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Posts posted by dixi27

  1. 87 days, so no time, but even if there was, I don't want to wait for that long, I need a driver's license, I cannot go anywhere by myself, so it's a little bit frustrating.

    We went to the website that was on the RFE, and the instructions say tax returns aren't the only proof. I think I might call the number given on RFE paper, and ask.

    Thank you :)

    are you already in the US or no,?if you got a work permit and SSN you get your license with that,p.s. i go everywhere even though i have bosnian license i can't stay home all the time,if they stop me i still have a license just not american :dancing::idea:

  2. Question, he already applied for a green card? What was the result of this and who petitioned for him?

    Good luck

    well we used to live in the US we came in 1999 as refugees but my parents decided to go back to our country and so our green card was never finalized,we where supposed to have one more interview but we left US,i am married and live in US again,he has a B2 visa but would like to stay here,so just wondering if anyone knows any similar case,i know marriage is kinda the best way to go....

  3. zdravo svima,mi smo k1 aplikanti,10 sept smo dobili noa ,sinoc smo zvali NVC dali su nam case number i sad kad sam provjerila pise ready

    i da mogu zakazati razgovor,1 10 je odobreno,ali ako se ne varam sad treba da prodje neko vrijeme dok ne dodje u bosnu,i sta onda,

    da li ambasada mene kontaktira da mi kaze da su dobili i sta treba da uradim ili....i jos nesto,ja sam u 9 mjesecu trudnoce mogu se poroditi svaki dan,

    da li ja mogu da sacekam da se porodim pa da imam ljekarski i razgovor ili ima ogranicen vremenski period za to od kada oni prime moja dokumenta

    hvala svima na pomoci unaprijed

  4. the only reason we applied for k1 was because it was supposed be quicker,we thought within 7 months of applying i could be in us,but its been almost 5 and no noa2...

    now i dont even care when it comes,i am 7 months pregnant and alone this whole time,god only knows what i been through,i am having the baby in my country and i dont even care anymore when i will come,it didnt happen when i needed it most it doesnt have to happen for a long time now either,and to ppl working on this i wish they go through what i went through because of them

  5. So we called the texas center today, spoke to a nice lady who told us they are still processing 13 dec 2013 applications. The wait for no2 seems to be getting longer , feeling frustrated. Boyfriend thinking about relocating to California and re submitting our application.

    So we called the texas center today, spoke to a nice lady who told us they are still processing 13 dec 2013 applications. The wait for no2 seems to be getting longer , feeling frustrated. Boyfriend thinking about relocating to California and re submitting our application.

    So we called the texas center today, spoke to a nice lady who told us they are still processing 13 dec 2013 applications. The wait for no2 seems to be getting longer , feeling frustrated. Boyfriend thinking about relocating to California and re submitting our application.

    and u actually believe them,well the post above u shows how people who got noa 1 on march 27,same day as we did,got his noa2 couple days ago,maybe u should have told them that,the truth is there is no order and no one can tell u when u will get it,they lie to people so it seems they r doing it the fastest the can,so pure buls/it

  6. Draga moja ja sam bila u istoj situaciji kao i ti kada sam podnela molbu za peticiju... Priloyili smo i lekarsku dokumentaciju prevedenu na engleski jezik da sam u drugom stanju... Cinjenica da si trudna niti ubryava niti usporava proces, samo znaci da je vasa veza prava i da nije zbog papira, ali morate imati i drugih dokaza naravno...Pre intervjua u ambasadi moras ici na x-ray a to ne smes nikako ako si u drugom stanju pa sam ja trazila odlaganje razgovora nakon porodjaja...

    zdravo,vidim u istim smo situacijama,kako idu dokumenti za bebu,ja treba da se porodim pa onda sa bebom da idem,koliko se otprilike ceka,kakva je procedura

  7. Drage moje,

    Pridruzujem se vasim naporima u procesu dobijanja papira. Ima jako mnogo poruka i raznih informacija pa sam mislila da je najbolje da jednostavno zamolim da mi neko ko je prosao slicno pojasni sta moj verenik (americki drzavljanin) i ja konkretno da uradimo.

    Naime, mi tek treba da posaljemo K-1 petition, ali se situacija malo izmenila u odnosu na pocetnu. Saznali smo da sam u drugom stanju :) U nadi da cemo vizu dobiti dok jos budem u stanju da putujem, imamo nekoliko pitanjca za iskusne:

    - Da li se u kratkom opisu nase veze i razloga podnosenja za ovu vizu navodi i trudnoca? Ako da, da li je potrebno priloziti lekarsku dokumentaciju koja to potvrdjuje?

    - Da li bi cinjenica da sam trudna mogla da ugrozi sansu za dobijanje vize, ili naprotiv, mozda moze i da je ubrza?

