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Posts posted by DreamNHope

  1. Hi Tuck!

    I'm sorry about what's happening with you and your wife right now.. and some of the comments here are just rude... But as for me, I understand what your wife is going through coz I've gone through it the last 2 weeks.. I just got here in the states 21 days ago and America is not what I imagined it to be. Entirely different from the Philippines. Although I've worked in Malaysia for the last 7 years, America is very different. I felt like I just made a 360 degree turn in my life..... I thought I was ready to come here (yes, I was) but when I finally got here, I realize I wasn't. I had a hard time adjusting to the time, then the weather (it's super cold right now in Chicago), the food, the people, the lifestyle, the culture, the place, etc. I keep on whining and complaining how I hated the snow (when in fact I was very excited to see it), how I don't like american food, etc... My fiancee took me around to see places (be familiarize with roads etc), meet his friends (and their wives), went to asian market... And I was so passive and just reactive. He's making an effort for me so I won't get bored, so I will know how things works here. But I've been resisting it. Until a day before new year, we have an argument. Then it dawn to me, that the problem is with me. I couldn't adapt to the changes that's happening around me. All the things that I imagined about being here is entirely different from experiencing it. I have a problem of ADAPTING. I am so stuck in my old ways (Filipinism) and so scared to leave my comfort zone. I thought I was independent and strong enough, but I was wrong because I'm afraid to change. People don't really change, but we react to changes. It's so difficult to change. It's a struggle for me to change partly because I'm innately stubborn. But looking at my fiancee's face and looking back in all our hardships in getting the K1 visa and what we sacrificed in order for me to get here and be with him, I don't want to throw this away because I love him more than anything else. I told him we'll work it out, and it seems like I'm not working it out. So, I decided to change and be proactive (I need to change because if I will continue acting like this for the next couple of months, this won't last). Believe me it's hard ditching the things that I'm used to, but sometimes change is a good thing. In Love, we need to compromise. The word LOVE is not a noun, it's a verb, and it means hard work. Nobody said it's gonna be easy. But at least I'm trying and that's what I'm doing since last week, and I feel a bit better now. I'm still taking baby steps in adapting but I know one day I'll be able to adjust to everything.....And I think your wife needs to grow, adapt to changes, step out from her comfort zone and compromise.... It could be really hard and lonely being here and alone and has no friends and family. But she has to remember that she came here to build a family with you, to start a life with you. It may not be easy but it's worth the try if she really loves you unconditionally.... Talk it out with her and I hope you guys work things out. God Bless!!!

    Rude people (read as in the OP's wife) need rude comments.

    We Americans bring in new immigrants not because we are nice, nor lacking of available workers (read contributors). We've got enough headache of our own (high unemployment). The next thing we certainly don't want is bringing immigrants who don't want to work or just have one thing on their mind at all times "When can I fly back to my country?"

    We want immigrants to start working hard the moment they arrive in this country. You can do lots of things, like prepare yourselves to get ready for the work roll. Go to school. Go to the librabries, read books. Extend your social networking, blah blah.

    Lots of immigrants think (or don't care to think) money falls from trees in America. So spare me with the lame duck sorry ### excuse "I'm so homesick! I need to go back to my homecountry"

    Here's the homesick stories of other Americans "Wait til Thanksgiving (or whenever you're given PTO) then you can go visit your beloved ones all you want. Til then, try to be productive to the society"

    Maybe when you have less free time on your hands, you'll less likely to come up with crappie "homesick" feelings!

  2. Hi,

    My husband and I are going to Vietnam at the end of January to visit family. My mum requested that we bring her an iPad air, and also carry an extra one that her friend's son ( living in the US) wants to send to his mother.

    For personal use, my husband will be bringing his own iPad air and Macbook Pro for work. I will have a kindle, a Canon DSLR with 2 lens and accessories, and a GoPro camera, all of which we will be taking back with us to the US.

    This is in additions to a bunch of other small stuff (quite a few bottles of vitamins, few lbs of chocolates, a 1L bottle of Scotch, etc) that we'll be bringing for the family's use during Tet holiday.

