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Posts posted by sparth

  1. I used to have 4 names so before I did my name change, I had to put Firstname1firstname2 Middlename, Lastname. Basically I have 2 first names, I just don't put a space between them. But that was over 15 years ago and it was fine back then, I'm guess its ok now. I don't think they can be mean about it saying you're missing a space...GL

  2. I came across a post before about someone that lives in a country for 10-15 years but never had a permanent resident card, not sure where he was but I couldn't find it anymore or following the post. I know someone said that he never had an Australian citizenship and could not sponsor his spouse, is there a way for this even though i thought if you stay in a country for so long, you can file a petition for naturalization? I know this is in a wrong forum and probably get it moved but hopefully I can get an answer in either way. thanks in advance.

  3. First of all the beneficiary income has nothing to do with this. The person who's providing income must be a us citizen and filed tax. Neither of this is met...if the beneficiary will continue working when she gets here, it has nothing to do with the I-864...either way the petitioner needs a sponsor to bring the beneficiary over. Using whatever terms you want, as long as the sponsor meets the requirement. Learn to read the case before blabbing none sense.

  4. I don't think the beneficiary counts in this case. The petitioner has to provide income. Obviously they both will not have a job or proven that he or she has one upon entering the US. Their income is 0, therefor they need a sponsor. Co- or joint sponsor is a technical term. It doesn't makes sense for a co-sponsor if you add his with 0, it's still 100% sponsor income. So you would need a co-sponsor in this case, not joint since there is no joint based in his 0 income. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  5. I've tried and tried to read all the topics about the CR-1 Visa and I could not follow. Could someone help me?

    I'm in the process of filling out my paperwork for my wife, who currently resides in Vietnam. We got married in 1/25/2014. My friend told me all I need to do is fill out all the paperwork one time and send it out now. However, I couldn't find any paper required for one package. I contacted the laywer in Vietnam and they said they will be filling everything out for me and work with me from A to Z for $350. Then he said once he has all the paperwork and sent it to me, I will need to send it out (Where? I don't know) and then wait for response. After everything is approve, I will need to send in the payment of $405 and wait for the approval, then she can start her medical exams and shots...etc. Is this information legit? I haven o idea about NOA1 and NOA2 anymore because of this new one-time package deal. I've read people pay at least $1000 for all the paperwork fees here. Could someone explain the procedure? Thank you in advance

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