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Posts posted by louandmikek3

  1. You could always take a plate of cubes of cheese and pineapple on cocktail sticks! Its easy and people think its the funniest thing for some reason until they eat one and realise they taste good together. rather like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches here. except that don't taste good. Haha!!

    Or make scones with jam - would be great if you coud get hold of some real cornish clotted cream...

  2. Everyone I know here thinks its wierd that I drink tea from a mug, like its a cardinal rule that only coffee is served in a mug - I guess 'tea cup' is just taken literally! I also like the way you have to ask for 'hot' tea!

    Also, my in-laws cannot believe we British put butter on all our sandwichs (even tuna? Eeeew)... I personally would like a slice of ham and a slice of cheese between buttered bread than layers and layers of thick meats with shed loads of mayonaise... My mum-in-law tells everyone about when she was in england helping my mum to make a sandwich buffet and my mum asked her to put butter on ALL of the sandwiches! And they all screw their faces up like she is actually telling them my family and I bathe in it.

  3. I am in a panic about learning to drive but I will have to do it soon so I can have a life! Its really hard being cut off from everything but everywhere you go here you have to go on highways (Long Island NY). The speed limit is 55mph but if you drove at that speed you would be mowed down. It is safer to drive at 65-70mph but that speed terrifies me when there are crs merging and switching lanes here there and everywhere...

  4. Those stories made me laugh - so glad I started this thread! Someone once asked me if I was German!

    Someone mentioned not losing their Manchester slang - my slang was the first thing that went for me. Which is a shame because on the odd occasion that I do say a british slang word people love it and try it out for themselves in a sentence which always makes me smile. Oh how I miss saying that something was 'dead' funny, or 'minging' etc etc.

    One thing that annoys me on the flip side (not really accent related though) is when I introduce my american man to people I see in the UK they say 'he's not how I imagined'. When I ask them what they mean they always say they expected a 'typical american' blonde haired blue eyed man (my hubbie is dark haired and hazel eyed). Now I live in New York, not cali, and I don't recall ever seeing a blonde haired blue eyed man!!!

    People in the UK are usually too shy to ask where he is from, or already know, or don't want to appear like they care!!

    I don't think I will ever lose my accent though.

    Keep the stories coming!

  5. Does other peoples reactions to your British accent drive anyone else mad??!! I can't even buy anything in a store without people saying stupid things to me! Just this weekend I got...

    1. (While giving me phone number to a shop assistant - why why oh why do you have to do that any time you buy anything)??

    She repeated the number I had said in a silly voice and then said 'are you from London?' Before telling me the history of her family and their various visits to England. :whistle:

    2. (While buying something else in a store).

    The lady on the till said 'my brother is actually in Australia right now...' (hahaha! :devil: )

    3. (A man fixing something in my house).

    I'm sensing that's not a London accent is it? (Yes, you would be right in thinking that some British people do live outside our nations capital :angry: )!!

    4. (A taxi driver)

    He said 'Is that an Irish accent', then when I told him it was English he said 'I am English' in his American accent. So I said 'really? Where you born there or is your heritage English?' He said he his heritage was 15% English, 25% whatever etc... :huh: I think it is nice that Americans never forget their heritage but sometimes I think they should get over it and just say 'my great great grandfather was British' rather than say they are...

    I guess I should lighten up - its a good conversation starter - but sometimes it really irks me!!!

  6. Hi,

    I am hoping to teach early elementary/pre-school here in NY state. Does anyone have any experiences to share about getting certified/landing a teaching job? How easy was it? How did your qualifications stack up here? What did you think of the certification exams? Is teaching here far removed from teaching in the UK? etc etc!

    I was not a qualified teacher in the UK (I grduated in 05 with a First Class Honors BA degree in Education Studies with Theology and have tons of childcare experience, in England I would have just needed to do my 1 yr PGCE to be qulaified).

    From what I gather I can study for the NY state certification at home, take the test, then I think I need some US school experience to land a job in the first place so I was thinking of working as a Teachers Aid for a year before applying for any jobs. Then, from what I can gather, once I get a job I have to take a masters within 3 years of employment.

    Does this seem like a game plan???


  7. I was so shocked when I realised that egg cups are unusual here. Nothing like a chucky egg and soldiers! I bought mine in the UK and brought them over. I made Mike one once, it was quite funny to watch him try to eat it... He kept putting the spoon through the bottom of the egg. In the end he got all mad with it and crushed it with his spoon. Bless who knew eggs where so complicated!

    I recently visited blighty and bought HP sauce, Salad Cream, Branston Pickle and Mango Chutney for my curries.

    There used to be a british speciality food store within 15 mins from where I live, it was there for years, now I have moved to the neighbourhood it has been shut down. Figures!

  8. Those nice delivery folks called me yesterday evening to tell me they were delivering my visa today - I just got it - elation!!!

    Now all I need to do is to file to remove the conditions (CR-1) just after our 2nd anniversary (in a year and a month) and I think thats about it! Of course, the form doesn't tell you how to do this but we've a lot of time to figure it out.