    Has anyone experienced bringing expensive electronics to Vietnam? Did you have any trouble at customs? Please advise.

    Thank you and Chuc mung nam moi! (almost)

    With all due respect, your Mum has "great" taste in electronics. She asks for the LATEST in electronics. She didn't ask for "google Nexus 7" tablet, which is a LOT less expensive than the overpriced Apple stuff.

    In other words, I don't think in your family money (savings) is the main concern.

    So are we "wasting" time to be concerned about $5 here and there?

    I think so.

  3. Dear friend,

    We are truly love each other and had two year of dating before deciding to get married. At the time we applied for Green Card, we had my cousin as our co-sponsor. At the interview for my Green Card in 2012, we explained to the interview officer that we had my cousin as co-sponsor and my husband have financial aid from his school. We also showed her the plane tickets for the trip that we planned to go to Vietnam after getting the GC. We spent 2k for 2 tickets and 1k for our expenses during 1 month staying in VN, so total is 3k for both of us.

    also have full financial aids from school to cover our expenses and we also receive helps from our families. We were living with parents in laws for about half year before we moved out. My husband's parents also traveled to Vietnam to visit m family and I also included pictures of them along with I-751 application.

    All I was saying was you two didn't prepare "well" for your I-751!

    You don't have to pay taxes to file an income tax return! File one to prove to the Us gov't that you 2 are "Married and file jointly". What stronger evidence can overide that legal paperwork (your joint tax return)?

    If you can afford to go back to VN (the cost is thousands of dollars), you can't afford to buy a 10-year term life insurance and put each other as beneficiaries? (each policy shouldn't cost more than a couple hundred dollars ANNUALLY)

    My point is VERY SIMPLE, you got your priorities backward. You just got here in the US in a fairy short period of time. Instead of focusing your time and financial resources on your future, (I751), you chose to spend them on your trip back to Vietnam.

    Now you come here and tell us you have "the feeling" your case isn't strong enough? Isn't it a bit too late to be concerned at this point?

  4. Dear friends,

    I am about to send in my application to remove condition for my 2yrs Green Card. Following is my cover letter, please review and give me some advices


    United States Department of Homeland Security

    USCIS California Service Center

    P.O Box 10751

    Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1075

    January 4, 2014

    Nature of the Submission: I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

    Petitioner: [my husband's name]

    Beneficiary: [my name] (A#)

    To whom it may concern:

    Enclosed please find the JOINT Form I-751, Petition for removal of condition of permanent resident status for my wife, [my name]

    I am enclosing the following:

    A check of 590$ for I-751 and Biometric Fee

    Form I-751

    Copy of USCIS Form I-551 (Permanent Resident Card) of [my name]

    List of resided addresses

    Copy of room rental agreements ( for years of 2011, 2012, 2013)

    Copy of joint bank statements (For years of 2012 and 2013; 2 statements for each year)

    Copy of joint phone bill statements (under my husband father's name) [for years of 2012, 2013; 2 statements for each year]

    Copy of joint car insurance (for years of 2011, 2012, 2013)

    Copy of 2 affidavit support letters sworn by friends

    Copy of our airline tickets and reservations of our vacation to Vietnam in May, 2012

    Work verification and recent pay stubs of [my name]

    Photos taken with friends and family

    Included is my wife's work verification and recent pay stubs. Since my wife and I are still going to school so there was no income tax was filed. My wife recently got a job since August, 2013 and we will file our joint income tax of the year 2013 at the end of Jan, 2014. I will be graduated in summer of 2014 and my wife will be graduated in fall of 2014.

    We are happily living together and request that this petition be accepted for removal of condition on the residence of my wife.

    Copies of documents submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered documents and I agree to submit original documents to an Immigrant or Consular officer at a later date, if required.


    [my husband's name]


    I am worried that these joint papers are not enough. We are still students and therefore we don't have enough money to buy our own house yet. We are living at my husband's best friend house for almost 2 years and we share utilities together so there are no utility bills under our name, except the phone bill statement under my father in law's name. We only have 1 checking bank account and 1 auto insurance but no health nor life insurance.

    Thank you so much for your help.

