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Posts posted by Mrs.RockStar

  1. <I'm reposting this from the May Filers thread....>

    Yesterday was our interview and we had an immigration officer from hell! :devil:

    He was on my poor husbands ***. :crying:

    I figured that him being older than me was going to raise some red flags. He keep asking my husband was he married with kids back in Jordan, why is he not telling the truth about the family he left in Jordan, said the infamous line "I can't help you if you lie to me", are you sure you didn't tell anyone at the airport about your wife & kids, you know if you are lying you won't be able to bring your kids here, are you sure you are telling the truth....etc. etc.

    **A little FYI: If you are Jordanian and have a wife and kids, the Jordanian government lists that information on the passport. The lawyer did explain this to the officer (and that was the ONLY time the lawyer spoke up!).

    My poor husband was shook up! He has a very....very...short and nasty temper. I was so afraid that he was going to snap and curse the immigration officer out. We were in there a good 40mins. And he kept grilling my husband. The only question my husband couldn't answer was what the name of my son's school was and what my father's name is (he has never met my father).

    He asked us all the regular question: where do you live, what is your phone number, when did you get married, what is your birthdate. He asked why we got married so quickly and I explained that because we are Muslim we don't believe in dating so if you see someone and you want them you have to marry them in order to be together without falling into sin. :goofy: He asked me if I knew about his culture (#######? :sleepy: ).

    I was not bothered by the immigration officer's behavior or attitude and stares.

    After all that he said he going to take some time and review the file. We were dismissed. My poor husband had a come apart at Red Lobster. :cry: I was pissed at that. I told him that the man was doing his job. I told him that our case was going to raise red flags anyway and to be prepared for an interrogation.

    2 hours later...................I got the text message that our petition had been approved!!!!!! :dancing:

  2. I'm at work so I have to type quickly............

    We had an immigration officer from hell! :devil:

    He was on my poor husbands ***. :crying:

    I figured that him being older than me was going to raise some red flags. He keep asking my husband was he married with kids back in Jordan, why is he not telling the truth about the family he left in Jordan, said the infamous line "I can't help you if you lie to me", are you sure you didn't tell anyone at the airport about your wife & kids, you know if you are lying you won't be able to bring your kids here, are you sure you are telling the truth....etc. etc.

    **A little FYI: If you are Jordanian and have a wife and kids, the Jordanian government lists that information on the passport. The lawyer did explain this to the officer (and that was the ONLY time the lawyer spoke up!).

    My poor husband was shook up! He has a very....very...short and nasty temper. I was so afraid that he was going to snap and curse the immigration officer out. We were in there a good 40mins. And he kept grilling my husband. The only question my husband couldn't answer was what the name of my son's school was and what my father's name is (he has never met my father).

    He asked us all the regular question: where do you live, what is your phone number, when did you get married, what is your birthdate. He asked why we got married so quickly and I explained that because we are Muslim we don't believe in dating so if you see someone and you want them you have to marry them in order to be together without falling into sin. :goofy: He asked me if I knew about his culture (#######? :sleepy: ).

    After all that he said he going to take some time and review the file. We were dismissed. My poor husband had a come apart at Red Lobster. :cry: I was pissed at that. I told him that the man was doing his job. I told him that our case was going to raise red flags anyway and to be prepared for an interrogation.

    2 hours later...................I got the text message that our petition had been approved!!!!!! :dancing:

  3. Update: Sorry I haven't been keeping y'all updated. :)

    Our interview is tomorrow.

    Now for the surprise! YAY! :)......................

    How about my husband got this email from the lawyer YESTERDAY!

    We received a letter from USCIS stating that this new address was vacant. Are you currently living there now? Also, was it vacant in August?


    Since the lawyer is not answering the phone, the only thing I can assume is that immigration came by the apartment in AUGUST and saw that it was indeed vacant. Because it was vacant. :) To make a long story short, when we got ready to move in after we signed our lease, we discovered that there was no water access and our slum lord took 3.5 weeks to bootleg some pipes from my mom's apartment next door so we would have water (don't ask). So we could not move in until the next month.

    My issue is that the lawyer should have notified us THE SAME DAY he got that letter.

  4. UPDATE!

    On Tuesday 7-14 I received an email from USCIS, I shortened it to include only the relevant info....

    On 07/09/2014 you, or the designated representative shown below, contacted us about your case.

    Type of service requested:

    -- Expedite

    The status of this service request is:

    Upon receipt of your request for expeditious handling, your case was reviewed and a determination was made that we need additional information to make a decision regarding your request. Please fax proof of your extreme emergent need or severe financial loss

    I faxed the info from my job to them yesterday.

  5. Checked the USCIS for a case status update........I-485 updated to testing and interview on 7-9!!!!!

    Also we are in a bit of a pickle and called USCIS yesterday to start a request for his EAD card to be expedited.

    My job is making us sign up early for insurance & benefits. They won't let me put him on anything without a SS # and the SS office won't give him a SS # without the EAD card. I have to have the SS # before the end of next month or else I will miss the enrollment period. :( Obamacare is not an option and I'm not paying a fine.

    The rep asked us a couple of questions on the phone. She gave us a list of categories to make the request under (I forgot which one we picked) and she documented our reason. She said we should receive a response in the mail by July 14th.

  6. Don't get insecure & mess things up...do what U are required to, &

    depending on how long ago was this marriage,how long it last, &

    how long ago divorce will tell...the again if missy is feeling him U

    never kow LOL ...OP good luck

    I got married in 2003 and divorced in 2006 (I had an extramarital affair and got knocked up by another guy).

    So I've been divorced for 8 years now.

  7. Summary: My hubby is from Jordan. At the time I had a crush on his brother but turns out his bro is all stuck up so he was the next best thing, lol. We married on April the 16th and sent our paperwork out that next week via our lawyer. He came here on a visitors visa.

    I checked the USCIS website for a case status update and we are still at the Initial review stage.

    May 13, 2014, we received this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice.

    We went for his biometrics & fingerprinting and photo on June 10th.

    ***Not to get off topic but the chick working at the center where he did his biometrics was FLIRTING so hard with him!!!! I was so angry! There was an elderly couple from the UK sitting in front of me and they kept repeating her little "cute" comments and turning back to look at me and they were laughing! They knew that woman was out of line and saw the anger on my face and thought that was funny. :ranting: I don't play about my man.***

    Anyway.....this is my 2nd marriage and the 2nd time I'm going through with this immigration thing. I was married before in 2001 and have heard that the process has changed. Back then we had a lawyer and as I remember the process was easy. Doing the interview the immigration officer didn't ask any questions.

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