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Posts posted by mustidseed

  1. I'm concerned about the enforcement of requiring vaccinations for the I-693. I'm not an advocate for vaccinations in the first place... in my mind there is now too much evidence against them for them to be an ethical enforcement - especially in a pro active health person who is trying to get pregnant, as myself.

    Does anyone know the implications of refusing to get vaccinated? Or what steps I can take to become exempt? I've done the TB skin test, which I was negative for, but I'm very apprehensive about getting any of the others, including the flu shot - which has been shown to increase chances of miscarriage and cases of still birth.

  2. Awesome, thank you.... so it sounds like my biggest issue is in convincing them that we had no intention of remarrying during my visit... which we didn't even know if we'd last 5 minutes together, let alone want to get un-divorced?! What would help that process? And any advice on how to convince them our legitamacy.... ofcourse we don't have shared property, bank accounts or anything like that... we've never really been the kind of couple to share much else apart from our life experience, living space and bed......

  3. Hi there.... my ex husband and I are going to get remarried.... we've been trying to get married and file all the papers prior to the 31st of December.... yes 5 days time from now?! I've filled out all the paperwork, but we still need to get my medical/sealed envelope returned, and find divorce decrees etc.

    I came over here on a Visa Waiver in July with the intention of returning to New Zealand in September.... but in the meantime we got invited to go sailing in Spain with a friend... so we went and did that. We returned to the US early October - another visa waiver, another three months, so I decided to stay another few weeks with the intention of returning back to NZ early December.... but by the time that rolled around we realized we didn't want to be apart any longer (8 years was enough wasted time between us) and decided to get un-divorced! I'm so excited for a second chance with my one true love..... I've left my cat and dog back home though and have a few affairs I need to sort out back there... but really, I just want to stay with him now and I'm ok about not being able to leave the country again until things have all sorted themselves out.....

    But yesterday I realized that we might not get all the paperwork together by the 31st when my Visa Waiver expires..... what are the repercussions to filing my adjustment of status after my visa waiver expires? Should we at least make sure we get married before then? Or does that matter? I'm very overwhelmed... I'd forgotten how stressful this process is and now I'm worried about everything again!! Deep gratitude for your guidance :-)

  4. Hi there... thanks for being here... I'm going through this process again with my ex husband.... I came back to the States from New Zealand in July to reconnect with him for a few weeks so we could see if we still had what we thought we might.... I left my cat and my dog with friends with the intention of returning home some time in September... but we got invited to Spain to go sailing with a friend who had lost his arm several years earlier. Without us he might not have been able to go either.... so of course we went.... Then i got another visa waiver upon my return. I was going to leave at the begining of december, but in that time we realized we really didn't want to waste any more time apart.... We hadn't seen each other in five years prior to july this year.... neither of us could ever really fathom why we split up in the first place, let alone got divorced too, and it all just got too hard.... and now here we are trying to put it all back together. He's my lobster and I love him and I can't bear the idea of not having him in my life again... I'm nervous though as it's not looking like we can get my AOS filed prior to my visa waiver expiring.... I'll post about that in the appropriate place though.... But again, thank you for being here! It's nice to meet you xox

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