    The interview Officer will understand you two have some source of extra income under the table. No income (both are students), yet had the money for the vacation in 2012 (each trip will avg to about $5000 EACH person). Good way to prove your way of being "honest" citizen!

    IMHO, your case is heading to a strict interview for suspicion of marriage fraud (lack of other stronger commitment legal accounts such as health insurance, life insurance beneficiaries, and having children together). Don't gamble if you two are legit! Hire an experienced immigrant attorney and prepare well.

  5. This infuriates me. I think it is unfair for you that she's acting like this. Why did she even bother getting a k1 visa if she wants to go home anyways. She's acting like a child.

    Don't be mad! When people get things too easily, they'll NEVER appreciate the real value of those things. Only when you work hard, and earn things with sweat and blood, then you'll learn how to appreciate things you've earned.

    In other words, spoiled and rotten children will NEVER learn to appreciate the value of their toys! They think they can get whatever toys they want at any time.


    OP, tell your wife for some other people, they traded their lives for the freedom here in the US. (Google "Vietnamese boat people of the 1980's). Your wife got the Visa too easily; therefore, she thinks she can come and go anytime she's pleased. For the millions of Americans that are unemployed at the moment, do they gotta run elsewhere while being bored to death at home? I just laugh at certain people with the concept of " I'm too bored and the universe has to evolve around me!".

    Grow the %#%#%#%# up! Noone cares!

  6. Boy, you have gotten alot to learn about how the communists run the country.

    Not much really. Everything about Vietnam can be narrowed down to one point:

    "Don't get involved with it if you're smart."

    Now for those who choose to ignore that advice, ENJOY all the fun the communist gonna shove down your throat.

    Life is all about making choices, some are smart, some are the exact opposite. Noone forces you have to find your love in that region of the world. Most people already KNEW exactly what they were getting into at the start of the game.

  7. OP,

    With all due respect, I don't think you're ready for marriage life. From reading what you've been posting here in this thread, you don't seem to know what you want and to some women, that can be a turn-off. You have to come on the internet and ask strangers questions on how to handle your wife? You can't tell whether or not the chemistry between you two still exists?

    And please, do you really to be that "explicit" about those sex-related descriptive moments?

    Anyway, if you care about another internet gossip suggestion, here's mine:

    Try to invest more, a lot more, time the next time you're into an internet/around the world relationship. Trying to understand another human being's mind is a VERY difficult thing to do. It takes lots of time to investigate. If you rush things, the end outcome won't be pleasant.

    My best guess is the 2 of you rushed your relationship at the beginning and now she starts to find out the incompatibility and decides to head into a new direction. She's rude not to be up front with you and chooses the "childish" route (all the blah blah you've been describing in this thread)

    You do know what the next step of your relationship should be right?


    Good day!

  8. Report then to the proper authority that's equally corrupt?

    Standing up against corruption has a cost. If they are willing to forgo the passport or wait for unending months with countless trips back and forth to te passport office and endure putting the immigration case at risk for lack of a passport, then by all means don't pay the coffee money and report the office to the proper authority.

    You can't use US logic in Vietnam. It doesn't work that way there.

    I didn't ask the OP nor her relative in VN to go protest on the streets or blogging in the web and might be thrown in jail as result. I asked her to help to put an end to a bad rep about Vietnam. That is "No bribe money, nothing will be achieved."

    People with thinking like you is THE REASON why corruption and bribe money is prevalent in VN.

    Where there's smoke, there should be fire. I'ts understandable to have some people just to ignore whenever there's fire. They would act like nothing is happenning. But please, don't provide ammunition to start a fire.

    If everyone thinks like you, no society would ever head into the better direction.

    By the way, I just said the above comment because it is the internet. I just wanna feel good. In reality, I'm not childish and not knowing that would NEVER be the case. If the Vietnamese do what's morally right, that country would be in a MUCH better shape in what it is right now.

  9. My fiancee went back to her village to get her passport renewal for fiancee visa process. However, they told her they only issue that for marriage or buying home. We are going for fiancee visa. Anyone experienced this in Vietnam? If so how do you resolve this?

