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Posts posted by Vin75

  1. My wife still hasn't recieved her green card yet and her Driver's License is set to expire in February. The immigration office claims they mailed the greencard to us back in September. We've actually filed paperwork I-90(without fee) for this in November claiming the green card was never recieved. The immigration office stated that since there is no receipt for the I-90 paperwork there is no way to track the status of this application. The immigration office is no help at all and they say getting the green card could take another 6 months what's the point of that so they can lose it in the mail again? With out a DL my wife will not be able to get to work. The NJ DMV says they will not renew her license with out a green card. The stamp on her passport is also about to expire. Isn't there someone I can escalate issues like this to? I wish they would let us just pick up the green card somewhere to avoid these issues. Anyone have any suggestions on how I should go about this?

  2. Yes, it happens more often than you can imagine. You can call them again to find out what options you may have and try to fight but they will probably say the same thing, file the I-90 and send the $370 to get a "replacement" card.




    I didn't know that there would be a charge. That's insane!!!!!!

    There's gotta be another option.

  3. My wife was supposed to recieve her green card in the mail by july 13th according to the USCIS. We were given time lines from 30 days to 6 months when it comes to recieving the green card. I just discovered the actual time line is 30 days from the NOA wecome letter. I called the uscis today and they said if I want to I need to file an I-90 to get a replacement card. I find this unacceptable filing for a replacement is like saying that we lost it when it was never sent in the first place.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Should I go forward and just fill out an I-90? My wife needs her stamp replaces as well since it expires on 11/22. So we have to go to a local immigration office to get that.

  4. My wife just recieved her stamp for her CR1 two weeks ago and now we're waiting for the green card and SSN to come in.

    I was thinking about going to the SSN office and when I apply ask them to put my wife's married name on the card.

    Is that more trouble than it's worth? Her passport still has her maiden name and I'm pretty sure her green card is going to come in that way.

    My other alternative is waiting two years for the conditions to be removed before doing a name change.

  5. My concern with that was that when we travel the visa will be in her old passport and not the new one. which means she would probably get hassled when traveling across the border. I wasn't sure if there would be a problem with her carrying both passports.

  6. My wife has already recieved her K3 visa a few weeks ago. We filed all her paperwork in her new name but since her canadian passport wasn't changed the visa was done with her maiden name.

    We are still doing the CR-1 process and hope the interviewed is scheduled soon.

    Before we have the CR-1 interview should we try to get her canadian passport changed to her new name? How will they go about transfering the visa if we do that?

  7. My wife has already recieved her K3 visa a few weeks ago. We filed all her paperwork in her new name but since her canadian passport wasn't changed the visa was done with her maiden name.

    We are still doing the CR-1 process and hope the interviewed is scheduled soon.

    Before we have the CR-1 interview should we try to get her canadian passport changed to her new name? How will they go about transfering the visa if we do that?

  8. When my wife went in for her interview they grilled her with questions about her trips to the U.S. and were accusing her of immigration fraud. They said that she attempted to immigrate to the U.S without a visa and that she tried multiple times and then she decided afterwards to do it the right way. According to my wife the lady she got to question her was really bad and had her in tears. She tried to trap her with her questions.

    They were annoyed that she didn't change her passport to reflect her name change. They asked her to sign her name on a paper she asked how she should sign it and they told her to sign it with married name. Then they proceeded to yell at her because saying she should've signed it with her maiden name because her passport wasn't changed.

