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Posts posted by whatsup0801

  1. Hi,
    I, a dual US-Taiwan citizen currently living in US, and my wife, a Taiwan citizen currently living in Taiwan, got married in Taiwan last February. We'd like to get together here in the States ASAP. I filed I-130 (8 months ago) but just filed I-129F last week. Called USCIS regarding the review status of I-130 but it would stay in line for another 2 months. It doesn't seems likely for her to obtain either the IR1/CR1 and K3 visa shortly. I'd like to figure out the fastest way to bring her here. Since she has B-2 visa, I wonder if she can enter the States with B-2 visa and then we can do the change of the status from B-2 visa. Please provide me with more information since I'm clueless.
  2. Hi,
    I, a dual US-Taiwan citizen currently living in US, and my wife, a Taiwan citizen currently living in Taiwan, got married in Taiwan last February. We'd like to get together here in the States ASAP. I filed I-130 (8 months ago) but just filed I-129F last week. Called USCIS regarding the review status of I-130 but it would stay in line for another 2 months. It doesn't seems likely for her to obtain either the IR1/CR1 and K3 visa shortly. I'd like to figure out the fastest way to bring her here. Since she has B-2 visa, I wonder if she can enter the States with B-2 visa and then we can do the change of the status from B-2 visa. Please provide me with more information since I'm clueless.
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