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Posts posted by WickedGriffin

  1. Sorry to hear even your mom is so unsupportive!

    I can only encourage you to continue to do what makes you happy. Some of my family was less than thrilled that I married a foreigner (even if just from England)...and an older man at that. There were some unpleasant conversations, but we knew we were right for each other. He moved over last October, and it's been great. We're happier than ever and have no regrets. We did everything that we knew was right for us, despite what everyone else thought they knew better. Those people that were negative are slowly coming around. And those that aren't coming around aren't my concern anymore.

    Make yourself happy. Re-establish contact with your relatives in the US. Those people that were really your friends back in Germany will see how happy you are and come back around. And if they don't, they weren't the greatest friends to begin with.

    I agree, but witnessing that all my "friends" and my family wants me to feel guilty, like a traitor, worthless... They WANT me to feel bad...

    A friend of mine said: "Oh youre gonna get shot in AZ". "and probably gonne end up homeless since there is no welfare nor help for jobless people at all, good luck with that, youre gonna miss Germany a lot then".

    I got so MAD.

  2. I can't speak to the Bavarians, but I would not be friends with people who want to talk about conspiracy theories all day. There is an undercurrent of this in the US, but it is not common. It might be more common in Arizona; the politics there are pretty messed up lately, imo. If you want to talk about the US in a more positive light, there are plenty on here, me included, with ideas and advice. Feel free to PM.

    Tried to send PM. Didnt work. :)

  3. Thank you every one so so much for your responses!!!

    You are all welcome to share you experiences with me and tell me about your viewpoints and how you experienced it.

    Well, I am pretty much without my german friends today. Bavarians are like a big huge family. Everyone sticks to each other and their culture and region. If you break out, you are considered a traitor. Not joking.

    Had a talk to my mother today:

    Me: So would you come over to the US and visit us?

    "No I dont want to meet her and I dont want to get to know her"

    "Why is that?"

    "she is american and I am bavarian and there is nothing we can talk about"


    "Why should I? This is your misery, not mine!"

    "So no one of you is coming to our marriage in the US"

    "No we wont!"

    "And do you wanna visit us someday?"

    "No! Its none of our business, we are not interested!

    "Lets see how long you are going to make it in the US, I am 100% sure youre gonna crawl back to germany after a few months!" "Thats what we all are thinking!"


    They dont like her because of her italian heritage and US Citizenship.

    On a side note:

    I have relatives in the USA. US Citizens. My bavarian family broke up contact with them as soon as they were living in the US. My dads sister married a US citizen and moved to America. Never heard of her again.

    If you wanna talk to me feel free to send me a private message! I would love to exchange and share thoughts!

    Thank you all!!

    Its late over here in Germany, will talk to you soon

  4. I nearly lost all "friends" here in bavaria due to the visa process and leaving germany. they are a) full of conspiracy theories or b) they really tend to "know it all better", telling me, that i am stupid, an idiot, ending up homeless cause life there is so miserable.

    and the number of americans I know, I dont know: "So how is life in the States?" "how do I apply for a job?" - the usual answer ? some conspiracy theory about the government. I dont need a stupid Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory Handbook. No immigrant needs that #######. Its inconsiderate as hell. Whats going wrong with these people ?

    "They are all after us !!!" "taking all our rights and freedoms away !!!! "they ll and they can invade your home anytime without any reason!!", the typical conspiracy stuff, making life in the states look very bad. is this a commong thing amongst americans ?

    I am an immigrant, I need serious advice and of course some positive outlook on my new life in the states would be very fine aswell. but instead I get that bullshit. I dont need any sugercoated stuff, but COME ON, you wanna tell me that that ####### is not exaggaration ? Where is the "I Love the USA" spirit? Where is the optimism and positivity?

    Nobody over here believes in me or my relationship. And it really hurts. It makes that whole process so much worse and painful.

  5. Hi all.

    I am the beneficiary moving to the US, Arizona, on a K1 Visa. I need and I seriously feel the need to vent here as I have dealt with too many NEGATIVE people.

    Okay, lets start with my own friends here in Germany: As soon as they knew I am going through a K1 Visa process with my Fiance, they changed their behavior. 2 people broke up contact with me. Ive never heard of them again. They were, at the beginning, so "supportive and interested" in my relationship to a US Citizen. But behind our backs, they were insulting and attacking us. I am from Germany - Bavaria - traditional country.

    They have called me a traitor, betrayer (betraying them for going to the US), they have called me stupid, dumb, etc. Behind our backs on of these persons started to spread BS about "America" and "Americans" as a whole. That America is such a bad horrible country. At fault for all the misery going on in the whole world. That americans are.... you name it!

    Okay, my family?

    My Mother and my Dad are making MONEY BETS that "our marriage is not going to work out", because they think that "I ll never make it in the US, life is too hard, homeless people everywhere, masshootings". Thats how they picture America. I have no one to support me over here.

