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Posts posted by Nawlinshoney

  1. would you mind if i ask what documents they adked for. I received an email last november 2013 that our case is for RFE..But unluckily our hard copy was sent to Kuwait, me and my husband lived there begore but we already changed our address online. Anyway we already talked to the uscis people and they admitthey made a mistake and they told us they will send an expedite request forour case in CSC which ourcase has been transferred. Im still confuse if that means expedite should we still need to waitfor a hard copy of RFE and respond to that? Anyway, just to be prepared what documents they asked you for?

    I dont know what else they need, in our applucation its obvious that me and my husband are living together in kuwait with a 1 year old baby, we assumed that is enough proof that we are genuinely a married couple. Living together in kuwait for almost 2 years..

    thanks a lot

    would you mind if i ask what documents they adked for. I received an email last november 2013 that our case is for RFE..But unluckily our hard copy was sent to Kuwait, me and my husband lived there begore but we already changed our address online. Anyway we already talked to the uscis people and they admitthey made a mistake and they told us they will send an expedite request forour case in CSC which ourcase has been transferred. Im still confuse if that means expedite should we still need to waitfor a hard copy of RFE and respond to that? Anyway, just to be prepared what documents they asked you for?

    I dont know what else they need, in our applucation its obvious that me and my husband are living together in kuwait with a 1 year old baby, we assumed that is enough proof that we are genuinely a married couple. Living together in kuwait for almost 2 years..

    thanks a lot

    No problem, They asked me for 2 people to write a statement saying they know we are in a relationship. In this statement they must include there full name address and how they know you. It can be a very brief statement. I got my dad and a co worker to write one.

    Then they wanted a letter of intent to marry from both of us. This must be original copies. You can find examples of this letter online.

    Also Two passport style pictures 2x2 in size of both you and your fiancée. You must write your full names on the back of these.

    Also I sent 4 pictures and had to label them of where they were taken. They just need evidence for their files. Everyone has to go through this mess.

    That is what they wanted from me. I did not include this in my petition when I sent it.

    To expidite means they will just re-mail it to you. I would definitely keep on top of this. Time passes by quick.

    I am open to answer anything to the best of my ability.

  2. Hello I don't really have an answer for you, but wanted to add that you can include your property tax stub that you recently got in December as well. This lists the value. I would think if the home is in both of your names you both would have to fill one out, but don't hold me to that. I am also putting down my home as an asset because I don't make enough. I am trying to get a co sponsor to help.

    Best of luck

  3. Our interview with the Embassy is Feb 13, 2014. I know they want the most recent W2 forms and 1099. I already received my W2, but I also get royalty money that I get a 1099 that they haven't sent me. So I wont be able to do my taxes.

    My question s it ok just to bring the W2 and explain that I haven't gotten the other form yet in the mail? Just show up with last years paper work from my completed taxes, and the W2 from this year seeing that it is early in the year and haven't gotten everything yet?

    Also if I decide to get a co sponsor do I need a copy of their birth certificate to show they are a citizen?

  4. You cannot apply for a waiver of a 9C bar until ten years have passed from the most recent departure from the US. In this case the OP's fiancé will not be able to apply for the waiver until 2020.

    I disagree. No need for a waiver after they are married. I have talked to 2 different lawyers about this and they both have said the same thing. After you go to the fiancées country you can marry them there. Come back to the USA and file for a CR1 ( Do not quote me I would have to look it up) petition. But she/he does have to claim extreme hardship without the other person in order for them to come to the USA.

  5. Welcome to the United States ( : Well I can understand how boring it can be to stay at home. I have had 2 kids and had to stay home and you get kinda crazy. After some time you can get a job then start working so this can fill your day. Go online and look for some clubs or things you can join in the meantime. Or maybe you can volunteer somewhere.... I don't know if there is a hospitial somewhere you can volunteer or do some charity work to help others.May have to check and see if you can do this don't really see why not.

  6. I have talked to a lawyer about this cause he" thought" my boyfriend overstayed his last visa. Anyways the only way around that is you Have to go to his country and marry him. Then come back to the USA and petition for him here. You MUST prove extreme hardship without him here. Depression, maybe he is the breadwinner of the family you may have to see a doctor to claim depression for him not being here, etc...

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