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Posts posted by SamRod

  1. We just discovered our case is on the way to Vancouver!!!

    Upon Calling the Automated system for the million'th time

    and getting the (We have no record of ....)

    I decide to get to an Operator.

    She informed me despite the automated system

    Our case has been done for 2 days now and is already on the way to

    Vancouver!!! Whoo hooo...

    :dance: one step closer! :dance:

    good luck to all !

  2. green card or not. if your an U.S citizen = US Citizen line other wise

    you must stand in the other line. Although Ive witness'd many jst getting in the

    US line or just whatever line is the shortest. I think the Immigration ppl.

    are gear'd to handle who ever from whereever. and the real luck lies in the

    officer. could be nice, then again could make you goto the back of the line.

    best of luck to you.

  3. curious, Why wouldnt you just gothru the automated system...

    Its basically the same if they have it it will be in their system.

    Ive spoken to a rep they say its all the same. (they seem to be very receptive)

    press 1,1,1, then your case letters 1-4 then 1 to confirm, then the case numbers then 1 to confirm...

    and you should get an answer. I can do it all in under 1 min... good luck to you..

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