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Posts posted by OmShanti

  1. Wow thank you so so much everyone, you are all so supportive and knowledgeable! I was so very busy when the first interview came and it occurred right as I was on an airplane, leaving the country for vacation... so the first interview was not well timed. The embassy had our packet of materials which I meticulously organized, checked, rechecked, and sent but i think my fiance forgot to print out the more recent evidence of our relationship (texts, emails, FB, skype, etc) to bring with him to the first interview and let's just say that paperwork organization is not quite my fiance's forte! and its' all very confusing! so i think he did not bring the more recent evidence with him, and perhaps his answers were not so incredibly precise as they would like it (again, his mind does not work like an American Embassy's would) so i think it was both of those things that made them question.. So then they asked him to return for the 2nd interview with more documentation.... so that's what he did when he went to the 2nd interview. Once again, the questions they asked, he did not know all the answers precisely... but that's that and whats done is done... really, is there any hope besided reapplying? do i have to wait a certain amount of time before doing so? He is so traumatized by how he was treated and he is appalled that after all the effort we did and that we showed them everything they asked for that they would disqualify us so easily like that... Unfortunately, I am not very surprised, and feel sad that this is all the case. I am trying to teach him to think like they would but it's impossible! He is a traditional African dancer and that is miles and miles away from thinking like a US governmental system!

  2. My fiance was given 2 interviews (April and May) and asked to bring more documentation.. He did that and brought it to his 2nd interview. They barely looked at the documentation and after the interview they gave him a denial letter stating that because of section 221(g) (citing a paperwork/documentation issue) he is disqualied, and that by the time they send the application back to NVC and then to UCSIS the petition will have expired, or something to that effect. Does anyone know what to do now?? i'm guessing there is an appeals process but would love some advice if anyone has any... feeling pretty low right about now :( Thanks for any help!

  3. Yes it is very confusing! in the case of my fiance (who lives in Tamale, which is a day's bus ride or an hour and a half plane ride from where the embassy is), he did not receive his packet after 2 weeks so they sent us an email and told him to arrive with the email in hand at 7:30am any Wednesday at the embassy. He did this just yesterday and then they told him to return at 2pm to pick up the packet. The packet had the interview date, which is in just 2 weeks!! However, he had already submitted the DS 160, so maybe that is why he got his interview so soon. After he got the packet he went to get his medical exam- which is a walk in system- so he was able to do it the same day. He will have to pick up his medical clearance papers a few days before his interview in order to bring that with him, along with the other paperwork. I haven't quite found out what else is in the packet but I will skype my fiance this weekend and find out. Now to prepare for the interview!

  4. Hello everyone!

    My fiance never received his packet 3 after almost 2 weeks, so he is in Accra and going to pick it up at the Embassy this Wednesday but he is not prepared to do the interview. I'm hoping and praying they will not give him an interview in the next few days after picking it up since all his documents and paperwork are at his home, many hours away by bus. Should he travel home to get the documents and come back on Wednesday, just in case they give him a next day interview?? I know this varies by country and it seems that for other Ghana fiances their interviews were about a month later, but just trying to be sure!

    Also, I am confused about whether he was supposed to fill out the DS160 (non immigrant visa application) or the DS 260 (immigrant visa application). It says on this website to fill out DS160 and on the NVC website too, but then when i made an inquiry about to the Ghana Consulate they said it was considered an immigrant visa, so I am confused!

    Please help if you can!

    Blessings and aloha from Hawaii :)

  5. My fiance is in a similar situation... the packet from the embassy never arrived so he is now in Accra and has to wait until Wed to pick it up. Is it common to have the interview date so close to when you receive the letter? and is it ok for him to get the medical exam without having the letter from the embassy? He will need to travel back home (13 hours by bus) in order to get the packet I sent him and other documents which he needs to bring to the interview... so we are not sure if he should go home and get the packet of documents and come back to Accra next Wed to pick up the interview letter? or if there will be time for him to travel home and come back after picking up the letter before he has the interview??

    thanks so much for your help!!! and good luck to all :)

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