    Generalno, svaka pomoc za ovu konkretnu situaciju je dobrodosla i bicemo zahvalni svima koji odvoje vreme da nam po ko zna koji put pisu o tome.

    zdravo,evo i ja sam u istoj situaciji kao i ti,mi smo aplicirali za k1 vizu nedugo nakon sto smo saznali da sam trudna,dvoumili smo se sta da radimo za koju opciju da se odlucimo da bi imali sanse da ja dodjem tamo prije poroda,razgovarali smo i sa nekoliko advokata svi su rekli da jedino imamo sanse sa k1 vizom,tada naravno nismo znali ono sto danas znamo,ako zivis negdje gdje tvoji dokumenti idu u california centar onda imas sansu da dobijes za manje od 6 mjeseci vizu,ako ste negdje i pripadate texasu onda bas i nemate sansu,ali opet sve zavisi od srece,od naseg noa1 je proslo 4 puna mjeseca i jos nista,tako da cu se ja poroditi ovdje u bosni,njima apsolutno nista ne znaci to sto si ti trudna i sama,nit ti pomaze oko vize nit odmaze,ne znam kakva je tvoja situacija,moj vjerenik radi i ne moze doci prije septembra ja tad ulazim u 9 mjesec znaci citavu trudnocu sam sama,7 dana nakon sto se vratio iz bosne smo saznali za bebu,kako mi je svo ovo vrijeme samo ja znam...uglavnom nemoj se previse nadati da ces otici ali opet mozda si medju onim sretnima pa dobijes vizu prije termina,neko dobije noa 2 za 2 sedmice,2 mjeseca ili 6 mjeseci nema pravila,sretno.p.s. ovo sto se ljekarskog tice kod nas ne moras da snimas pluca ako si u drugom stanju

  8. Ah what a nightmare. If we had a choice, I'd let you push in line and give you your NOA2 ahead of me. I think they should expedite for pregnancy; it must be so hard to be apart during this special time in your lives. Hope you get it soon.

    yeah sometimes it does actaully look like i am in a nightmare and i ll wake up...thank u for the kind words,i already gave up on coming before delivery i just hope the baby get his documents fast without problems so we can go,i hope his documents dont get done in texas or he ll be a big boy by the time he comes lol

  9. nooooooooooo i am 6 months pregnant,i lived in a hope that i will get a visa and go by the time i am due,but its not happening 4 monts later and still no noa2

    i am alone all this time,its really hard,its hard enough if its your first baby and 2 times harder if u are alone through all the process

    from my expiernce i hope she is not pregnant,yes i love my baby he was not a mistake,but if i knew what would i go through being alone i would think harder

  10. We havent received anything yet. Just a lot of fights between us. This wait is slowly ruining the relation. Now we barely speak and are taking space away from each other. On top of all thos I failed to graduate which causes more stress. It sucks so hopefully soon!

    i an sorry to hear that about u,u shouldnt be like that you r not the only ones we re all in the same bucket,i got noa1 on march 27 and still nothing,on top of everything i am 6 months pregnant and i ll have to have a baby here then come,and i havent seen my fiance in over 5 months,so theres always worst from worst,needless to say how much i hate all the stupid ppl working at the texas center :ranting:

  11. when u were getting married u pretty much knew what to expect,i mean both of u,what is wrong with u people,first your husband is going out with his co worker,the main problem is what lead him to do it in the first place,and u have to change your attidute a lil bit,if my fiance did something similar to that he would be seriously hurt,like leg or arm broken,i havent seen my fiance in over 5 months,he works every day from 6 am,i dont work,we spend night with skype on thats how we sleep,we talk to each other or write to eachother every few hours,but when he comes home until he goes to work in the morning again we re together....this separation brought us even more closer together,marriage is not smth that comes and goess,but then again we all come from different cultures...i wish u good luck

  12. we filed for expedite based on natural disaster 2 weeks ago,at TSC,after the first phone call they said they will get in touch if they need to request more info,after we didnt hear from them my fiance went to his state representitive they called them up,and TSC said they sent the e mail to my fiance wich never came since they misspelled the e maiil address....so,after we sent the aditional info,its been over a week,today we called,they said they are working on it they will get in touch!!

    i would fire all the people woking there,so many ppl complains about their "work" and the authoritires and no body moves a finger,arent they paid by the people to work for the people?

    to all the people out there,if you can get a tourist visa,please do and go marry,save yourself a lot of time and nerves!!

  13. no, I would say that is wrong. They have to have met at least once in the last two years, that is the K1 requirement.

    Look at the I129F filing instructions under the section "Who may File From I-129f" 1b.


    before we filed for a k1 we only met once and got engaged,we met on line,when we wanet to apply for k1 after meeting once the lawey said,u can apply,but since u only met once,it may rise some eyebrows my advice is meet al least once more....which we did,they can do whatever they want,but its better not to risk

  14. ignore the religious marriage,just divorce her that way,i am sure u already paid for mehr previous to the wedding,if not u ll have to pay it anyway after divorce,just get a layer and file for divorce,you have been married for only short time,she cant get any of your money or anything,find a layer first,start bu searching the net or ask any friends in the states if you have,good luck

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