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Posts posted by Hubby&May

  1. Hello , I recently attended my N400 only interview (Oct 2nd 2019) . Me , my spouse and our attorney reached the USCIS office in Salt Lake City Utah 20 mins before the interview . It was busy that day at USCIS . After waiting for an hour my name was called , it was a female officer she was friendly but it was felt like she was new . After getting seated she asked me to raise my right hand and promise to tell the truth . Then she asked me that if I was ready for the test and I said YES . Then she went through the Civics , written and reading test . She told me that Congratulations you have passed the test . Next she started going over the APPLICATION , she asked me if I work for the same employer,  I said no I work for a different employer now , she asked me to provide her with the name and address . I didn't have the address with me so she tried googling it but no luck LOL ... My lawyer had to google it IO thanks my lawyer and we all chuckled . Then she updated my travel history herself , I went to my home country for 40 days this year , she confirmed the dates with me before updating . Now she said we will go through the YES and NO questions , I will try to zip through em as fast as I can so bear with me and she stormed through them for sure . It was almost like she was in a hurry . Once we were done she asked me to sign my application and confirm all the information on her iPad because that was all going to be on my Naturalization Certificate . At this point I am thinking .... YES we got the approval . Then she asked me to if I had any further documents for her so I got confused , I gave her and updated copy of our apartment lease and updated bank statements . She asked me is there anything else you want me to submit before we end this ? I totally spaced the joint tax returns and said no . She gave me my receipt and said we will let you know about the decision . It might take 30 to 60 days for decision to be made . Seriously I was not expecting this , me and my spouse were very disappointed . My lawyer told me that he was a part of another N400 interview 2 weeks prior to my interview with another client and she was the IO , She basically did the same thing . I have no criminal history , no tickets or records . In the past 3 years I havnt been out of US for more than 45 days . I applied under the 3 year rule electronically . On my USCIS account my country of citizenship is blank and I cannot change it . Is it me being paranoid or is it some positive sign? Anyone else with the same experience please share .

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