    Ask your loved VNese one to report these kinda "extortion" activities to the appropriate authority!

    You need to stop the "common" thinking (that everyone has become used to it) that unless coffee money is offered, things won't go the normal way it's supposed to be.

    Vietnam has to change and it starts with its own people!

    The moment you or your loved one offers bribe (coffe) money, you've encouraged the system to remain its status quo! Be proud to be a Vietnamese and don't let the world laugh at your country and its system.

  10. You're comparing the worse case scenario. You have the mentality of an ignorant vietnamese OG. If you're marrying someone that had 10 family members who has nothing then yeah, they will be more likely to use you. But who does that? Why would you marry someone that has no job, no education? This isn't the 90s. Family first, if you are educated you would know and she would know this. You're not marrying the whole family. Plus it's not bad to send a couple bucks here and there to her family, after all you did marry someone's daughter. But if you're poor and can't afford it, then you just can't. You act like if she's a USC she's going back to live in VN. You kidding me? Grow up.

    Good luck with your paperwork (that new Single Status Requirement Document that you've been asking in this VN forum lately). That's just a "small" and easy obstacle at the beginning of your VN journey.

    I know you would never believe any of my advice here. So jump in the pool and test out the sharks. There's nothing better than a personal life experience!

    Do wish you get out in the end unhurt and still have a dime or two in your pocket.

  11. I understand how you feel. People think going to vietnam to marry is because you can't find an american, it's easy and you don't have to deal with the fact that the vietnamese girl wants to get with you to come to the U.S and then leave you. But let's face it, it's not much different than marrying someone here and get divorced. My mom was the same way until she had a talk with my fiance then everything was a lot better. I didn't even tell my mom about when I went to see her in Vietnam. You're an adult, you can make your own decision. Soon or later, they will have to accept the fact about who you want to marry. It's fun and frustrating at the same time so good luck on your trip. BTW, where are you staying in vietnam? How did you 2 meet? If you met her random on the internet then it's a red flag so keep your guard up. Don't bring too much money back, bring around $2,000 only if you going for about a month. That's more than enough to travel to different places. If it's not enough, tell her to pay. If she is using you for the money and doesn't want to pay then it's another red flag. How is her education, religious belief...etc. Make sure she's on the same track as you.

    Incomplete statement. When marrying someone in the US, after the marriage, you two just live your lives happily forever (hopefully). And then after the divorce, if any, just pay up the associated cost of the procedure, then move on.

    But if you're married to a Vnese, one of the following (possible more or all of the above for some people) things will HAPPEN:

    1) You'll be married to her ENTIRE family, meaning once she gets here, expect to continue supporting her family (sending money to support them indefinitely). She will come back to VN more often than your bank account would like to (and you don't have a saying in that either. Either go along with her plan to keep her happy or else (see the second sentence of this reply)

    2) After she's become a USC, expect to continue to deal with the USCIS because she will start to file petition to sponsor her family to come here (don't forget if she can't come back to see them, some of them will come over here to see her. Expect room and boarding and short term health insurance for those relatives)

    3) In the unfortunate event you get divorced, expect to travel to VN to see your children (if you two have any together). She will bring them back to VN and use them as leverage to squeeze money outta you!

    So it's NOT as cut and dry as you think!

    Welcome to the game. BE PREPARED TO PAY dearly!

  12. hello everyone i need help. i got 2 year green card thru marring a US citizen in 2005. during the 2 years we were living with her parents. during that time i caught her cheating twice on me i have eye whitens. so i left her parents house and moved out but we were still trying to work thing out. but she gave up and filled for an annulment i did not know what an annulment is she came to my house and pick me up and took me to a lawyer and told me to singe a page and told me to not any question and i would do this if i love her. which i did so i asked her what it was and she said it was divorce

    and if want to see her happy to singe it. which i did. but i did not no she wrote that i left her 3 months after the marriage. which was a lie. and she said it was divorce instead of an annulment. that was a lie. after that i got in trouble with the law in 2007. and went to jail for 3 months then i started filling my paperwork for my I-751. but the lawyer i hired was not doing anything. and asking for more money so i hired and new lawyer. and we tried to gather evidence to prove that my marriage was real. but i did not have anything and we filed the I-751 with what ever i could gather. and today (12-10-13) was the intervie. my lawyer said it dint got well. and i am going to get dined because of lack of evidence and they will start removal against me. I NEED HELP please. what can i do to save my status.

