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Posts posted by Greys

  1. Hi guys I just called NVC and I heard something totally new....

    The lady on the phone said "we are not scheduling at the moment and that we do not schedule until the month of March!!!!!!!" I mean wats wrong with these ppl? Why do they make us wait for decades when our case is complete?

    Guess we wait till march Monday 3rd coz 1st and 2nd is a weekend!!!!!!! MORE DELAYING .... Ugggggghhhh!!!!!

  2. Nope you can email them with the correct info and request them to change or on your behalf. They will then send you a reply saying that you can inform your counselor officer before your interview begins.

    I had also enters the wrong date by mistake. When I checked my form later, I found this mistake. I also sent an email to ask if they could change it for me or if I could change it but they replied to me saying that I can correct at time of interview before it begins.

  3. Hey I just called NVC any they told me my case is complete IV looks fine just have take my Indian Pcc to interview coz I didn't submit that with the rest of docs.

    and that I got checklist for AoS. I don't have that email for checklist so I don't know wat is missing.

    But how long do I have to wait after I respond to checklist?

    Plz help I am so upset was not expecting checklist ;(

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