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Posts posted by jun66

  1. Thank you so much, Susie.

    I actually don't understand why they put me in AP. My area is wireless network, which should be a pretty safe area. During the interview, the officer just asked me to hand in my CV, and I even prepared a letter from my advisor that stated the details of my research. The officer didn't let me know the reason why he put me in AP.

    Even though I am not really in a sensitive area, I am worried since I have one friend who gets AP every time and his area is not sensitive either. I searched online in the local forums, and some people mentioned that they tend to give AP to people who had gotten AP before since it is an evidence that the previous interviewer decided the interviewee's background needed to be checked. I am not sure if the case will be different between DV and other non-immigration visas.

    Thank you so much for the advice.

  2. Hi all,

    My wife was selected in DV-2015 and her case number is around AS109XX. After reading a lot of posts here, I think we probably have a chance for interview in August or September, 2015.

    Currently I am a F-1 student and my wife is H-1B worker. However, I renewed my F-1 visa recently, and I got administrative processing due to the fact that I am a PhD student in the Computer Engineering area. Some friends mentioned to me that once someone ever got administrative processing, he or she will always gets administrative processing in all of the US visa application in the future. I wonder if it is true or not. In my case, if I go for interview next year with my wife and if there is administrative processing again (usually needs additional 30~60 days), I or both of us may not be able to get the DV before the time or visa runs out. To make the thing worse, if I didn't get the DV successfully, I might not be able to continue my study since submitting DS-260 and doing CP for DV is an act of showing immigration intention.

    The whole thing makes me very worried, and I would appreciate any advice very much. I wonder if I should submit DS-260 with my wife or just let her apply without me (not sure if it is possible). If I should, when to submit would be a better strategy?

    Thank you so much.

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