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Posts posted by kada

  1. Yes thanks to God you didnt go to ap.

    Ap is a whole black

    Yes I know. I was worry about that! but im sooo glad I didn't. after waiting months and get an interview that the last thing you want is to keep


  2. On the day of Interview... Did you opt for Home Delivery or Pickup at Office?

    Of all the cases I have been researching I have it at about 2-4 business days.... for Pickup and about 7 business days for Home Delivery... depending upon the day and time it switches to "Issued".... if it switched to issued early enough in the day you seem to gain a day or so if picking it up.

    so issued mean that is ready to pick up or that they are sending it to domex?

    On the day of Interview... Did you opt for Home Delivery or Pickup at Office?

    Of all the cases I have been researching I have it at about 2-4 business days.... for Pickup and about 7 business days for Home Delivery... depending upon the day and time it switches to "Issued".... if it switched to issued early enough in the day you seem to gain a day or so if picking it up.

    we told them we wanted to pick it up

  3. Also, make sure to review some of the obvious stuff that you might not have reviewed... like how many times you've gone to visit since you began your relationship (so you're not there counting when you're already nervous and might miscount), how you met (a lot of times couples have different versions of how they started dating) and where and what you do for work. I've seen those are common questions on these reviews. And of course make sure you know the family members' names. You don't want to call a sibling by their common name and then have your fiance say the legal name, for example. I can only assume a difference would raise a red flag.

    Yes you are right. we been practicing a lots those common questions. and will continue practicing when i arrive there. espero k los nervios no me traicionen lol need a calming tea to relax lol but seen my relationship is legit they better approve me lol

  4. Congratulations!!! Take good notes for your embassy review LOL Where are you staying? Best wishes!!! Girl I'm still waiting on my interview date. sighhhhh

    thankss my fiance is from santiago but we are going to the capital the day before. staying in a hotel or something. Def I will let you know

    my experience that helps a lot. Hope you get your cita soon so this can be over! best of luck to you :)

  5. Hey Sind27, espero que todo este bien!

    Estaba leyendo esto y me llamo la atencion lo del codigo de barra, recibi el packet iv por email y luego via correo, o sea dos cartas y en ninguna me salio codigo de barras. Cuando fui al consultorio no me pidieron cartas.

    Por cierto los precios de las vacunas cambiaron para Junio, es $110, tuve un inconveniente con lo de las vacunas asi que tengo que volver mañana, me dijeron por telefono que es ese precio ahora...no se para Julio.

    Mi entrevista es el 23! yay

    osea que no es $180? por k eh visto tantos precios omg.

  6. Hi kada, te digo esto pk recibi el packet 4 by email y cuando mi esposa(en ese entonces mi novia) se hizo su examen tuvo q pagar 1500 pesos para que le hicieran una carta y usarla en el consultorio medico, la hoja de la cita de tu novia tiene un codigo de barra??

    Ella tiene q llevar tres fotos 2x2, su pasaporte, 350 dolares. Y la hoja de la cita... good luck.

    Also you picked up your visa a the domex in santiago? Which number you call to check if the visa is there?

  7. Hi kada, te digo esto pk recibi el packet 4 by email y cuando mi esposa(en ese entonces mi novia) se hizo su examen tuvo q pagar 1500 pesos para que le hicieran una carta y usarla en el consultorio medico, la hoja de la cita de tu novia tiene un codigo de barra??

    Ella tiene q llevar tres fotos 2x2, su pasaporte, 350 dolares. Y la hoja de la cita... good luck.

    Yes it does a bar code and at the botton has the date of the interview.

    Does this is not the right paper for the physical?

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