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Posts posted by mercuryroad

  1. we have runnin water still. things like i said are pretty much alright in this area. i mean people are scared and we can hear the bombs, but it cant compare to the other areas. we are just taking each day hour by hour right now.

    Jess, I'd like to respectfully add my wishes and prayers for you and your loved ones as well. I sincerely hope this is resolved quickly so that the healing process can begin on all sides.

  2. just cause you report news from an islamic country does not make you a supporter of any philosophy...


    You can debate the merits and accuracy of their reporting but that does not mean they have direct affiliation with terrorism.

    Aawwwwwww! Why do you two always have to make so much sense all the time? :P

    as a counter point.. I really want to see someone report news that just doesnt give a #$%^ about anything... then maybe we'd get some unbiased stuff that is true without an agenda or slant.

    It's called the Daily Show and the Colbert Report hahahahaha

  3. I'll give you credit for at least admitting to being a #######. That's more than the president will do :thumbs:

    Thanks, I guess... :blush:

    Do you think the people would stand behind the President if he openly admitted that

    the war we're fighting in Iraq is for oil and not some elusive WMD or "human rights"?

    Given the price of gas, I would not be surprised if they would.

    The public has been very conditioned and used to believing the war was originally about oil anyway. Perhaps they would be desensitized to it by now.

  4. And just how likely is this to happen? China and Russia joining them I mean? And can you provide links to actual proof? Thanks

    Just my opinion

    Russia has a stake in Iran......China is an economy on the verge and would have much to gain.

    Of the major powers in the world.....who generally comes to the defense of Iran, Iraq, etc when it comes to the United Nations? Who conistantly opposes any "real" action against any of those countries? Makes you wonder why that it is.

    Think about it....if you are Hezbollah or any of these other groups, what is your strategy for victory? I believe it would be to unseat the U.S. If that is the case, who are your natural allies? Who stands to gain from such a move? Follow the money.

  5. Based on their recent activities I suppose invasion wouldn't be out of question.

    I would say invasion would be out of the question. I don't think they have the means to do that. At least not like an air strike or anything like that. We would (and should) shoot their butts out of the sky or blow them out of the water (if coming by sea) if they try to step foot on land here.

    It's not possible :no:

    I would say that in my opinion, all tactics all lead to the same road. They know themselves that their group is not large enough nor does it have enough power to kill all of the civilians in the West.

    Instead, they attempt to get in good with governments that may be able to excercise more power and gain better weaponry. The ultimate goal would be to get nuclear weapons because that evens the playing field.

    The other method this group will use will be to incite a nation into military action, thereby forcing their hand and drawing more countries into this conflict. The only way to "dethrone" the U.S. and Israel would be to remove them as a world power. Involving the U.S. in a large scale war would suck up our resources and resolve. Their hope would be to pull Russia, China and some other countries into the conflict. These countries however could stand the most to gain. If the rest of the world is busy destroying itself, they will be around for the rewards. WWII did wonders for the U.S. economy and really solidified us as a power in the international community. The same could be done for China.

    Either way, the only way to get where they want to go is to remove the U.S. as the world's major superpower and I believe that is their ultimate goal.

    Is their objective to invade America? Or do they mean if we go there?

    Based on their recent activities I suppose invasion wouldn't be out of question.

    These extremist Islamic organizations can be really hyperbolic sometimes... if they can get a couple of guys on a flight into JFK with no weapons at all, they'd probably call that an invasion.

    Nah....they'll come in from Canada and take some fisherman hostage off of Lake Superior.

    *smirk* And maybe blow up some firecrackers (it'll be the 4th of July but they won't mention that on their jihadi recruiting videos) and call it The Attack on The Great Lakes!

    Yes, the Great Fakes attack the Great Lakes.

    "2 fisherman and a 28 lbs walleye were abducted today...."

    CNN is attempting to verify the weight of the walleye.

  6. Is their objective to invade America? Or do they mean if we go there?

    Based on their recent activities I suppose invasion wouldn't be out of question.

    These extremist Islamic organizations can be really hyperbolic sometimes... if they can get a couple of guys on a flight into JFK with no weapons at all, they'd probably call that an invasion.

