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Posts posted by 77happyfeet

  1. pushbrk, on 10 Jun 2014 - 4:40 PM, said:

    The source need not be US based. For example a retired UK government worker on pension has an income that will continue from the same source after immigrating. (in bold is the actual wording)

    When using either income or assets or a combination from the intending immigrant SPOUSE no I-864a is used UNLESS children are immigrating with the spouse.

    You've been a lot of help. Thank you. Blessings :)

  2. NLR, on 10 Jun 2014 - 7:21 PM, said:

    Yes. You do the I-864

    Your husband, who makes the income which will continue once he moves to the USA (he will need to provide PROOF of this) will do the I-864A to go with your I-864.

    Your children DO NOT go into Part 2 of your I-864. They are counted as dependent children in Part 5.

    I was just reading the I-864A is only for permanent residents or people with continued finances in the US. My husband whom I am sponsoring, income is a Canadian pension, we can prove. Not sure if we fill out the I-864A or not?

  3. NLR, on 10 Jun 2014 - 6:25 PM, said:

    Yes your husband would do an I-864A.

    No you would not put your children in Part 2 because they are not immigrating. You do count them in Part 5 however.

    Sorry to ask this, but "I'm a little sloooooow...lol, I filled out a I-864, and thought only me the sponsor is to fill it out, my husband the $ guy the I-864A...am I to fill out a regular I-864 on my husband and attach a I-864A..."I am reading, just trying to sort it out in my mind"....thanks, hugs.

  4. 77happyfeet, on 10 Jun 2014 - 6:16 PM, said:

    Sorry, read back all the other responses. So, I thought my husband "had to" fill out the above because we are relying on his "continued" income. On my I864, I have $0, how do I show my husbands income and prove his continued income without the "A version". Thanks.

    So on the I-864A (spouse financial supporter) I don't have to list the dependants under Part 2, just my husband? Thanks...V

  5. 77happyfeet, on 10 Jun 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:

    Hi pushbrk. but my husband is the one with the money. I thought it said he had to fill the "I-864A" version, if I the main sponsor doesn't make enough money to support the family. Thanks

    Sorry, read back all the other responses. So, I thought my husband "had to" fill out the above because we are relying on his "continued" income. On my I864, I have $0, how do I show my husbands income and prove his continued income without the "A version". Thanks.

  6. pushbrk, on 10 Jun 2014 - 3:21 PM, said:

    If your husband is the immigrant in a spouse case, he does not provide any I-864a. Gotta read those I-864 instructions carefully. Next item on the agenda, OK?

    Your children are not immigrating. They are dependents.

    Hi pushbrk. but my husband is the one with the money. I thought it said he had to fill the "I-864A" version, if I the main sponsor doesn't make enough money to support the family. Thanks

  7. mtlguy, on 06 Jun 2014 - 2:08 PM, said:

    He doesn't need to file I-864A.

    I-864A is needed if you're husband is already in the US and would be using his (continuing) US based income.

    Read the instructions.

    Hm, it says if I the sponsor does not meet the poverty line, than another person needs to qualify with a I-864A. We were going to show his guaranteed retirement amount and our assets.

  8. mtlguy, on 06 Jun 2014 - 1:44 PM, said:

    I hear ya. join the club. my in laws thought that being me being Canadian married to their daughter, it should be just a walk across the border and bingo I'm a resident. umm...not really !!

    anyhow, it is what it is.

    as for your taxes:

    1) I'm hoping you filed with the IRS for all these years you were in Canada. the IRS requires US citizens to file with them even if you're not residing on US soil. Canada, France, the moon, even Mars...no matter where you are, you need to file with the IRS.

    2) your Canadian income is not considered. So a T4 will not be accepted. fact is, the taxes you files with CRA are meaningless to them.

    3) You'd need to show US side financial strength: if you don't have a job in the US, you can either ask for someone to co-sponsor your hubby (that someone will need some sort of steady US based income), or you can use your Canadian assets (real estate, RRSP, savings) in lieu of income.

    hope this helps.

    The transcript should be fine:

    you can download them instantaneously from here:


    I have filed (back) taxes for the last three years. Although I only worked part time, while raising two children. My husband is a retired captain from the toronto fire dept and has a good pension, he should be fine for the I-864A. Thanks

  9. apple21, on 06 Jun 2014 - 1:13 PM, said:

    The form is only for the intending immigrant, your husband.

    US citizens do not fill out the form.

    thank you. I have sent in my last three years taxes (late). It says to attach a IRS generated tax return transcript (do I apply for this online)...sorry so many details. As well, do I send in a copy of my complete tax return. Or just the transcript. thank you

  10. mtlguy, on 06 Jun 2014 - 1:21 PM, said:

    as noted above, it's for hubby only.

    you do know that only you and the kids will be moving to the US, while hubby stays behind in Canada. right?

    yes... :cry:. We thought it would be a rubber stamp...how stupid. We have been married 22yrs and retired w/a good pension, and thought we would be put in some kind of priority category. Nope. Waiting game like everyone else. Thank you so much. I as well, I am doing the I-864. My "back" taxes have been filed, it says to include all the W2 (would that be T4's Canadian?). It says to attach a IRS generated tax return transcript documenting my late submission (do I apply for this online)? thank you

  11. If anyone can help. It says complete this form for yourself and each member of your family who will immigrate with you. I am a US citizen, so is this form for only my husband (whom I am sponsoring) to fill out? My children are US citizens (we are currently living in Canada til July 10, then we move to US). Do we need to fill out this form for each child and myself (or are they not considered immigrating).

    Thank you

  12. Hi, I am the sponsor filling out the I-864 (for my husband). I am returning to the US after living n Canada w/husband for 22yrs. I worked part time. He will be the main income provider. I have to send a copy of my taxes (the whole thing or just couple pages)? I don't have any W2 (US), do I send a copy of my Canadian (T4)? I am filling out a I-864A for my husband (income provider), it asks for the last 3 yrs. Do I send in copies of his T4's and his full tax return (15 pages).

    Feeling overwhelmed...thanks in advance. 77happyfeet

  13. Hi. Myself (US born citizen), living in Canada for 22yrs with two children (landed abroad w/papers) are moving back to US this July (sold our home). My husband, who has recently retired after 32yrs of service, is in the process, we are filling out the affidavit of support and would ask your advice. I will not longer be working as of June, (so I guess I will mark retired), and show my last three years taxes.

    Where it asks Sponsors Income #5 (current individual annual income, mine is $0 at that point, but it say if I am using from any other person, do I put in my husband's yearly pension amount?...I would have paperwork to verify this, or do I just leave it as $0 and where I put Person 1 (beneficiary/spouse) his current income, put the amount.

    What would I put for #10 (my current annual Household Income? My husbands (who will be supporting us) yearly income, or $0 (me retired w/no pension).

    My children, they have all their US paperwork/passports. Do I need to put them on the affidavit under my name, or just on the affidavit of my husband?

    Do I need to fill out Affidavits for each child or are they under the (exempt rule..."Any intending immigrant who will, upon admission, acquire US citizenship under section 320 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 (CCA)?

    Thank you so much, you all have been so helpful. :idea:

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