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Posts posted by Kamal7071

  1. Actually she stated "It happens" and then gave several links to show examples of it happening. He was divorced twice. we have the divorce papers. We have been married since October 1 2012. I know his whole family and even met his ex-wife and kids. I don't know what caused this red flag. But I am starting to get very angry. My whole life is on hold still for 15 months and counting. I can't afford to fly back and forth a lot. We have nothing to hide. We live on skype just trying to get through this. How are we supposed to ""prove" we love each other and are married more than on paper. Especially when they asked basically nothing about our relationship in the interview. We have done everything right. I''m so mad right now. They called yesterday and he missed the call they hung up right as he was answering and so he called back and emailed them and still they have not called back.

  2. Thank you Harpa Timsah. It is nice to know that this is common. We have nothing to hide. There is much evidence of our marriage, unfortunately due to circumstances, not the least of which the different times we have not felt safe for me to travel there, I have not been able to travel there in over a year.

    We were on skype, as we always are if we are not working, when they showed up, I wish he would have taken the computer down with him lol.

    They talked to his mom and asked her where his wife is. She told them I had traveled. Then my husband came to the door and they just basically asked about his exes. They never asked him anything about me.

  3. I am curious if anyone has had the experience of consular officers showing up at your home after your interview. My husbands case was put in administrative processing after his interview, that we finally got expedited after 15 months waiting for it. They said I did not make enough money which I clearly did, but the officer would not look at all the paperwork. 3 weeks after this they called my husband and said they had sent him a paper and it came back to him and they needed a landmark, or some way to locate his home. (weird). Then within five minutes of the phone call they showed up at his home. I had not ever heard of this happening. My attorney had not heard of this either. Has anyone else?

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