fiance only talked for 5 months now)

    i do get to talk to her mom everyday and her(my fiance) too which is good..and they are in favor..

    now the thing is my aunt from london is gonna help us since my fiance's family isnt rich and doesnt have that much money to help me get what i need...

    and now it all comes down to which i should get which wont get denied at all..since im just asking my aunt..and if i do get denied ill be sure not to expect any help from her anymore....T____T

    so my plan is this...

    if i could come up of a good reason for "requirement to meet with your fiance would mean extreme hardship to you..

    and im thinking that my aunt might know someone that could help us build our case as in a fiance visa lawyer of somesort(been being brought to their web sites every time i start a research so yeah...


    get a visitor visa and get married after 60 days(got that from one of the sites i read on) so as that it wouldnt look like a "sham" (their own words) to get a green card.

    and get back to my country anyways and get a fiance visa with picture and reciepts,plan ticket and all other evidences ive learned from this site..

    please please please i need some help...im so confused as to what to ask from my aunt..she is fully supportive of my decision though..and im from the philippines if that helps too....

    thank you so much for readin my long boring explination...

    good luck to everyone as well...

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