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Posts posted by suicide_blonde

  1. Wow , opening of 400 for the October VB!!!

    Any speculation about how this will impact the further VB's? I was thinking as a high 400's (almost 500) CN we would be looking at late January but now i'm not so sure!

    DV2014 had jumps of 75 numbers between OCT-NOV-DEC 100 between DEC-JAN-FEB ...so if they stick to that I may be December!

  2. Hi! Thought I'd add my number to the thread: My now husband got selected in the high 2015OC000004xx's so we think we will be interviewed end of January if it goes similarly to 2014's. Submitted our DS260's a few weeks ago (what a headache to fill out! Took a bit of searching for all past addreses/jobs!)

    Very excited but nervous about finding work! I don't have a "career" or degree in anything but hopefully experience in my industry will land me something..or there's always bar work - hopefully!

    Does anyone have any first hand experience on whether Citibank or HSBC is better for setting up an account/credit card here to use to transfer when we move?

    I just got an AMEX card to build up my history with them to hopefully get approved for one when we move, and I do have a no fee HSBC credit card I haven't used in a while. Perhaps best to stay with them and create a bank account?

    Now it's just the waiting (and saving $$ ) game! We intend to move to Los Angeles as we have some friends there (but who knows where our time in the States could take us!)

    We are also taking our dog with us! Anyone else moved a dog over or planning to?

  3. Hi all!

    I'm sure not many people have done the DS260 yet as it has only opened up today, but I was wondering how we go about adding a spouse onto the case if the form is electronic, as KCC has advised (as below) to send a copy of the marriage certificate.

    Is anyone able to tell me if the online form allows you to upload files? I'm assuming in previous years you just mailed it all in with the forms.

    When I asked KCC about adding a spouse they said

    To add a spouse, please submit the following to KCC once you are married:

    · Copy of marriage certificate with English translation

    · DS 260 for spouse

    · Updated DS 260 for the principal applicant

    · Passport style photo of the spouse

    My soon to be husband and I will be submitting the DS 260 together end of June once married, so won't need to "update" his form.

    Any advice appreciated :)

  4. hi!

    my fiancee got selected in a number close to 500.. we are also in the situation where we now need to get married earlier than we thought.

    Do you think he should submit his paperwork May 19 when it opens, and then we get married in a month or so and resubmit the amended form and my form? Or should we just both wait till around mid, end of June and submit it all together once married?
    Do you think it makes a difference?

  5. Hey guys... just wondering if how quickly we submit the DS260 form has anything to do with when we get an interview/likelihood of getting the visa approved (if we meet requirements etc) ? We have a number just under 500.

    The reason I ask is that the DS260 can be submitted from May 19 but we are wanting to wait till around mid to end of June to submit it due to getting our marriage documents etc in order. Do you think this disadvantages us?

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