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Posts posted by smyatt1980

  1. Hey, I haven't written on the forum before but have thoroughly enjoyed all experiences on here. I now thought it was time I shared my problem.

    After a reading a previous experience from someone who attended there interview on Friday 24th they stated that they handed in their Affidavit of Support or financial support form.

    When my Fiance (Faye) and I read the "evidence to support" etc we thought that it would be OK if we just submitted a formal letter from Faye's bank stating how much funds were available (it is a very high amount so we thought that would be ok) and a second letter from her boss stating that she has a regular income and had this for a long period of time.

    We figured that this evidence alone was enough for financial supprt, but after reading about someone else handing in this form I panicked and thought oh no, what we have just might not be enough.

    I did speak to Faye and was going to get her to fill out the affidavit but it seems it needs to be co-signed by and official and we weren't sure if a faxed copy would be sufficient.

    Question is do I actually need the affidavit or is the evidence I already have enough?????

    Oh yeah, my interview is Monday 27th Feb 11:00, hence the sudden panick!!!


  2. Officially, no you don't need to submit an affidavit of support. As long as you can prove to the consular officer that you will not become a public charge, you don't need an affidavit of support. Unofficially, most embassies and consulates require one, regardless of your ability to prove you won't be a public charge through other means. This is especially true in poorer countries. The London embassy is fairly easy from what I've read. I would prepare one just in case.

    You have to have an original affidavit with original signatures and notary seal. It's too late for you to obtain an original affidavit since your interview is on Monday. I would get a faxed copy and be prepare to present the original later.

    Most likely you won't need one since London is a cake walk compare to other places.

    So if my fiance signs it and faxes it to me, where can she get it signed officially also? notary sealed?

    Thank you much for your advice so far

  3. Hey, I haven't written on the forum before but have thoroughly enjoyed all experiences on here. I now thought it was time I shared my problem.

    After a reading a previous experience from someone who attended there interview on Friday 24th they stated that they handed in their Affidavit of Support or financial support form.

    When my Fiance (Faye) and I read the "evidence to support" etc we thought that it would be OK if we just submitted a formal letter from Faye's bank stating how much funds were available (it is a very high amount so we thought that would be ok) and a second letter from her boss stating that she has a regular income and had this for a long period of time.

    We figured that this evidence alone was enough for financial supprt, but after reading about someone else handing in this form I panicked and thought oh no, what we have just might not be enough.

    I did speak to Faye and was going to get her to fill out the affidavit but it seems it needs to be co-signed by and official and we weren't sure if a faxed copy would be sufficient.

    Question is do I actually need the affidavit or is the evidence I already have enough?????

    Oh yeah, my interview is Monday 27th Feb 11:00, hence the sudden panick!!!


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