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Status Replies posted by Virtuous45

  1. Hi VJ members,

    It has been a little while since I last checked in, so I am doing so now to give an update on how I have been coping as a Permanent Resident since arriving in the US in October 2015 (14 months and counting). I have noticed a few upgrades to the site. Kudos VJ Community.


    For those Jamaicans who are in the pipeline at different stages, you may visit my profile to learn a thing or two. For those who are awaiting interviews, I also have a posting on my Interview Experience.


    Transitioning is still in motion but is becoming a lot easier with each day. It was very hard during the first 6 months partly because I was not working and had to sit at home in the days --having coming from a situation where I was working and supporting my mom and daughter back in Jamaica. Things got better once I got a job (that in itself was a miracle, despite my sending out numerous applications without success. A month after I started working I opened an account, applied for credit cards and was successful. I have been steadily building my credit and that is a good thing. I also started school online (got approved for a student loan) to pursue an Associate Degree as a Medical Coder & Biller and has been maintaining a steady 4.0 GPA since. I did my research and found out that the healthcare industry is a lucrative field to have a career.


    So, all in all, things are going great. My husband and I live each day depending on God to guide us on life's journey. I am looking forward to the time when I will be applying for citizenship. Hopefully, someone on here will find a nugget in my story that will guide them in their preparation to join their loved one in the US.


    Have a prosperous 2017.


    1. Virtuous45


      It has been 1 year and 8 months now since I landed in the US as Permanent Resident (October 2015). Transitioning was slow (still going on because every day is a new day) but God has been good. I got a job in June 2017 (1 year as at writing) and also did an Administrative Degree in the Medical Office & Billing field. July 16, 2017 (a week from the date of this post) and will be looking to transition into that industry before the end of 2017.  

      My encouragement to those in the process of joining your spouse in the US, not to give up. The Visa Journey community has many experts who are there to help you along. For those whom have landed on US soil and have reunited with your loved ones, keep pushing forward and doing what you can to contribute to your success and that of your new home.

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