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Posts posted by TMA

  1. The list looks good; couple of points:

    - Although it is better to be safe than sorry in taking copies with you, it would appear the London Embassy no longer ask for copies. I know when I had my interview (nov 6th) I was asked for the originals only. I also wasn't asked for evidence of the ongoing relationship - but I did take it just in case.

    - Re: the supporting documents for the Affidavit of support; I asked the lady taking in my papers which form of evidence would she like (we had: pay stubs, contracts, bank overviews, w2, tax returns - you name it I had it) and the the lady replied "just the letter from her boss/employer (stating her job, wage and ongoing contract). This is the easiest for us" - So no need to go overboard taking Affidavit evidence.

    - Make sure the photos are US sized and not UK sized. There is a photo booth in the embassy - but I'm certain you'll want to be organized before then.

    - Finally, keep your passport, DS160 and interview letter together for the first stage of the embassy process - no fewer than 4 people asked to view these documents before I even sat down in the waiting room.

    Best of luck, I'm certain you will be fine considering you got this far - it really isn't too intimidating (the interview itself).


  2. I actually just rang my service provider (Virgin) - there is a chance your service provider may be happy to let you out of your contract because you're emigrating. If not, then they are happy to change your tariff to the lowest possible price and let you pay it off that way.

    Hope this helps,


  3. Both of these website argue that yes, you can use your UK iphone with a US sim - but there are a lot of issues surrounding it:



    Re: terminating a contract - I think a few people in another thread mentioned ringing your service provider a couple of weeks before you leave and changing your tariff to the lowest priced plan possible - then a week later ringing up and cancelling your contract - you will only pay the remainder of the contract as cancellation and the price will be remarkably lower? Not sure if this works - but it could be worth exploring?

    I'm probably going to try and change the tariff - but I only have a couple of months on my contract left to run anyway. So might just have to take a little hit.

    All the best,


  4. After a long discussion in another thread about how effective CEAC updates are, I would like to say that, as already mentioned by a multitude of posters, I'm afraid the updates are of limited use.

    I had two updates after the creation of my case file on September 12th:

    - First update was September 30th - presumably when the embassy received my file from NVC.

    - Second update was on October 8th - 5 days after my medical appointment.

    Today, October 21st, I received my interview date: November 6th.

    So, in my opinion, the lesson to be learnt is that please don't spend too much time getting worked up about updates, or lack thereof, I've seen people have several with no interview date thus far, and I had a measly two before receiving an interview date.

    Sit back, try to relax, and just let the embassy do their thing - they will be trying their best.

    All the best and good luck,


  5. I got a letter in the post today! My interview in November 6th.

    I must admit I was worried after you found out today about your interview that something had happened to my application.

    Also, can I just say (I'm going to put a separate post up after) that CEAC updates mean very little indeed. My application updated on Sept 30th - when the consulate must have received my file; then again October 8th - when they must have received my medical results.

    Anyhow, a great sense of relief!

    Best of luck to everyone.

  6. At that point, I would just wait and see what the interviewer says. No matter what the rules state, the individuals at local offices can come up with all kinds things out of their heads. And so wait and see if yours overlooks it or sends you off to a civil surgeon. You could even have a Walgreens proof with you and convince him you are covered and a Civil Surgeon will charge you over $100 to look at it and sign off. So many variables happen with the many local adjudicators. See how it plays out.

    Thanks for the info and advice, really appreciate it,


  7. First want to say the person who started this thread is CR1, so must be complete by visa interview. You have until AOS submission to be complete. However had you gotten the flu jab signed off by Knightsbridge, you would have been clear for AOS with their vaccination form. Your plan to get one at Walgreens for $31.99 is fine, but you can't mail a Walgreens paper to USCIS. You will have to pay a Civil Surgeon in the US to sign off on a new immunization form (I-693). That becomes the problem and further expense. But there is another plan---

    A flu shot, being seasonal is easier to get around than say MMR. Flu shots are required for adults of all ages (changed Nov 2010) if your visa exam was between (Oct 1 and March 31). But if the AOS adjudicator picks up your case when it is not flu season, you will be excused. And the reverse is true. The adjudicator picks up your case during flu season, but sees it was NOT flu season when you had your medical exam, you are also excused because the date they go by is the date of your exam to determine if you were current on that date.

    So for you, if your full AOS approval date falls after Mar 31 and no later than Oct1 next year, you will not need a flu jab. That does not mean file after Mar 31. It means approved when it is not flu season.

    Considering both the Orlando and Tampa offices take nearly 200 days (6.5 months) between applying for AOS and interview - then applying before March (which I will be doing) should see me through okay before the following October. If it starts to look iffy, then I guess I'll have to look in to the ways in which I can get a civil surgeon to sign off on an I-693 with an updated flu shot.

    Cheers for the help,


  8. Try not to worry about this, it will take a few weeks. I had my medical on the 3rd of October, and had submitted my DS-160 and application of readiness 4 days before; however, to date I haven't received an interview date.

    Also, as useful as CEAC is to check when your case is updated, it really causes quite a lot of trouble. I haven't had my case touched/updated since the 8th. But some people have panicked/gotten frustrated about the whole thing and sent emails, resent DS-160's etc. and really got no further forward.

    Just hold on and be patient, as difficult as that may be.

    All the best,


  9. I have a question surrounding flu jabs:

    When I went to the medical all of my immunizations were fine, but I did need a flu jab. Knightsbridge wanted £25 for the jab, and I didn't want to pay that. When I get to the states, can I just get a flu jab, from walgreens for example, keep paper evidence of this having happened and supply this info with my AOS paperwork?



