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Posts posted by JeremySusan

  1. Today I checked my email and to my surprise, the email I've been waiting on for months. Permanent resident approval confirmation. Card sent for production on 11/8/12. My application took 8 days short of 9months. We are so happy to have that process over with, especially being approved without having to do the interview. I guess we submitted enough info, that interview wasn't required. Now, we are enjoying this time and will apply for citizenship when I can. I hope the next and final stage will be as uneventful as this one :)

  2. Hello to everyone.

    I hope everyone is keeping well.

    just wanted to drop by to let ye know that my work authorisation and advanced parole came through this week. i have received the advanced parole documents and am just waiting on my work permit card to be delivered. This side of the process happened alot quicker than the last, which was very unexpected. Hopefully i can go start looking for work in the next month or so.

    I don't get to log in here as much as I would like, but i try keep up with everyone reading here and there. Best of luck to all with upcoming weddings, and arriving loved ones. And for everyone one else I hope life is good for you :)

    x x x x

  3. lol....gotta love facebook! The contest is going pretty well....do my workout everyday (what I can do that is...it's been raining so haven't been able to do the walking part). We have our next weigh in tomorrow so I'll know then how I'm doing compared to the other girls! :dance: And with you seeing my FB page, you can see my lovely family encouraging...aka harrassing...me...lol!

    We haven't filed AOS just yet....we had a bit of a setback financially so we are waiting for our tax refund to come in next week and that's the first thing we'll be doing!

    Looks like your moving along pretty well with your AOS!! :thumbs:

    First NAO came quickly,with 6-7 days, then bout a month later is biometrics, if you can guage this process at all, might give you some indication of waiting times for pat.

    Did you file your taxes and claim Pat if you dnt mind me asking, we have to go and do ours this week or next, jeremy was wondering if he could claim me as a dependent???

  4. That whole section is explaining who isnt allowed to adjust ? and it says that you are able to adjust if through no fault of your own or for technical reasons; unless you are applying because you are (ii) a k1 fiance who married within the 90days.

    That doesnt say anywhere that you wont be out of status? it says you can apply for adjustment?

    Unless im reading it wrong.

    This is the way I read this section.........you are not eligible to adjust if you do not maintain your status ( F ) You failed to maintain you non-immigrant status....however you are not out of status if you are applying as a K-1, K-2 finace(e) applicant who married the US petitioner within 90 days.

    Yes you are correct in saying it is about who isnt allowed to adjust, but read carefuly, it gives exceptions i.e K-1 or K-2

  5. LOL...yeah, millions would have been nice, huh?

    Not yet....we had a bit of a setback with finances and had to use a few hundred dollars of what he had saved for it. We're planning on getting it done in the next couple of weeks though.

    Have you? And what are you doing with the I-693? I've been reading on the AOS forum and there are actually a lot people who have filed AOS and NOT filed the I-693 and been approved....I'm debating this because of the cost of the civil surgeons fees in our area. Not sure I want to chance an RFE though....it's enough to make you pull your hair out!

    We have decided to not send it in, just sending in the DS-3025 and taking our chances, evn if we get an RFE it is not like the previous K-1 application, I am here with him, so waiting another little bit will not hurt our filing. Plus it might save us some buckaroos :)

  6. http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-485instr.pdf

    10. Who is not eligible to adjust status

    Please see ( F ) You failed to maintain you non-immigrant status other than through no fault of your own or for technical reasons unless you are applying because you are a

    (ii) A K-1 of K-2 fiance(e) dependant who married the US petitioner within 90 days.

    Please read all the text in the link.

    But I have come across some people who literally want to put the fear of God in others if they go over their I-94 departure date and have not adjusted their status. It is explicitly mentioned in the instructions of the I-485 that people adjusting from K-1 DO NOT go out of status. Which would make sense considering they give you 90 days to get married.......if you get married on the 89 day, who would be ready to adjust status 1 day later.

    Hope this helps ease a few minds........ I literally had a sleepless night over this

  7. Hello everyone,

    been a good while since I was logged in here, I am usually on facebook on my phone. I am not at home much on my computer, I am usually up in my mom in laws, she had her surgery and needed help, we were also in Vegas. so sorry again for not being able to log in as often as I would have liked. so much news since i was here last here, so I will just say hope everyone is doing great.

