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Posts posted by Sunshine91

  1. Please, help!

    I am applying for GC and now the main question is that I have completed Vaccination form( in the end of this document I found that all US required vaccination is completed).

    But the last flu shot was made in autumn 2013 and as I caught till march 31 it is flu season. So what should I do? Can I sent this form to USCIS without visiting local doctor? Or if I pay and send all documents and this form is not enough for them, should I pay once again the same sum of money or they send me some kind of notification about this> Please, help me with it!

    p.S. I called local doctor, explained that I passed my medical November 2014 and everything is perfect and he said that he will do me a flu shot, TDB check as well (and x-ray if they so not like results) and take blood! I passed everything but they even do not want to listen me..((

  2. No, it's not OK. Since your visa will be issued in Ukraine at the end - all names and places need translation from Ukrainian language.

    Yeah, all birth sertificates obtained at USSR are in Russian, but translation in English still needs to be done from Ukrainian.

    If you gonna translate your documents anyway, wait thise few days untill it is done and take all names from there.

    So it doesn't matter if you want it or not, it has to be Kharkiv, Olegivna (but there's no line for this in G325a, it's not a second name) =)

    Most translations for birth certificate look like:

    page 1 - scan or copy of page

    page 2 - just lines with text in same order they go in sertificate

    (Like: "Citizen: [name] ; Born on : [date]": etc .... It just has to contain all information and has to be readable)

    Translation is signed by person that did it.

    page 3 (or just other side of page 2) - has some note from a lawyer, like (in Ukrainian or both languages):

    "I, [name], [date] certify that signature of translator [name] is real and was done in my presence.

    The identity, competence and qualifications of translator was verified and approved.

    Was registred as [number]

    Notary [name] + [signature] + [pesronal stamp of this person]"

    All pages will be sewn together, have paper seal and several stamps on borders of seal saying how many pages it contains, date and who sealed it + signature.

    Something like this. It may not be exactly like this, but something like it (depends on agency where translation was done and their blanks).

    Just needs to be readable, have all info, signature and verification from notary, stamps.

    So if my fiance sent to the USCIS letter with Russian words Kharkov and Olegovna, will they inform me that i made a mistake?

    Later, here in Ukraine, when i will put personal data in DS-160 form like Olegivna and Kharkiv, will they inform me that i made a mistake? How Can I change it? In this case, how to be?

    And could you advice some web-site with an done example of DS-160?

    Thank you!

  3. Hello everyone!

    Still being concerning about one thing: I put information in G-235A province Kharkov, but not Kharkiv, and Patronymic Olegovna, not Olegivna. Birth Certificate in Russian, local passport in Ukrainian/Russian.. So is it OK? And which is correct - OleHovna or OleGovna?
    And how the Birth Certificate translation looks like? Any stamps?
    Thank you!

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