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Posts posted by bella7thomas

  1. I am not making enough money to "support" my fiance in the US, so my mother is willing to fill out the I-134 form to say she can support him or make up for my shortcomings, but I am currently abroad with my fiance, would I have to send the papers to her so she can send them all together for me?

    do i have to send them the check for filing the papers as well? or is there another way to transfer them the money?
    Any info you guys have is very helpful! Thank you!

  2. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has some information on how to prove that I make enough income for my fiance to live with me. The situation I am facing right now is that I came to visit my fiance who lives in another country, so I quit my job and am currently not working while over here, but I am only here for three months, I thought during my time here I would be able to fill out all of the forums and send them to apply for the visa for my fiance, I have saved some money so I am able to cover all fees for this. However, I was told that I need proof that I can support my fiance when he comes to live with me. I no longer have a job and my old check stubs do not cover the minimum amount of money i need to make to support him, they are off by 1000 more or less a year. In the US I live with my family so I do not know if that would effect anything in this situation. Does anyone have any suggestions or comments? Or have any of you come across this problem?

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