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Posts posted by Taqiyya

  1. And how was life under a Republican? I lived through Reagan and both GWB junior and senior. I don't recall gold plated streets and money raining down from the skies in the black neighborhoods. I'm sorry that you've witnessed those things from black people. There are plenty of lazy folks of all races. I've had my run ins with white people that were rude, disrespectful, and out right monsters. But I hold them accountable for their own actions, not the entire race. There are plenty of hard working, intelligent, respectful black people in this world, you're talking to one. Janelle and Jinx also.

    Democrats or Republicans, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, it's up to you to make it happen.

    Oh ...I don't think much of Muslims either. The daily murders, acid facing and genital mutilation, anti women Religion of Peas is a cancer as far as I am concerned.

    See Pat Condell's latest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nhjvoJatKOY#t=0

    Also see www.thereligionofpeace.com and pick a story to defend next time I'm here.

    I'm sure I'll be booted so see you in a week or so with a new addy and IP ;-)

    Chow Marv laughing.gif

  2. And how was life under a Republican? I lived through Reagan and both GWB junior and senior. I don't recall gold plated streets and money raining down from the skies in the black neighborhoods. I'm sorry that you've witnessed those things from black people. There are plenty of lazy folks of all races. I've had my run ins with white people that were rude, disrespectful, and out right monsters. But I hold them accountable for their own actions, not the entire race. There are plenty of hard working, intelligent, respectful black people in this world, you're talking to one. Janelle and Jinx also.

    Democrats or Republicans, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, it's up to you to make it happen.

    How was life under Republicans? You ask. Better than 25% unemployment thats for sure.

    Republicans have nothing to do with it. Democrats do. It is their plantation. They own it. 99.9% of blacks vote Democrat.

    Aside from a small few Star conservative blacks that are melined and called uncle tom. the Democrats own you and it is your choice, Not mine.

    See Ben Carson, Mia Love, Francesca Chambers, Allen West for blacks that have left the plantation and figured it out.

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