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Posts posted by maymart3

  1. My husband is doing the petition for his two sons and so far we finally got the 130 approved. Now we do not know what to do. We hired an attorney and he is getting all mail from immigration but he has not been very helpful in telling us when he gets our mail. Last August, the cases of my two step sons were on hold due to ROE for more than 3 weeks!! When I realized this I called him and he finally got it fixed! but he never called us to let us know he got a letter or anything. Now my husband is afraid that he will not give us the information of what is next on time. We are really trying for my step sons to be here by dicember for chirtsmas. But so far I do not have a case number or invoice number to keep moving forward. My attorney should get that (or maybe he already did) and he is supposed to sent it to me. How long should it take to get the case number after the i 130 is approved? We got our approval notice on Sep 16. (and by the way my attorney has NOA2 we didn't get that either)

    Any suggestions?

    A little bit of background

    My husband is a born USC

    he lived in mexico for a few years and he had to sons there with his then girlfriend, they split after a few years but they have always share custody, expenses etc.

    We met in US and got married, and decided to bring the children here, birth mom is very nice about it and helping us in this process.

    He did the petition for both of his children on march.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  2. Hi all,

    I had my interview on August 25. It went really fast, no more than 10 mins. I was asked basic questions about name and information and I was told my application was going to be approved and I should receive my GC in one or two weeks. I asked for a stamp because my husband was going out of the country and I wanted to go with him but was told that those only are for emergency so he decided to stay home with and plan a new trip for end of the year.

    However the two weeks have already passed and I do not have any online update. My case online still is on testing and interview and I don't have anything that says I was approved, just what the IO said to me. How long does it normally take? I just have this crazy idea that my file is sitting on a desk and they might forgotten about it. :(

  3. R&J

    So you received your EAD without the internet update? That gives me hope. :) any ways I will wait another 2 weeks and see what happens.

    So glad that things are catching up for Chicago.

    Ajhigh - good luck tomorrow. Im sure you guys will do great.

    Maymart - sorry to hear that. But the only thing I can say is due long wknd and the interview only being last week maybe the card is on its way and uscis just hasnt updated their site. That happened to me when EAD card was approved. Hopefully by next week you should here something. I'll keep my fingers crossed for u

  4. So happy for you!

    I am a little desperate. I went to my interview on the 25. The interview was really easy, I was asked the yes/no questions, then the officer asked for any additional documents, verified all the info, and approved me on the spot. Which was really nice! She told me I would get my card in two weeks. The interview took less than 10 mins. However, I haven't received any updates on my case online :( and that was one week ago. My husband had a trip out of the country and I wanted to go with him, so I ask if I could get a stamp but I was told they were for emergency only. So my husband posponed his trip, we are hping to travel by dicember. But not online updates as of today.

    I am a little sad for that because I noticed that some of you got updates on the same day of the interview.

    Oh well, hopefully i get some news soon.

    Finally managed to reschedule my interview - original date was August 11th, interview is tomorrow September 4th. I'll post a review when I'm done!

  5. I filed on February, my NOA1 was on 2/20 and I got the interview email on 7/23 so 5 months after. I really hope that you get get reschedule soon, it looks like it is a little faster, did they tell you how long it may take to reschedule?

    Oh wow, didn't you file in March? That's good news for you! I wish they could have cleared up the backlog a little earlier so I didn't have to go through the stress of trying to reschedule.

    I sent in a request to reschedule two weeks ago but I haven't heard anything yet. Every time I call USCIS they tell me it's straightforward and "shouldn't" be an easy - it's the "shouldn't" that makes me nervous!

    Anyway, I'm now overseas so hopefully I get notice soon that the interview has been moved to September, when I get back.

  6. Hi,

    Acording to what I've seen and my own experience, EAD are approved at about day number 65 to 75 after filed. Also, there is no difference if you do an early walk-in in your fingerprints as I've read. For my particular case, it took exactly 36 days after bio app to get the aproval on my EAD

    Were you able to get your eads in time though? How many days after fp were you able to get them?

  7. Hi,

    I am also adjusting and my local office is Chicago, I've been in T&I since april 4, and just like two weeks ago I got my EAD. It seems like the chicago office is taking up to 4 months after biometrics to have the interview according to the VJ statistics, which by the way is bad luck, I know two friends who told me that they adjusted status a few years ago and that in 3 months after they filed they had their interviews.

    Keep in touch, since I filed in February you should get your interview app much sooner than I will.

    Good Luck!

    I am adjusting from work visa (e3) to LPR on basis of marriage. See timeline for other dates.

    My local office is Chicago, which looks to be pretty back logged. I've been in Testing and Interview since February 18 (biometrics January 31, no RFE, received Combo Card already.)

    Starting this thread in the hopes there are other Chicago locals reading who can share their experiences and update one another on interview dates - how long were you in T&I? Are you currently waiting for an interview date too? I'm generally feeling pretty patient but would love to hear from others in the same, Chicago-delays, boat!

    PS I have a work trip from mid July to end August that will take me to Germany and would love to get my Gc before then...not looking great based on Chicago timelines though.

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