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Posts posted by right123

  1. My brother has close number to yours and I am afraid if they keep making those small jumps, they won't even reach 7000 !!!

    Any experienced one can give us an idea about the jumps probability to make sudden big jumps.. or will it likely to continue about 500-600 cases every month? I am talking about Asia specifically.

  2. Urgent question with time limit

    My brother was selected in the lottery but his number is 2015AS00018XXX . As you see the number is very high. Can he apply now for the 2016 while he is already on the list of 2015 ?

    Would immigration cancel his current application or would it cause any problem that he is applying again while he is already selected for the current year ?

    I need quick answer because only couple of days left to file for 2016 lottery.

    Thanks ahead

  3. I'm not an expert in AS numbers. However since I looked it up for the response above, I know that they have reached current in both 2012 and 2013. That means that all lottery winners ended up going through the interview, and unless something unexpected happened (such as they had more eligible people than they estimated), everybody who was eligible got the visa. If they follow the pattern, then your brother will get an interview probably in September next year (you should check if 2014 reaches current too by the end of the year). Good luck!

    I assume you were talking to me, right ? Either way, thank you for giving me a hope. Thanks again and again and best of luck for you too :)

  4. Please excuse me if I am asking silly question.

    My brother was selected and we were so happy for him because he live in a war zone and we thought this lottery is going to get him out of it.

    His number 2015AS000179XX

    going through this page it sounds like his chance is very limited ? Checking those links you guys list, I only see for Asia that they are reaching about 8000. I am not sure if I am reading that correctly?

    so when someone has number around 17000 from Asian country, this is his rank out of the Asian countries only ? or 17000 out of the 125,000 that were selected world wide ?

    Sorry I couldn't understand the bulletin page, can anyone give me direct answer based on experience and stats ?



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