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Posts posted by sue29

  1. I am serious I am not messing about. I spoken to his oldest sister yesterday and she enlightened me with his checkered and trouble past. I have our marriage certificate, states that we reside in ............. NYC both of us. I have his payslips and his birth certificate etc, he has never filed tax returns before this would be his first time. I don't want to use his stuff because I don't want to be done for fraud. I want to do it in a legitimate way. It sounds a bit much but it is what it is I would not be exaggerating as it would not be profitable for me.

  2. This is the situation.

    I met my husband whilst on a visit to the USA. We got married, my husband started becoming mentally abusive, he has never hit me put has smashed thing in the house punched his car lights out and become very very angry and is drunk every single day. Threatens to kill me and my entire family is I left him. I has pulled out a gun on me and said if I did not watch my words he will shoot me. He also made it clear that he will make sure that I will not get USA citizen or residence. I have all these in his text messages. He even apologise for being a bad husband to me.

    How long have you got to be in the usa before you can file for i-360, what detail evidence do I require? do I have to live in the same household as the abuser? I am on a B1 visa (visitor) so did not and was petrified of jeapordizing that? Would I be able to come back in and file? I left because he was making my family miserable.

    He goes to work drunk, and I have just only found out from his sister that he takes meth drugs. She also told me that he has a very checkered pass ie robbed the region bank, has many kids all over the usa of which he told me he has no children. On doing internet searches I also found out that he was done for possessing of drugs. spent 13 years in prison, and has a few murders under his belt.

    I have never lived with him, because I decided to return home, due to the fact that I became scared. I am now outside the USA, we are still married. I am planning to come back to the USA, still on B-1 visa(visitor) will I be able to petition via an i-360, I have just realize that I can do this? I did not want to overstay my visitor visa.

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