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Posts posted by CoreySuu

  1. Hello everyone-


    I have a bit of a conundrum here. My wife and I navigated the whole K1 process successfully 2 years ago and have been living the dream ever since, yay! She was granted her conditional permanent residency card in May 2015, which she then proceeded to lose at a restaurant in October 2016 after too many beers. Great. I filed a police report to document that it had been lost, but then found myself in a situation where I probably should have posted here for advice but didn't: my wife had just lost her green card- the only valid ID she had to confirm her status as a legal resident of the United States, 4 months outside the 90 day window in which she would need to file her I-751. I impulsively filed an I-90 to replace her missing card since I hated the thought of her not having that form of ID, forgetting that everything involving USCIS takes 6+ months to go anywhere. She had her biometrics appointment in early January and we've been waiting ever since. We're now well in to the 90 day window to file her I-751 and I'm starting to freak out a little bit. Should I just go ahead and file the I-751 or is this pending I-90 going to complicate matters? Was I wrong for filing to replace a lost green card so close to the 90 day window? Is this a total non-issue that I'm stressing myself out over this close to the finish line? Any advice will be appreciated, thanks so much!

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