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Posts posted by Deluxe_2014

  1. If this is your site, you need to finish building it before you give everyone the link - NONE of the 'links' on the page are active, including the one that goes to your survey... but people are more likely to give you the information you want if you give them more to start with than 'I want to help people, please tell me how you managed NOT to kill yourself'... I think it's a very good idea, but you need to do more before you start asking the general public to contribute - if you're looking for stories to build the website, ask directly, don't just say 'here, go see my Very Important Site' when it's not even built yet. It's not going to help anyone until it has more than a front page.


    Thank you so very much for your comments. I am not a professional. The site would/could look and work a lot better. I did this "in the moment" because I was so devastated and felt helpless. At the time I was only thinking of what I could do at that moment to help someone--anyone. I'll work on the site. Thanks again.

  2. My fiance went for his interview in Nairobi and all he had was the phone calls from the calling card that we used, flight tickets, hotel tickets, photos, moneygram receipts, engagement ring receipt, gift receipts and I wrote a letter of intent intending to get married within 90 days of his arrival. I also requsted the congress man to email the Nairobi consulate and let them know that our relationship is mutual and genuine. Just be very specific with each proof that you have. The Nairobi consulars are very tough and they want to make sure you are in a mutual relationship.

    Thanks, Jairo! We were approved today! :-)

  3. Hi All;

    My fiance had his interview on April 1. He was refused under 221(g). The consular gave him a form requesting proof of our relationship from 2011 to present, and our status was changed from "Ready" to "Administrative Processing". We submitted the information (Lots of it), and they received it on April 7. I checked the system today, and our status has been changed from "Administrative Processing" back to "Ready". Is this normal? Does it mean he has to attend another interview? or Is this in preparation for an approval? I'm so confused.

    Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.



  4. When I brought in evidence for further proof - I only brought in three letters that he had written me from when we sent in the petition till the interview date (so the last 4 months), a photobooth picture we took together when we got engaged, the Christmas card that his parents sent me that included me in the picture this year, and my phone bill from the last 3 months. It wasn't a particularly thick package, and I don't think they really looked too in-depth into it (i.e. didn't read my letter to the T). We also included a hand written letter of intention to marry (same as what you wrote when you submitted your petition) but with a date closer to the interview.

    I personally don't think they will have time to read all 500 pages...they might just pick one page and read it. Do you have screenshots of you two video chatting?

    Hi Relativeways;

    Thank you so very much for you quick and informative response. We did not have screenshots of us video chatting. However, we were chatting while I was making the screen captures from facebook. After making them, I realized that I had unintentionally captured our chat in two of the captures. I did not think they would actually read them all either. At the very least, I thought they may scroll through them to view the dates and verify that they cover the requested time period.

    Thank you again.

  5. I've only been on the site for a short while; but, I see that many of you are very knowledgeable about the process. I was wondering if I could get some insight from you. My fiancé had his interview on April 1 at the embassy in Nairobi. He answered all the questions correctly and had all the required documents. They refused his visa and told him to submit proof of our relationship from 2011 to present if he wanted a consular to consider his application any further. Although I had included an abbreviated version of this with the I-129 and other supporting information (letter explaining our relationships evolution, excerpts of chats where we discussed our plans to marry, and conversation snippets from 2011-2013), we still submitted the following items:

    • Our entire facebook chat log
    • Our entire yahoo video communication and chat log
    • Chat conversations between him and my daughter
    • Chat conversations between me and his two sisters
    • 15 screen shots from facebook showing various posts from 2011-2013 that included pictures, relationship statuses and posts of my daughter tagging him and me
    • Pictures from a photo shoot we did for our engagement announcements
    • Skype call logs
    • Copies of my cell phone bill showing incoming and outgoing calls between us
    • MoneyGram log

    The packet of proof we submitted via DHL has more than 500 pages of proof. I'm concerned we sent too much information. What are your thoughts based on your knowledge and experience? Do you know if the process includes them reading all the information? Some of our chat logs include arguments we have had? Do you think that will be a problem?

    Any insight or information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.


  6. Hello;

    Thanks to each of you who replied to this thread. Because I am so new to this site, I did not get any notices of responses. I'm just seeing them. I'm so sorry for my delay.

    I was finally able to contact IOM by phone. For some reason they were not receiving my email. When I called, the lady asked me to send another email directly to her and call to see if she received it. She did not, so she scheduled the appointment over the phone and gave me all the information he needed. We were never able to determine why my email messages were not reaching her.

    Thanks again for all your concern and responses. We greatly appreciate it.

  7. Hi Shirleykimz;

    Thanks for responding to my post. I'm a little surprised that over 100 people have viewed it but only you responded. I appreciate you taking the time to do that. We are looking for something less than 100 usd if we can find it. He will have to be there for two nights. We are just trying to keep our expenses as low as possible. Do you know of any in that range or can you tell me where I might look? It's hard for me being in the states and not familiar with Nairobi.

    The journey has been good so far. How about your journey?

  8. Hi Everyone:

    My fiancé will be attending his medical in Nairobi and we need a hotel that is nice and reasonable. We have looked at those listed on the Nairobi consulate's page; however, the posts are a bit old. Does anyone know of a good hotel that is reasonable? He will be going for his medical in a few weeks.



  9. Hi Everyone:

    I have been sending email messages to IOM in Nairobi to schedule a medical appointment for my fiancé for a few weeks with no response. Does anyone have information on other ways I can contact them to schedule the medical appointment? This process is new to me. I am the USC trying to schedule the medical for my fiancé in Uganda.

    Thank you in advance for your help.


  10. Hi Everyone:

    I'm new to the community and could really use some help. When completing the Affidavit of Support for the interview will the embassy accept a signed version that has been scanned and emailed to my fiancé for the interview along with all the supporting documentation? or Will I have to send the original using the USPS mail service.


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