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Mrs Alford

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Posts posted by Mrs Alford

  1. OK - I just got my question answered. Turns out if you are not a U.S. citizen, Social Security must see your current U.S. immigration documents. Acceptable documents from the Department of Homeland Security include your:

    Form I-551 (includes machine-readable immigrant visa with your unexpired foreign passport);

    I-94 with your unexpired foreign passport; or

    Work permit card (I-766 or I-688B)

    That means my EAD card should suffice! :dance:

  2. Shortly after filing my application for AOS and EAD, I went down to the Social Security Office to change my maiden name to my new married surname on my social security card. The officer told me she could not help me because my I-94 had expired. I left the office feeling defeated and figured I'd wait until I received my EAD card which authorizes me to work and displays my new married surname. Well, I finally received it last week and am wondering if I will encounter any problems if I head to the office and attempt to change my name again. I would have to hate to wait until my AOS is approved - that is months and months away. Has anyone else out there experienced this problem? :help:

  3. We got the same RFE for my daughters AOS .. we just sent everything they asked for even if we had already sent it ! If it makes you feel any better it certainly does happen all the time and for no certain reason .. My AOS package and my son's were both the exact same as my daughter's and she is the only one who got the RFE .. :blink:

    WOW! that was strange - maybe it's some kind of USCIS internal review procedure where they just check certain applications at random... hmmm who knows :wacko: In any event, I'm just going to wait for my husband's IRS transcript and send it in with everything else they want.... :blush:

  4. Hey! Thanks for replying.... I'm a little relieved to know that I'm not the only one getting request for evidence that I already submitted. Yes we included the W-2s that were submitted to the IRS with the H&R Block package. I'm just wondering if my husband should call the IRS and ask for a certified transcript for this past year 2006 and just wait for that to come in the mail to send it along to the USCIS as well. I'm worried that the H&R Block Client Copy is not acceptable? Who knows - this can get confusing....... :wacko:

  5. I filed my AOS application and subsequently received a RIE (Request for Initial Evidence). It's asking for my husband/sponsor's most recent Federal Income Tax Return for 2006 and his Letter of Employment. I sent these to USCIS as part of the contents of my original application, including certified IRS transcripts for 2005 and 2004 tax years. I am wondering... I photocopied the entire 2006 Income Tax Return - Client Copy which H&R Block provided to my husband and sent that for 2006. Was this wrong? Not sure if I should resend everything just the way I did previously.... does anyone have any suggestions? I tried calling USCIS but they did not have the necessary specifics of my case to provide me with an adequate answer. I'm frustrated!!! :angry:

  6. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ADVICE EVERYONE :D ! I'm going to go ahead & apply for a few volunteer positions that are available in my area. I just want to make a difference and find some purpose here. Sitting around the house like this just ain't cutting it for me... Hope you all have an enjoyable week :star:

  7. Happy Monday everyone! Does anyone know if K1 visa holders are allowed to get involved with volunteer work before they are married? I would really like to get out of the house, expand my horizons, and connect with my community if possible - but not sure if volunteer service is an option.

  8. "Employment authorization previously accorded based on the same status and employment as that requested in the current application or petition may continue uninterrupted as provided in 8 CFR 274a.12(B)(20) during the suspense period. "

    Yes, I agree that the legal terminology can be extremely confusing. I am not a lawyer but worked as a legal assistant for a number of years. My interpretation is that your application is in "suspension" until they receive the RFE. Your wife's employment may continue uninterrupted during this "suspension" - however this is based on you returning the requested evidence they are requiring from you as soon as possible to prevent any complications.

    Best of luck with everything! :D

  9. Your husband should go to the RCMP detachment nearest his place of residence. He should make sure he has identification with him (such as a driver's license). He should ask for a police certificate (based on a Canada-wide search). A fingerprint search is only required if he has a criminal record. I paid $35 for mine just over a month ago and I only had to wait about 10-15 minutes for it. Best of luck to you both!

  10. Mine was on white paper and it was titled "Canadian Police Certificate For Visa Applicants/Foreign Travel/Foreign Work Permits". It certified that a search based on me failed to disclose that I had a record of criminal convictions in the national repository for criminal records in Canada. I received two original copies signed & dated by an RCMP Constable. The cost was $35 Cdn.

