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Jie Kiser

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Posts posted by Jie Kiser

  1. My fiancée & I got to know each other for 3years, and then he applied for my K1 visa to USA. We got married there, after we were married for one month, I had to go back to china to complete my job, and also my dad was serious ill, so I had to go back to china for some months, and could not wait to get my green card there. My husband agreed with me and promised me that he will apply my Cr1 as soon as he could.I was touched by him,thought I married with so wonderful husband,and I told him after I arranged my Chinese job we will never separate again.

    But who could imagine things changed as soon as I got back china.He started to date his cleaning lady from Brazil and applied for anullment in his local court when I am in china for 3 months later. He lied everything on the documents,he lied and said that I abandoned him,and lied that he was unable to contact me,lied I committed fraud against him to become American citizenship.I was shocked by his lies.He ignore the dignity of the law and brought a lot of pain to me,which hurt me deeply.
    His purpose seems to be to stop me so I can never can marry american again,and never can go to USA legally.I feel so hopeless and find it hard to believe this man I married was so bad, without any morals at all.Now I want to post my question here,if my next bf is an American,if this anullment once approved will bring me any trouble when he apply for K1 or CR1 visa in the future?

    I worry very much now.Could anyone give me any answer to what I should do?
    Has anyone had any experience with this kind of thing and tell me what I should do?any answer would appreciate very much.

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