    I just wanted to thank you all, there is no way we would have been able to get through this form filing business without this website and the people on it who go out their way time and time again to help us out. And thanks to Euro especially (this is getting like an oscar speech), we were always just a little ahead of you then a little behind you and it was great to have someone who was also doing K3 and CR-1 through London to compare notes with because not too many others seem to do it this way.

    Anyway, I will soon be on my way to Mr Mike and looking forward to being able to work, have a bank account, drive and all those lovely things I have done without for 7 months!! Who would have thought someone would be looking forward to working??? That will probably last a week!

    Good luck to everyone!

    *I say leave the early months on the list because those shiny red approvals give everyone hope...

    :D:luv::thumbs::lol::star::yes:(L):innocent: B)

    Glad to hear ya got your passport back Louise, as for lifting conditions, well um its 2 years -90days from the date on your green card :huh: , not your wedding anniversary :yes:

    My green card is dated 5th may 2006 so i lift conditions any time after the begining of Feb 2008 :thumbs:

    Thanks Amanda (again)... Just having (another) blonde moment!!!

  9. new zealand...............

    We are talking about soccer/football not sheep herding, then they might have a shot. LOL

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: i was waiting for a shot and that was a great one :thumbs:

    I hate say it but after watching the USA friendly matches last week they better sign up for the rodeo too. How in the hell can they be rated #5 in the world.


    FYI New Zealand is #118

    Yeah, my US citizen husband reminds me of this a lot...USA higher in ranks than England??? I think because they begin by playing all the ####### teams (how would they lose?) whereas England plays the bigger teams...there is no way they are strong enough to win it, but a few teams lower in the ranks have a chance.

    I would prefer England to win because I know what it means to us (I am in UK now on vacation and everyone is going crazy for it with St George flags hanging out the car windows), but America wouldn't bother to watch it and then think that they are great for winning it!!!!!

    Haha. Come on Rooney - better sort out that foot if we're gonna be in with a chance!

  10. If he was the USC I'd say he's having second thoughts.

    Why only if he is the US citizen?? I think if Mike and I could choose where to live between NY and a greek island we would both pick Greece (if it wouldn't be so dambed hard to do). You shouldn't assume that America is everyones dream place to live, I am sure he is moving to USA because of love not because she lives in America. Anyway I get the impression he is just in slow motion, nothing to do with second thoughts on either of their parts.

    Sorry to be annoying about it, it just seemed like an odd thing to say.

    Trust me...you are not alone with this one!!!! It seems that a lot of men (not all) from other Countries just have this laid back attitude. :diablo:

    My man is the US citizen and he was more than a little slow at times, and me at others. It's not just men from the med who have the manana, manana attitude - its just so bloody stressful sometimes you just need a little break from thinking about it...

    But don't worry you will get there and live happily ever after, 3 weeks isn't that long when soon you will be enjoying the rest of your lives together.


  11. Those nice delivery folks called me yesterday evening to tell me they were delivering my visa today - I just got it - elation!!!

    Now all I need to do is to file to remove the conditions (CR-1) just after our 2nd anniversary (in a year and a month) and I think thats about it! Of course, the form doesn't tell you how to do this but we've a lot of time to figure it out.

    I just wanted to thank you all, there is no way we would have been able to get through this form filing business without this website and the people on it who go out their way time and time again to help us out. And thanks to Euro especially (this is getting like an oscar speech), we were always just a little ahead of you then a little behind you and it was great to have someone who was also doing K3 and CR-1 through London to compare notes with because not too many others seem to do it this way.

    Anyway, I will soon be on my way to Mr Mike and looking forward to being able to work, have a bank account, drive and all those lovely things I have done without for 7 months!! Who would have thought someone would be looking forward to working??? That will probably last a week!

    Good luck to everyone!

    *I say leave the early months on the list because those shiny red approvals give everyone hope...

    :D:luv::thumbs::lol::star::yes:(L):innocent: B)

  12. Hi Guys,

    I had my interview yesterday in London and I have 3 working days (including today) to get it back before I fly to NY on Tuesday early morning. For my K3 visa it arrivde the next morning so I took for granted this would be the same... Please, anyone who has been through the UK interview thing, please let me know when you recieved your passport with new visa back....


    Louise :unsure:

  13. Had my interview - it was fine. Although she wouldn't take my passport pic I had done in CVS in NY - said it was too dull and grainy! Thankfully I still had a pic left from my K3 visa interview although it was 7 mths old... She also said I would be lucky if I got my passport back in time for my flight on Tuesday morning...great!

    The 2nd lady, an American lady, was really lovely.

    Anyway just glad its over and I hope and pray I get it back in the next 2 days.

    Louise :wacko:

  14. I have my interview tmrw and feel all nervous! What if I get lost on the underground? Or I'm late? Ot there are more strikes? Ahhhh, panic stations. Mike keeps telling me it will be fine and I'm sure he is right, although I wish he was here to hold my hand through it!

    I don't know why I am worrying bc my K3 visa was a peice of cake so this should be straight forward. Its more the logistics than anything else!

    Anyway, thought I would share! Wish me luck!! And I will update when I get back up north :unsure:

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