    Your criminal case is a VERY SERIOUS one! 3 months in jail often means a bad criminal conviction. You should worry about being detained by ICE and deported afterwards. Stop worrying about I-751. Focus on the "other" important issue.

    Not sure if an experienced immigration lawyer can even help you ATM. And if there's one who is willing to take the case, expect the legal fee a big amount. You're in big legal trouble. This case definitely is NOT a self-help case.

  13. Uh'....this is a grown woman who

    knows what she has done & wants

    to do,ppl fall out of love,4get about

    GC a minute, now she should abort?

    Both parents wants the kid and are

    working ppl, what if all who got

    pregnant unplanned were advise to

    abort...what if she dies during abortion?

    Its a womans right to decide and its her

    body, no excuse in what she did but

    she is now with child.

    How do ppl get on the net and get perfect?

    judge not least he be judge, I have never

    cheated on my husband after these years

    and don't plan to ,but I cant judge anyone

    and have not walked in their shoe, I cant

    call it cheating if they broke up and the man

    is gone, I just think OP should have wrapped

    things up B4 starting a new relationship, but I

    am not here to point fingers or demean anyone

    I hope things will work in OP favor, most of the

    worlds population mom and dad had not planned

    to become pregnant.

    Keep your pants zipped up unless you can afford the child birth hospitall bill.

    That's how grown, mature and responsible adults (both male and female alike) should do.

    Having sex comes with big responsibility. Don't just run around, do it, and then come to the internet proclaiming to strangers "Ooops, I messed up. What do I do now?"

    Should have come here first, ask "Am I ready for sex? Do you all agree?".........if you can't figure out on your own whether sex is good for you or not, literally!

  14. I thought about abortion but the CATHOLIC clinic I went, showed me a video and ummm no way... Plus my aunt had an abortion and she died from complications, so I don't feel like it...

    I know my baby will miss alot but he/she won't miss love... and if it's too hard, well of course I will go back to France, the country with the most assistance ever. trust that! but my boyfriend don't want to leave louisiana so we will see...

    And thank you Jihana for your message... me and my husband met in 08 everything was perfect until i moved in, so those who are coming to the US...be careful, people change once you live with them,but anyways dreamNhope you have the right to give your opinion and your blood can keep boiling too dude!!!

    My blood is boiled for the child. Grown adults engage in irresponsible activities and the children get all the fun (pun intended).

    We have enough teenagers having kids in this country problem already. But they are TEENs, not mature adults, who are capable of planning in advance for the future.

    Well, now we do know there are adults out there who behave like children as well.

    And those adults have the nerve to come in here blaming the "sponsoring" petitioners for their current/existing problems.

  15. Hi everybody, I live in Louisiana.

    Me and my soon to be ex husband have been separated since last April... We married in Nov 2011, our mariage didn't last a year because within a year we realized we were too different and more, we do love each other but we are not happy together.

    I have my 2yr GC (expires in oct 2014), he wanted me to go back to France because I was unemployed at the time but within a month I found a job at Petsmart and I still work for the company. The income is low $8/h and I work 30hours a week compared to what I used to do in France ($22/h full time) but anyways when I left my husband I moved in with a lady she had a spare room for rent 150 a month on CL, which is great bc I was denied everywhere I applied to find a place.

    Me and that lady's son got really intimate around June and now I am pregnant (birth control failed)... I don't know what to do ?? I thought about abortion but I am 28 and during a long time I thought I couldn't have a baby.

    And now that I am, I'm so excited about it but scared... My husband didn't want kids or in our 40's (that's one of the reasons I left too)

    My new boyfriend knows my situation and wants us to keep the baby but :

    - no health insurrance.

    - a retail job with low wage and around animals.

    - not yet divorce (last time I heard from my husband was in July, he changed his phone number and everything)

    Now I just want to divorce and provide the best for my baby. I thought about going back to France but my boyfriend wants to be around.

