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Posts posted by AugstAngelFelix

  1. Thanx guys I did have mine and my parents letters written and sent to the office that has the case to withdraw the affidavits. However when I called Uscis to report he's no longer in the country they told me I cannot report that since he is not here to talk on the phone with them so I'm guessing they will just withdraw our affidavits and consider the case abandoned? I'm in the process of filing for divorce now. I just feel he wasn't as understanding as he could have been as a husband and wasn't mature enough for a marriage. He didn't think this big descision through like I did and now I have a lot of fixing to do for his nieveness....

  2. Hi guys my husband left back to germany without me knowing it when he left me. I only found out beacause his old co worker posted on his facebook otherwise he would never tell me. So before divorcing me and my parents sent our letters to withdraw our affidavit of supports since his green card still was not approved the case is still pending. My question is, once he leaves the country before the green card was granted does it get denied? And I called Uscis to report his address change but since he's no longer here they said I cannot report the change or that he left. I feel he used me to get into this country. We argued about getting our own place twords the end. He didn't understand that with my 3 year old daughter and with me having only part time hours and only a high school diploma and with his job that we could not afford to live on our own yet. So he joined a baptist church and followed their advice and left me. But I wonder now if it was all a lie I even found out the wedding ring was a fake thing .....

  3. Ok first of all we are at the point where we are just waiting on the green card descicion. We have been married 7 months my husband is from Germany. 3 months ago he started going to a baptist church and has been changing for the worst. It ruined our marriage. He has left me and never talks to me. We live in Texas. What do I need to do? Do I contact Uscis first about planning to get a divorce? Or do I get the divorce done first? Thank you ???

  4. Hi guys. My husband from Germany has a k-1 visa and we are waiting for his green card to be approved. We are expecting his work permit in the mail sometime this month. So he found a job that will take him as soon as his work permit arrives. When we fill out the I-9 form on question 2 in the part where it asks" if you obtained your admission number from CBP I'm connection with your arrival I'm the United States include the following: foreign passport number: Country of issuance: " our question is, do we need to fill this out? We got his admission number online and not at the airport so do we need to fill this out? Thank you :) ???

  5. hi guys we are almost done with completing our packet for our RFIE letter. And we are stuck on my moms I-864 (she is the first of two joint sponsors) the question asks: I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in PART 2. the anwsers are YES and NO (Applicable only in cases with two joint sponsors.)

    OUR QUESTION IS, which box do we need to check to combine my mom and dad as joint sponsors i am the us citizen married to my German husband who is applying for his green card. we really need to know asap as we want to mail this back Tuesday and will get denied if this is wrong. thank you <3<3<3

  6. Hi guys we got the RFIE letter and they need my moms current tax year taxes and my dad's since they are joint sponsors. My question is her company for her student loans advised her over the phone to not file this year so she wouldn't have to pay her loans back. But we need 2013 for the I-864. So what would be best to do? I had included a written explanation on why I didn't have taxes for 2008-2012 and that still wasn't good enough so I'm thinking they don't want letters just w2s and the 1099s. We are stuck help please!! ???

  7. If parents are married filing jointly, mom fills out i864, dad i864a. You i864.

    You submit your ITR and W2.

    Mom submits their ITR and her W2. Dad submits his W2.

    that is our situation so i appreciate your knowledge :) so for the box where is says "The persons listed in 6.a, 7.a have completed for I-864A. I am filing along with this form all neccissary forms I-864A completed by these persons." would we check that o no and for income you are usin from any other person who was counted in your household size my mom and i would include my dad on each form and i include her and my dad on mine and me and my dad on hers? <3<3<3

  8. It is very rare for them to lose anything, so I wouldn't conclude that.

    Many people don;t know what a complete tax return looks like. You have to send a complete return or it doesn't count.

    What did you send?

    i sent them my parents complete tax retruns and at the ime of filing i had no tax returns for the past 7 years beacause i didnt work since 2005 until june 11 2013 so by the time we filed i didn do my 2013 taxes yet so now i am since i had them done since after filing. But i also included a statement stating why i didnt not have taxes for those years from myself bu guess they dont want those anymore when you didnt work for that amount of time etc. i made $4,953 this last year from june til january 2013 my dad made $18,000 and my mom made $25,000 so we are combining all of it together to make the requirement. But now we are not sure if we need more than one I-864A and I-864. I am the main petitoner for my husband. by both my parents are joint sponsors. so it got confusing. :P

  9. Hi guys we are super confused. we had called uscis this morning about our RFIE about the part for the I-864. They said i was missing a signature so we have to resend all the income documents and the affidavits. My mom makes the most money i make part time pay which is $4,948 a year. and my dad makes $18,000. in order to meet the requirements of income ( i am the petitioner for my german husband that has a K-1 visa) we combimned all our income to support my husband when we first filed. our question is, Would just my mom and i fill out sepereate i-864 forms each and my dad fill out the I-864A? when i called USCIS this morning the officer said that is correct to do now but we want to be sure beacause after reading the forms again its confusing with some of the questions. like one says that : "The Persons listed in 6.a, 7.a have completed form I-864A. i am filing along with this form all necessary forms I-864A completed by these persons." would i be corect fo my mom and i to check this box for my dad as a joint sponsor on I-864? and for my moms form does she need to include myself wih my dad as additional persons fo income in the household? basically who fills out which I-864 and I-864A??? oops8rh.gifhuh2.gifshocked.gifhuh2.gif

  10. we just got an RFE leter and i did no file my taxes for this year yet so i also didnt have taxes the previous years due to unemployment and i wrote a statement stating why, but they still wanted 2013 evenhough i didn file yet so by the time we got the RFE i had filed so now i can send i to them. so def try to get the 2013 taxes if not possible and if they send you an RFE hopefully you have them by then. gooluck <3<3<3

  11. Hi guys my husband just got the yellow leter in the mail today that we frogot to sighn the i-864 A form and taxes which we did but obviousley they lost these documents so we are resubmiting them as asked. BUT, he had a letter two weeks ago stating to go to his biometrics appointment on Febuary 20th for his work permit but on this yellow letter it states wihin 90 days after they recieve these needed documents for the green card they will continues also on the work permit. Our question is, can he sill go to his biometrics appointment or de we need to schedule a new one or will we get another letter soon saying they will schedule a new one? we are very confused right now i will also call USCIS in the morning tomorow to ask them but just incase they cant help me with this question, does anyone else here know? this is such a pain since they lost my documents and threw out my two joint sponsors documents based on the lost signature on a form. it also asked to submit proof of assets if you cannot have a join sponsor. So if i have two sponsors that make more than what is required we can disregard this on the letter? Thank you guys :) my husband is here on a K-1 visa. <3<3<3

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