  11. Hey Folks... I'm feeling a little homesick today. It hasn't even been 2 weeks yet and I'm bored! Missing my job, my family & friends so much. BUT... I get to finally live with my LOVE so I'll get used to it.

    It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow since my arrival here.... and am wondering if I should go ahead and apply for my SSN. I have done some research on here and discovered that it is possible to do so without the EAD stamp/documentation because my K1 visa and I-94 doc. is enough to suffice. I'm so confused! Does this mean that once I have my SSN I can start applying for jobs? Even before I'm married and applied for AOS? :help:

  12. I got there at 9:45am and saw a long-line outside the consulate door. However once I got to the entrance I was told by the security guard once I showed him my letter that because I was a K1 visa applicant I didn't have to stand in line. Therefore I ran to Starbucks a couple doors down and grabbed a coffee and a muffin. Figured some food would calm my nerves but I could barely keep the muffin down - lol. Once I was guided through initial security, I was given a sheet listing the required materials I should have brought with me, told to put them in the proper order, and to sit in a designated area and wait for my name to be called. I was probably waiting 45 minutes before I was called. After the woman behind the window took my documents I was waiting for another 45 minutes. The actual interview took about 5 minutes - it was a breeze. Once I was approved I was told to come back at 2pm to pick up my visa. It was a cinch! Best of luck to you!!!! ;)

  13. WOOHOO!!! Had my visa interview at the Vancouver Consulate last Friday, the 13th.... and boy was I nervous as hell just because of the date and it's association with bad luck. There was another K1 visa applicant ahead of me that day - but that was it. She had brought her fiance along and we chatted during the waiting time and it sure helped calm me down. The guy who interviewed me was sooooo nice and friendly, and made the situation so much more comfortable. It was like he went out of his way to calm my nerves. It only took about 5 minutes and he never asked for any evidence - no photos etc.... just asked a few questions like "how did you meet" and "where are you getting married" and if we had met each other's parents. At the end of the briefing he congratulated me, told me I was approved and to come back at 2pm to pick up my visa. I was at the airport that same evening with my visa in my hand and the customs/immigration guy was super friendly and joked around with me the entire time. All I can say is the K1 process is definitely worthwhile - even through all the months of waiting, long-distance, and anxiety.

    Just had my wedding dress fitting and am talking with my wedding planner now - sooooo excited about the "BIG DAY".... Roberto & I have waited a LONG time for this~!

    YAY! :dance:

    I want to send a special shout out - THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to everyone here at Visa Journey for their support -- I would've been lost without you :D

  14. :help: My visa interview at the Vancouver Consulate is next Friday, October 13th. I have plenty of photographs of me & my fiance together which I plan on bringing - along with a substantial amount of correspondence (letters & cards) that we've mailed to each other over the past 2 years. Wondering now if I need to bother photocopying/printing two years worth of phone records and emails (that involves the use of a lot of paper & ink cartridge - which I don't necessarily want to waste)?! Can anyone out there give me their advice? :huh:

    Also, because my fiance included copies of our travel itineraries & boarding passes for evidence of having met in his fiance visa petition - do I still need to bring those to the interview with me - even after the petition was approved? :huh:

    Any answers will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!! :)

  15. Hmmmm. let me see... for me it would have to be the snacks:

    1. Poutine!!!!!

    2. KFC's chicken gravy (the KFC gravy in the States just doesn't measure up)

    2. Cadbury Chocolate Bars (esp. Coffee Crisp & Flake)

    3. Hostess Potato Chips (esp. ketchup, dill, and roast chicken flavours)

    4. Sour Soother candies

    5. Bassetts Licorice Allsorts

    What am I going to do?????? :unsure: Guess I'll have to have my Dad & Stepmom send me extra special shipments of whatever they can so I don't have any breakdowns.

  16. It'll be my last Thanksgiving dinner at home in Canada before heading to the States (pending visa approval the week after of course).... if all goes well I'll be celebrating Thanksgiving in the States next month with my husband-to-be :) Two Thanksgivings = lotsa lotsa turkey.... "gobble, gobble!!" Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!!!

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