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Posts posted by alex88

  1. Yes, as long as it is a short trip and you will return to your home country, and not hang around to file adjustment of status. (In other words, ESTA/VWP is for those entering with non-immigrant intent. You may want to ensure you have some kind of proof with you eg from employer that you will in fact return home after this trip.)

    Gotcha! Thanks SusieQQQ

  2. From the instructions: The principal diversity visa applicant must have a high school education, or its equivalent, OR two years of qualifying work experience in the last five years

    1 - Since I've both (I'm a software engineer), would be disqualifying entering both and not having the work one (maybe because they need some documents I don't have?)

    2 - Here in Italy we've 2 kinds of school, primary from 6 to 10 yo, secondary which is splitted in minor (from 11 to 13 yo) and major (from 14 to 18 yo), since it asks about secondary schools, what should I fill at the "Number of Educational Institutions Attended" field? Here in italy the minor and major secondary school were 2 different schools.

    Thanks in advance

  3. Last point of the DV instructions states:

    37. If I receive a visa through the DV program, will the U.S. government pay for my airfare to the

    United States, help me find housing and employment, and/or provide healthcare or any subsidies
    until I am fully settled?
    No. The U.S. government will not provide any of these services to you if you receive a visa through the DV
    program. If you are selected to apply for a DV, you will be required to provide evidence that you will not
    become a public charge in the United States before being issued a visa. This evidence may be in the form of a
    combination of your personal assets, an Affidavit of Support (Form I-134) submitted by a relative or friend
    residing in the United States, an offer of employment from an employer in the United States, or other

    Imagine I don't have the second nor the third, what could they take as acceptable personal assets? Money at the bank?

  4. I think it's only once you've been through it that you finally realise they WANT to hand these visas out - they are not "looking" for reasons to deny. Obviously if there is a major problem they will disqualify you, but they are not looking for trivial reasons to deny people.

    That's why they reply to questions like "Go read the website"? :)

  5. April or may 2015

    Ds260 application started on the 19th may 2015...

    Take your time to make sure you don't submit any mistakes even if you delay it with few months you will still have your interview in april\ may ...

    How do you calculate the timings? To others with lower number they said more further dates..

    BTW my case ends in 33xxx, any thoughts on this too?

  6. Not everyone who has sent forms back by then will have an interview date scheduled. Only those with case numbers below the first cut offs will have. These first cutoffs (ie the case numbers that will be current in October) will be announced in the September visa bulletin, which will be released around 10 August. The monthly progression of case numbers during the course of the fiscal year depends partly on the number of people who have returned forms as well as actual outcomes of interviews in terms of success and refusal rates, as well as no-shows.

    (You may know this, but from your statement it sounded like everyone who had sent in a form by October would know their interview date. I just wanted to clarify that this won't be the case in case others misinterpret that statement.)

    And if the monthly cutoff is higher than a case number which hasn't filled the form? Will it be scheduled later?

  7. They want to know where you are going to live once you are in the US. Of course, this is also the address where they would send the greencard. Not sure what your visa type is, where are you going after you step out of the airport?

    Well get an hotel room for the first days and go search for an apartment to rent in the next days, what should I do instead? Rent an apartment since now?

    Btw it's the diversity Visa

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