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Posts posted by REHollier0626

  1. Hello all, it's been a long time since posting but we sent off I 751 Nov 2017, had to get the extension as we went back to England for Xmas last year. It expires on the 28th as well as my husband license. We just checked the status and they're sending an RFE.... anyone get one recently and what could they possibly need more evidence of our marriage for? We have twin toddlers and my husband not having his license is really inconvenient and there are no open appointments on the infopass site. Advice? 

  2. As you don't have the pay stubs, then this will have to suffice. If I were you, I'd make a supplement sheet with the explanation behind the deposit photos over the pay stubs. That way you cover your bases and don't risk getting another RFE asking for something that you no longer have.

    Okay so broken down....

    I have all my info (Taxes / W2's and pay stubs) from the first time I sent off the Affidavit of Support for the K1.... but this no longer matters... lol

    So now I'll need to fill out another I-864 for AOS... totally fine... only this time we had to have a sponsor as I was laid off. I have a job lined up but I have to go through training first and that doesn't start for another 2 weeks, so I wont get paid either way until the end of Oct....

    but with no RECENT pay stubs, you suggest that I fill out the I-864 as the petitioner, send all needed Tax information, and make photocopies of my most recent paychecks .... 6 ish? ... with a letter that explains why its the copy of the paychecks?

    Thank you again for the help.... all that happened and then we found out we were pregnant as well so life kind of hit us a little hard but we are doing good and trucking through!

  3. Yes, you need to send all your W2 or 1099 send the paycheck so of at least last 6 months (just in case) and transcript of 2012,2013 and 2014 but you can Alston send the copy of your 1040 but I heard transcripts are better. Send as much as you can so you don't get another RFE. If anyone have more information than me feel free to chip in to help.

    Good luck

    Thank you for this, I figured as much.... taxes are not a problem, my problem now is I cannot find my last couple of paycheck stubs... and seeing as how that was back in June there is no telling. The company has been closed out and my old boss is moving to Texas from Georgia.

    I'm sure the check photos are in my bank as I did self depositing.... could that pass for the information needed?

    I save everything I have no idea how Ive managed to lose the stubs..... :(

  4. Hello all, I have a question....

    Shortly after we married I was laid off from my job, June, so we have a sponsor. Well when we sent off the AOS, I did not fill out an Affidavit of Support, not realizing I had to, we just got the RFE for mine, which is fine, but do I need to send off any pay check stubs or W2 tax info with it, or just simply fill out the form and send it off?

    Thank you call in advance, dont know what we'd do without this site!! :)

  5. Hello Hello!!

    My husband and I married in June, and we filed for our AOS at the end of August. We received our NOA 1 via email on 8/28/2015 and our letters came in shortly after.

    9/10/2015 we received our "interview" letter or whatever for the bio metrics on 9/24/2015 ... Is it normal to get the bio metrics that fast? lol I got really excited when we came back from a mini vaca and saw that! My husband has been the one doing most of the paperwork and what not for this part of the process so I'm a little behind but excited to see how things will go from here!!!

  6. Okay question about drivers license.

    My husband went and took his test today and passed but they wouldn't give him his license because looking at his visa (k1) it expires in 3 days and the license wouldn't be here for at least 5-7 days and apparently they can't give it to him because the time frame does not match up. We have already sent off for the AOS but we don't have any other paperwork stating he is in "limbo" or whatever..Still able to be here in the states... Any thoughts on how to proceed or let him get his license?

  7. Hey All,

    I hope everyone's case is moving along nicely, and by nicely I mean I hope yall arent pulling your hair out yet.. trust me I know the feeling haha.

    Ross and I married on June 19th. As we are waiting for the marriage certificate, we are trying to prepare for the AOS and all the other stuff that comes with after the marriage. Is there another forum for that that others in our group have started? If not would anyone be interested if we started one of those to help everyone through? I'm just reading everything and already have questions lol



  8. Interview is in the morning for my fiance... He working tonight and leaving work early to get to the interview on time.. 8 am ... fingers crossed and say a little prayer for us.... We not nervous about the interview but still a little intimidating having someone constantly question everything about our relationship!! We've known each other for 4 years, been together for just shy of 3(June) so we're good, I know we are, I just stress about everything! haha He's calm and prepared, and ready to go... It'll be 4 am my time (ish) but I told him to call me ASAP, dont wait for me to wake up! haha

    How is everyone doing?

  9. Congratulations!

    So what happens if you don't get the appointment letter by post? Can you take the email to the embassy? I only ask because I recall seeing the appointment letter on the list of documents you must bring with you.

    You must be bouncing now! :D

    Literally dancing around my house haha, I'm hoping he will receive it soon, but I guess he'll just bring the letter, if he does not get it by the end of this week, I'm going to call the Embassy and ask what to do, so I'll keep ya posted!!

    Awesome! So happy for you guys. We keep wanting to set a date but too afraid too since we don't know when. So glad you emailed them!

    Yeah I know we were crazy to set one, but we did, venue is paid for and all... ahhh!!! lol Thanks hun!!!

  10. Did you guys get a response back about your case?

    Responding from my phone so I hope this comes through right!

    Literally just got the email! Interview is April 24th at 8 am!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!! They said they sent the letter April 9 but as of yesterday he still had not received it.

    Finally!!!! Lol !!!! Thank you to all who told us to use the email form!!!!!!

    I'm freaking out!!!! In a good way of course!!!!!

  11. DOS will no longer answer K1 questions, even if their system goes back up. Use the contact form. Tell them the dates you submitted DS-160, Readiness and date of medical and are concerned whether they are waiting on anything from you. Three weeks is not unheard of and given the holidays, it may come this week. Did you give a date that you wish to be married on the readiness form? What date?


    Thank you for your reply. We did just send off the contact form, with everything you suggested but the medical date. We did give them a date which we wish to be married, June 19th 2015.

    Is that recommended/okay?

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