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Posts posted by Seh-n-Chru

  1. Hello Theary. Although I am not a lawyer, I am somewhat famiiliarized with the process of pursuing a K1 visa for a Cambodian fiancee (woman). It is my honest hope that your situation would be better than how mine played out. :(

    In order of most important to least important (in my experiences/opinion) for this "non-immigrant" visa process to yield the intended results are:

    - Patience: Not even joking. This will be a LONG process despite what the US govt. guidelines for I-129F petition/K-1 visa says

    - Tenacity: You MUST visit your fiancee MORE THAN ONCE (within 1 to 2 years time). I know, the USCIS paperwork even says right on it, "must meet at least once within 24 months". PP Embassy is like its own world. Different rules, different standards.

    - Preparation: Present SOLID proof of a legitimate engagement ceremony. If you are familiar with Khmer tradition, you know what I am talking about. If not, ask your fiancee to fill you in. Think wedding lite. $$$ to $$$$ WILL be spent depending on pronvice/commune/sangkat.

    - Reputation: Even though you only want to become engaged you should STILL BE ABLE to meet the legal requirements of getting married to a Cambodian woman (both the USCIS and the Cambodian Govt. requirements). Aka, $2500 monthly income, proof of (lack of) criminal history, single status affidavit, etc.

    - Persistence: Be very prepared (now) that even if you cross all your T's and dot all your I's, your petition may still be denied. I cannot get into more detail, but I am sure others who have gone/are going through this process recently can fill you in more. :(

    That's about all I can think of for now. Sorry if anything is vague. I just want to help avoid any more heartbreak in anway that I can. If you really love your promised one, do NOT take this process lightly and do NOT give up at the first (or second, etc) sign of trouble. Always keep hope alive an always remember, true love never fails.

    P.S. Not sure if this will clarify one of the earlier posts about needing permission from the PP consulate to get engaged.. You NEED the permission to MARRY, not to get engaged. You still can request it, but it does not play any part in your initial packet of documents sent to USCIS.

    I wish the best of luck you you both.

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