    How is life for eveyone? Happy birthday Lee for yesterday :)

  8. lee we have caesars palace booked, but once your in vegas you can get married anywhere. if you have your marriage licence before you go to Vegas it saves you going to their county clerk to get one. the wedding planner told us june july and august is their slow season for weddings, so if you are going out their then, you should have no problem getting married without having booked anything beforehand.

    Maire, thank for teh congrats, don't plan on getting lost :)

  9. she is doing ok now, she had shoulder surgery and is not allowed lift a finger (literally). everything else is going great thank god. took a bit of getting used to living with one another for about 2 weeks then things settled down and we are all good. i got my SSn and opened up a bank account adn i am studying the driving book so i can get my licence. we are getting married Fri 20th, next week. :)

    Oh wow...that must be hard for her not being able to move! Hope she recovers soon!

    hehe...Fri 20th, huh? That's the day before mine and Pat's wedding...lol!

    thats cool, we are having teh vegas cermony next july on the 20th, so to make it easy for jeremy to remember we decided to pick both dates the same, he has no excuses now, he has to remember it :)

    his mom is gettign better day by day, she has another 2 months of therapy to do, but she will get there

  10. she is doing ok now, she had shoulder surgery and is not allowed lift a finger (literally). everything else is going great thank god. took a bit of getting used to living with one another for about 2 weeks then things settled down and we are all good. i got my SSn and opened up a bank account adn i am studying the driving book so i can get my licence. we are getting married Fri 20th, next week. :)

  11. hi everyone, it sounds like alot has happened over the last few days

    Liz, I bet you are in surreal mode right now, having Pat here with you, I wish you all the best

    Maire, congrats on yuor SO getting his exit permit, bet you can wait for his arrival

    Richard, I see somethign good has happened with your case, no AP.....YAY

    Congrats jamie on the new job

    Lee, any news on your case, i haven't been able to log in that much, we had to get At&t out to fix out internet, so there is way to many pages to catc up on.

    For anyone else that has had good news or good times which i have missed, congrats and best wishes :)

    as for me, I went an applied for my SSN on Friday, I should have it in 10 days, I am so happy that it was a small Social Security office, they people were so helpful and it was very straight forward. I had a SSN in 2005 for a J-1 visa so it was just a re-issue. I have the smae number as back then. Since I had the number Jeremy brought me to get a State id, and that took bout an hour to get but I have an official US Arkansas id, woo hoo :)

  12. 15 mins is awesome!! I can only hope that it's that fast for Pat. Houston is a major throughfare for international travel just like Chicago is so I think it go as smoothly as it did for you! Hey, the faster he gets through, the fast he can get to me so that works! LOL!

    I hope you'll post more pics of the house as you get it decorated!

    I will, our dining room table and chairs just got delivered this morning, so i am trying to get the kitchen sorted with that, thats why its takign me so ling to write back, il think of something and run down to the kitchen to see what that looks like. I haven't even tried to tackle my suitcases yet, i took bout 5-6 outfits out of one suitcase and i have been working of them. i have 7 cases to unpack.

  13. i like it alot, just trying to get settled in and put our touch to the house, jeremy had left alot of the decorating for when i got here so i could have something to do while he was at work. i had been over to jerey alot so i knew what i was coming to it is jsut gettign used to the fact that i am not here on vacation and going home anytime soon. i got hoomesick last weekend, cos it was my nephews birthday but i got over it pretty quick. we also haev vonage at the hosue so i can ring anyone back home on a landline for free. so that helps out alot when im missing home or family and friends.

  14. Thank you all, i am slowly but surely getting used to american life. Loving it so far, getting used to living with one another. Liz, going through immigration literally took 15 minutes. I think it helped that he knew what he was doing. he was very nice, thank god.

    wohooo welcome!!!im glad that the immigration process was a quick one

    thank you Maire, trying to put a womans touch on the house, i have a blank canvass to work with and approx 8 house everyday before jeremy gets hoem to do something to the house :)

  15. Congrtas Susan. Glad to hear entry was no problem. There is a ton of drama going on, but it seems like it should sort itself out.......we hope.

    How are the wedding plans coming?

    OMG, I hope nothing to serious for anybody, I will keep people in my prayers. As for wedding plans, we are probably going to do a civil ceremony in dec, we are going to Vegas then so probably just do it out there, then next summer we have the ceremony for family and friends out there also, so at least we will be getting married twice in the same cite :)

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