    My friends in Bavaria turned their backs on me! Hardly anyone is talking to me anymore! I am serious!! Maybe 2 - 3 people, the rest seems always to "know it all better", to tell me "that I must stay in Germany, because USA is so horrible, bad", they make it all look bad, they also make ME and my Fiance look bad. Ive had phone calls where I pick up the phone and the other guys are just insulting me for moving to the US. Well, basiscally saying: Are you ###### up or stupid, man?! ...

    I dont know if its the german, especially Bavarian Mentality. But everyone is bitching about the USA, complaining, that me moving there is horrible, that I will suffer in the States, that life there is extremely nasty and bad, that I am not going to make it, etc. etc. etc!

    I know a few americans also, of course, besides my Fiance and her family. And them? Well, lets put it that way: They are SO FULL of conspiracy theories that its HARD to talk to them about America and LIFE in America without stuff like "the cops are ###### everyone up!!!" "its all the governments fault!!!" "yes they are turning it all against us".

    They make ME also feel as if moving to the States is like spending time in Prison together with my Fiance ! Ive heard stuff, nasty stuff, my god people, yall would be either angry or embarrassed, too.

    Short: My "Social Environment" is not supporting me mentally or emotionally. At all. Not a tiny little bit. The amount of negativity that people throw at me is overwhelming. Even the americans in my life seem to , driven my FEAR and more FEAR, sorry guys, but the conspiarcy theory bullshit that Ive heard from them over the time is unbelieveable...


    What am I supposed to do?

    I feel like not talking to anyone anymore. I am so fed up, seriously. Did you go throug similiar things?

  6. Thank you all for your kind and helpful advice!

    Yes, indeed. It is the time before "its getting serious". of course i knew what I am going to do. But thinking 1 year ahead and planning on moving to the USA, and actually DOING it are 2 different things.

    No, I wont be able to bring the horses with me. They are not used to the heat as they are from the Austrian Alps where its winter 7 months a year. They would die. And my Fiance coming to Germany would not work out because of Joint Custody of her daughter. Not possible.

    We want to move to Wisconsin though by the time I am settled, having a job, stable income... as we both think that Wisconsin offers a lot. Remember: I am from the Alps. Its so cold here right now that I got my woodstove burning! In July! I am not kidding haha. :)

    We both want to live on a small Hobby Farm. So we will be leaving Arizona sooner or later, too. To me this feels like:

    Leaving Germany - Going to AZ - Leaving AZ - Moving to WI. A lil bit chaotic, yes. If this is what I want? Without a question of doubt. But its scary. I know I ll have to adjust to US mentality, culture and lifestyle as a whole. Altho I think that this is not so much of a big problem to me. It is more the act of LEAVING stuff that I am fond of HERE behind. This does not mean I question my Fiance or that I dont love her. Its just the act of letting it go... thats it. Sure I miss my Girl. Absolutely!

    Thank you guys! All answers are highly appreciated! :)

  7. Hi all.

    I am getting closer and closer to my final Visa Interview. And I am already anxious and nervous about moving to the USA. I am from Bavaria, Germany. Very traditional, from a small village. Ive got my life here, a job, house, ive got 2 horses and a horse paddock. Ive got a nice garden. And I am giving that all up to be with the woman I love who lives in Phoenix Arizona. Sure I know I love her and she loves me.

    Sure I know I want to be with her. Sure I think life in America offers much. But it is the act of relocation, the final weeks before leaving, leaving everything behind, while moving into the big unknown... the southwestern Desert is of course like a different planet for a southern bavarian like me. I leave my family, the environment, the austrian Alps where I go hiking and fishing a lot, etc.

    Its hard. I feel Anxiety. I am nervous. I feel this pressure on my shoulders. How do you cope with that, how did you cope with that? What kind of advice can you possibly give?

    Thanks all.

  8. Hi all,

    I am new to this forum but my fiancee and I have been scouring these forums for months now gaining valuable information, thanks to all who participate and help!

    Now on to my question...

    We just sent the K-1 visa packet in but now I am preparing to compile the supporting evidence for the I-134. I've read dozens of posts here and noticed a lot of people say it depends on the embassy. I did just send an email to the Embassy, but they say they cannot answer visa related questions and I just wanted to be on the safe side and ask if anyone here knows what this embassy requires.

    Via this link from the embassy, http://photos.state.gov/libraries/frankfurt/9318/consular_pdf/Instructions%20for%20Fiancee%20Visa%20Applicants.pdf

    It specifically states, "7. EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT (original completed form with original signature): Evidence which will show that you and your children, if any, are not likely to become public charges in the United States. If an affidavit of support is submitted, form I-134 should be used. Should extra copies be required, the I-134 may also be downloaded directly from the “Forms” page on the USCIS website: www.uscis.gov."

    This says nothing about any supporting evidence.

    From what I have seen here on these forums, should I send;

    my most recent tax return and W2

    most recent pay stubs and

    letter from employer?

    Also, I saw that I do not need to provide bank statements as I make more than required.

    Thanks to all for any help, it means a lot!

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