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Posts posted by cowboysgirlfriend

  1. We once had a discussion about "Morning Glory Muffins". At first, husband and I thought we were talking about the same thing, but I couldn't understand why he didn't think it was a weird thing and he couldn't understand why I thought it was so strange. Then I asked him how he knew they were bran based, and what does bran have to do with it anyway?

    Turns out morning glory in the US is more of a digestive health indicator than a, er... morning... fun time indicator?!

  2. Try this you guys, they let you ship as well. Or those that are close can stop in. I am not promoting them nor do I know them. lol But I have seen some really good reviews about this place and their sausages you can purchase to cook at home as well. We are going to try when my fiance gets here. I hope it helps :)


    OK, this and finding a World Market not a thousand miles away has made a rather intolerable week vastly more tolerable. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  3. I have been here for six months now. I am happy here, but the one thing I am struggling with is the food. Some of it just tastes different, it isn't what I'm expecting (cheese, for example. Cheddar doesn't taste anything like cheddar). I'm still hunting for the right go-to brands. A lot of it is trial and error just now. I often get cravings for random British foods - a good banger, McVities chocolate digestives, Branston Pickle... And I'd love to go somewhere, just once, and get a really good cup of tea for a change.

  4. Congrats!! Ur NOA was almost a week after mine so hopefully mine will be approved soon as well! Around what time during the day did you receive the email update? I'm checking and checking and don't even know if they update it throughout the day or just a bulk approvals every morning... Definitely have too much time on my hands to think about possible delay reasons...

    I didn't get an email, I just checked on the USCIS website and received the pleasant surprise! I checked in the evening. Sorry I can't be more specific!

  5. Have either of you received the RFE notice yet? I also got an RFE email last week - just curious how quickly the paper documents are being sent out/received.

    I received mine yesterday (9th February), so only a couple of working days after my status changed.

    RFE was for a statement from my husband about why he didn't file taxes last year, proof of our joint sponsor's US citizenship, and I forgot to fill out my husband's SSN on one of the forms...

  6. That's great to hear! :)

    What lane do you go and stand in once you get off the plane for the POE? Did they ask for anything else besides your packet?

    I asked which lane to use, and I was told the Visitors/Visa line, not the US Citizens line. They only wanted my passport, my packet and my customs form. Very simple. :)

  7. Thank you all for your lovely responses!

    I arrived safe and sound (after my flight was delayed at Heathrow for over an hour due to "stuff" on the runway), and had a really quick and easy POE. Immigration staff were all helpful, polite and efficient. No questions, the whole thing only took about 25 minutes in total, and I've waited in line as a visitor for longer than that before now.

    It is quite a culture shock to be here for good now, instead of as a visitor. It really does feel different. The first couple of days were a bit wobbly, I had a few panics, but now that I have food in the fridge and the cupboards (Cowboy and I went to Costco together - he had the flatbed trolley and I had the normal one), and I'm beginning to get the place tidied up and unpack my things it will feel like home in no time.

    Wedding is in four weeks' time... Nervous and excited!

  8. I'm making the big move tomorrow, just have a few last minute bits of packing to do in the morning, then it's off to the airport for my one-way flight to Washington.

    At once excited, relieved, terrified, apprehensive, impatient, and exhausted. And this was just for the K1!

    Anyway, just wanted to say how comforting this forum has been, although I haven't contributed much. Those reassuringly knowledgeable posts from all of you extremely knowledgeable and reassuring forum regulars have kept me sane through the waiting, and I can hardly believe we made it to this point. Thank you to everybody who lays all those fears to rest.

    See you all in my AOS journey in a few weeks' time!

  9. I am flying out in two weeks, and feel similarly overwhelmed. I am of course very happy to be making the move to be with my fiance, but at the same time I am very sad to be leaving behind my best friends, who I have known for almost 20 years. They have set the bar very high for my new US friends.

    Still, all change is good :)

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