    She didn't have an original copy of her marriage certificate and they wouldn't process anything because of that. They told her to come back once she had that and there would be no guarantees of her recieving any visa. She had to arrange for a new marriage certificate sent to vancouver where she was staying (at a relatives) and then go back to the consulate. The consulate kept all her paperwork except passport. I decided to take off and fly up there just in case she had to go through the grilling. I'm better at handling pressure then she is. We didn't end up getting the marriage certificate until the day after they expected her back on Friday morning first thing. Nonetheless we got in handed over the passport and marriage certificate. I proceeded to ask when I would recieve it back, he said that they would mail it out as soon as it was processed probably on Monday. I asked if there was any way to get it back the same day because I would've liked to have my wife home for thanksgiving, he told us that he didn't think that was possible then took all the paperwork and told us to have a seat, 30 minutes later we were called back up and they told us that they now have everything they need and to come back at 2:15pm. So we just walked around vancouver for 5 hours and then headed back at 2:15 on the dot. This time they wouldn't let me in to the building and told us that only she was allowed in. 20 minutes later my wife comes out with a visa :dance:

    I guess not having the correct paperwork for once was a blessing in disguise because if she did have it right who knows if they would have gave it to her. Thankfully my wife spent thanksgiving with me.

    If I had to do it all over again I would've been there with my wife for the interview, instead of coming afterwards. I think if you have any doubt that you will be questioned about your relationship. Then you should be there with your spouse.

  9. My wife's K-3 was approved, they gave her a hard time in Vancouver during the interview because of her visit to the U.S. and some improper paper work, as a result I flew to vancouver and when they she handed her correct paperwork in they didn't even say anything about it and just gave her the K-3. Ended up being a waste of a trip.

    So my next question is what's the next step. the CR1 is still going through in Montreal. I originally thought that I wouldn't have to file an AOS and pay the fee because I thought I would get her status adjusted through the CR1. Is that still correct or am I just better off paying the money for the AOS and not worrying about the CR1 anymore?

  10. Recieved a date for an interview in Vancouver, but it doesn't really tell you what needs to be brought so far I know this should probably be brought.

    1. Passport

    2. Proof of Relationship.

    3. Marriage Certificate.

    4. Money? Is there some charge?

    5. Copies of paperwork filed.

    6. Sealed Medical Results.

    7. Passport photos.

  11. My wife is close to recieving her K3 due to the fact that her I-129 was approved and is processing in Vancouver Canada. Our CR1 is also in process in Montreal. My wife will come here after recieving her K3 and we hope to go to montreal later on after it gets approved to complete the CR1 process.

    After my wife gets here on the CR1 she wishes to go back to Canada 2 months later for an engagement ceremony for her brother. Will she have problems coming back to the U.S.? Does the K3 visa grant reentry or is it a one time entry?

  12. According to the paperwork it says.

    Birth Certificates: The certificate must show that it is an extract from official records and must bear the seal of the issuing authority. The certificate must state the names of both parents. Canadian Commemorative certificate and short-form or wallet-size certificate are not acceptable for visa purposes. Please bring a photocopy if you need your original back.

    Unobtainable Birth Certificates: in rare cases, it may be impossible to obtain a birth certificate because records have been lost or destroyed through war. In such a case, secondary evidence may be submitted for consideration, such as baptismal certificate, hospital certificate, school records, and/or a notarized affidavit from a close relative, preferable your parents.

    My spouse's birth certificate does not contain her parents names. Do you think I would be okay with the birth certificate and a notarized affidavit from her parents?

  13. If you can wait you won't regret going with the CR-1 as adjusting status for a K3 can be a pain in the butte.

    Not only cost a lot now for K visas but not having a SSN limits what the bene can do when they get here.

    Just a couple! No work, No drivers license.

    Also there is a possibility of the AOS being denied. Doesn't happen much but it does happen.

    CRs get the GC and SS Card in the mail shortly after arrival and don't have to bother with USCIS for 21 months when they have to apply to remove conditions.

    Some Ks adjusting are still waiting for GCs after a year.

    Some get them in a couple months.

    It's a ####### shoot!

    We went with the K3 and we went thru hello adjusting status.

    Regret it now.

    If what you're saying is true than is it possible for my wife to come to the U.S. on the approval through her I-129 then continue the process for the CR-1 and go to Montreal if necessary and have her interview again?

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