    I have a question surrounding flu jabs:

    When I went to the medical all of my immunizations were fine, but I did need a flu jab. Knightsbridge wanted £25 for the jab, and I didn't want to pay that. When I get to the states, can I just get a flu jab, from walgreens for example, keep paper evidence of this having happened and supply this info with my AOS paperwork?



  10. You lot have stirred each other up into pure insanity. There is nothing wrong with your cases except you haven't given them enough time to assign an interview. You've created stories of what each update means. You've set yourself up for daily disappointment over and over by checking the status and thinking it will give you answers. You are paranoid they lost something.

    RW365, your timeline says your medical was October 8, so maybe the results were couriered to the embassy on Tuesday Oct 14 at the earliest. The embassy was closed Monday which means more stuff to catch up on. Do you really think you would have a letter in the post just four working days later? They don't work that fast. It will happen in due time and all this frenzy you've created is clouding your common sense. Did you expect your petition to be approved in a week? No. Your expectations for the embassy are unrealistic.

    Have you seen this on the website ?


    It takes approximately 6 weeks for forms to be received and registered on an individual applicants file from the date on which they are mailed to the Immigrant Visa Unit. An interview will not be scheduled until the Imigrant Visa Unit is in receipt of all of the forms required to process the application and a medical examination. If it has been more than 6 weeks since you submitted the forms and attended a medical examination with the panel physician, please contact us using the Visa Contact form . Please note that if it has been less than six weeks since you submitted the forms in support of your application, you will not receive a response to your inquiry.

    The bolded part might be why they are not in a hurry to answer your emails. You are choosing to make yourself miserable with all this. The embassy will get to you when they get to you and all your guessing is wasted effort. Why not start studying AOS paperwork. Here's a preview of things to do.

    AOS list


    I second this post.

    Just chill out, things will happen - I remember when I went over to the states on a J1 visa there were over 50 people in the embassy - and that was just for 9:00AM appointments - and this was in Belfast.

  11. I had my medical on Monday (no call back), i'm hoping that the embassy will receive the results today or tomorrow and then maybe my status will be updated with an interview date next week?

    I think I definitely need to lower my expectations but we're so close now and it's getting harder and harder to be patient.

    Yeah, maybe just a wee bit. I had my medical on the 3rd of October, then my status was updated on the 8th, but nothing since then; now I'm just waiting for an update/the interview letter.

    People seem to be getting interview dates around 4-6 weeks after the initial medical.

    This bit is the most frustrating as we're so close, but still just far away enough to seem like it's never going to end!

    Anyway, best of luck and I hope that your interview letter arrives promptly.


  12. Hi Hiroshi,

    Try not to worry, we both have similar dates:: medical (I was October 3rd), DS-160 (Sept 28th) & application of readiness (Sept 28th).

    I haven't heard anything either; the last time my CEAC was updated was October 8th. They will get in touch, don't worry - you just have to play the waiting game unfortunately. Try not to get too worked up by it all - it will come soon enough.

    All the best, and if you could let me know when you get your interview date that would be amazing - hopefully I won't be too far behind you.

    Best of luck.


  13. In a similar situation:

    Had my medical on the 03/10 - updated on 08/10 - presuming that's the results reaching the embassy.

    Now waiting for another update - which I would presume would be the interview letter being sent.

    I was hoping it would update today due to it being a week since the medical - but maybe it will be Monday?

    I think you have the update times spot on btw,

    Best of luck for a speedy resolution.

  14. I'm hoping to have my interview sometime around the 31st of the month; my medical was last week (October 3rd) I have filled in all forms and declared I'm ready for the interview, and today my CEAC was updated for the second time - presumably as they have received my medical results.

    So, I started to browse flight costs - I intend to arrive around November 18th-20th, if I have my interview on October 31st and the visa is granted.

    The cheapest option by a long way is to fly in to Dublin (I live near Newcastle, England and would like to depart from there as that would enable my family to come bid me farewell). I looked at flying Newcastle to London and then on to Orlando; but Newcastle to Dublin and then to Orlando is cheaper by more than 50%.

    I know that Dublin is a bona fide POE, but I was just wondering if anyone could add their experience as to whether or not flying in to Dublin as the POE is worthwhile?

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated,


  15. I have a question re: I-134 affidavit of support.

    I'm hoping to have my interview in London within the next 6-8 weeks, if things keep on course.

    The only real question I have surrounds the interview itself and evidence for the I-134; my fiancée's salary exceeds the poverty line guidelines comfortably - we will be providing a headed letter from her employer with the usual spiel about length of employment, salary, full time contract etc. and we will also be providing pay check stubs from the last 6 months or so.

    The only area of confusion is whether or not it would be beneficial to provide last years tax returns? Some people say yes, others say no. I've also read accounts of people's experiences at the embassy and very few mention being asked for tax returns. The London k1 guide reccomends it, but I would have presumed the letter and pay check stubs would be more than sufficient evidence?

    So, if anyone could clear this up it would be a great help as I'm excellent at worrying about things, and this is one of those horrible nagging little thoughts in the back of my mind causing me some unease.



  16. We provided:

    - Airline receipts and passport stamps.

    - Photos together (we also listed the time-date-location of the photos).

    - Receipts of any presents we had bought for one another.

    -Engagement ring receipt (big if, don't buy one just for evidence).

    I'm not sure how valuable chat/video logs are? They seem iffy in my opinion and difficult to prove that they are bona fide.

    Best of luck.

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