    Nah....they'll come in from Canada and take some fisherman hostage off of Lake Superior.

  7. Another proof that Israel at times overstepps its powers..they are not as innocent as half of the world portrays them

    At Times? There is no innocence among them. This is one story. what about the millions of other stories we don't hear about.

    No innocence among them? This issue is far too complicated to make that kind of remark in my opinion.


    Wenchie... you kill me!!! :lol::luv:

    Don't worry brother Dean, I'll be sure to yodel like there's no cuming back! ;):thumbs:

    you are indeed a right thinking type of man

    don't forget yer rain gear though. B)



    yes....and bring a wetsuit

    Some people might prefer trying it in their birthday suits...

    if I get my wish someone will blow the candle

  9. There's a certain karma to see you treated in the same way you have behaved towards others.

    karma, karma, karmachamelion


    brother dean....I thought you were a private dancer

    only at night...in my past..... :yes:

    ahhhh.....never in Wisconsin though....hahahaha.........right?


    hmmm..contented cows there?????????

    you're not 6'2" with really long dark hair, adam's apple and a gift for Shakira like hip movements are ya?


    What? I went to college

  10. There's a certain karma to see you treated in the same way you have behaved towards others.

    karma, karma, karmachamelion


    brother dean....I thought you were a private dancer

    only at night...in my past..... :yes:

    ahhhh.....never in Wisconsin though....hahahaha.........right?


    hmmm..contented cows there?????????

    you're not 6'2" with really long dark hair, adam's apple and a gift for Shakira like hip movements are ya?

  11. Colombia is not a safe place to live or take a vacation too. If I moved there and decided to live there. The U.S. Citizens that pay taxes should not pay to get me out.

    I should know the risk and take the responsibility upon myself. The U.S. government has enough “problems” and “debt” to worry about every single bad decisions made by each U.S. citizen.

    Do you understand that the U.S. government can not pay for every U.S. citizen that is abroad?

    This does not mean we do not take care of our U.S. citizen here and then help U.S. citizen outside the U.S. than are living a more stable country and or natural disasters area.

    Peter Miami

    The advisory for Lebanon didn't say "beware of imminent war with Israel and Hezbollah". If it did, you'd have a point about making Americans foolish enough to travel to a war zone pay for their evacuation. As I said before, if some idiot goes to Iraq, finds it dangerous, then pleads with the Embassy to get him out of there, he should be prepared to reimburse us taxpayers for fixing his stupidity. When Americans find themselves in a dangerous situation through no fault of their own, it is our responsibiliity to help out our fellow citizens, period.

    My house was struck by lightning back in April through no fault of my own. I had insurance, but it doesn't cover everything. How about helping out a fellow citizen? I had a $2000 deductible. If you need an address to send your contribution just PM me.

    ask god..since it was his act... :lol:

    I think it was the CIA.....government funded thus we already paid for that "lightening" strike. Why should we pay to fix it? Now that would just defeat the purpose.

  12. Apparently only when YOU say it is.

    It think the point was "what was your point in attacking another member for her comments about leaving?" That she likes to create drama? - fair few pages of your own here my friend :whistle:


    What's funny is that you're going to such lengths to explain the context and meaning of your original comments, which is a little ironic I think, and is exactly the same courteousy I think, that you've refused others on occasion.

    "People like you", eh? ;)

    what's wrong fishdude? you that bored? no major debate in other threads, you gotta keep trying to kick start this one? :lol:

    like that "people like you" statement? i believe you've used that before :P

    Probably. But you've proved the point roi_aggie made above.

    There's a certain karma to see you treated in the same way you have behaved towards others.

    i'm glad you're amused. :lol:

    Pretty much all of us who solely participate in O/T are trolls after a fashion, myself included. But I agree with you that this particular part of the forum has become rather more hostile of late - with topics being hijacked as a way of carrying on with private dislikes rather than discussing things in a polite or respectful manner.

    et tu, brute? :whistle:

    I feel a hug coming on.....c'mon guys! Let get hugglylicious!

    I'll start - Dean - hugglies amigo!

    *delivers the classic handshake into should touch man hug*

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