    Help please!!!

    I've heard similar stories to this one elsewhere before........That's right, it's the Maury Povich show!

    Seriously lady, you can't wait til you finish divorcing your "legal" husband before starting to date a new boyfriend? In this case, you even engage in SEXUAL activities with someone other than your hubby while still legally being married!

    Isn't there a word for that and it's called "cheating"?

    Anyway, I feel sorry for the innocent child. Being brought into the world unprepared for, emotionally and financially.

    And thanks a lot for putting another child on the Medicaid roll!

    Mod, ban me if you want. My blood boils whenever I read threads like this one and this forum acts like everything is wanky danky.

  16. Summary: I logged into his Facebook account and saw conversations with his family members that he is only staying with me so he can file for his green card. He has been lying and sweet talking to me all this time so we don't get a divorce. He also talked to his father about how to get someone so he can cross the mexican border. He has been cheating on me with two other women and I have proof of all that. What should I do?

    - I'm already heading to the Superior Court to get a restraining order.

    - I'm planning on calling ICE and reporting him and his father too.

    - What else can I do?

    I see it the "other" way around, against you. He can claim that you access his "private" facebook unauthorized (and that is an illegal act). Since you have access to it, you also can falsify all those stories about "fake" relationship with you for immigration purpose.

    Consult an experienced immigration attorney in regards to this matter ASAP. It's hard to conclusively prove that he's comitting fraudulent marriage for immigration purpose but very clear that you are illegally access other person's PRIVATE website (protected with password)

  17. I think you will be fine. I havent heard of Mafia girls (or has affiliations with) in Vietnam except those ones who works at the Vietnamese coffee shops in California. Personally, the biggest thing I would look for when considering any overseas relationship that would eventually lead to a marriage is a relative of hers who resides in stateside. If you are still worried, then make the trip short in case she didnt turn out to be the person you thought she is. And bring a buddy along who can speak the language if you can.

    Call girls or prostitudes in VN are known to use "Bua or Ngai". It's hard to explain but it's something they put in your drinks. From what I hear, those things come from "dead fetuses". They use some type of black magic or curse on those nasty things.

    Once the victim drinks the stuff, they will have total control of the victims. The victims will follow their commands to the T, including but not limited to sending money to them, no question asked.

    Some of you will find this stuff hard to believe. But now you've heard of it so be on the watch out for those things! Be wary of what's in your drinks when you're travelling to a foreign country and don't know much about their culture.

  18. Thank you guys for your very positive replies. ^^ You're right, I should be thinking more about the fun I'll have instead of sweating the small stuff that may never happen. I'm only staying for a week and if everything goes great, I will make a second trip. ^^ I don't know of any relatives she has in America. She's only mentioned having a friend in Illinois who is originally from Vietnam. And her sister seems to know a few people in California, in the Anaheim area.

    Thanks again y'all. I do feel a bit better about this. ^^

    Staying for only a week? You don't have enough paid time off or what? A month in VN is already a waste of a trip, much less a week! You haven't even got over the jetlag and it's time to pack up and head home.

    Anyway, you're already a risk taker to date someone half the world away. Use your common sense and be on alert for unsual signs.

    But most importantly, do NOT drink or eat anything that you can't see the source! NEVER let anyone (yes, including her) give you something to eat or drink without knowing where that drink or food cames from.

    Last but not least, there's a saying "If it sounds too good to be true, then it prob is". Works every single time in every situation in real life.

  19. No, I am not Vietnamese nor Asian. Though, I spend 40+ hours a week with Vietnamese co-workers, so I get lots of time to practice the language. But, admittedly, I cannot read her letters entirely without assistance. I just told her, though, that we should start writing in English. She is a college student so writing English is no problem for her.

    Also, yes, it was a family member, her great aunt. She has no immediate family in the United States, but she does have lots of family here. That includes cousins, aunts and uncles, second cousins, great aunts and uncles and so on. None of them have tried to sponsor her.

    IMHO, that is BAD news for your case/petition. None of them (her distant relatives) can legally sponsor her to come here, the US. But to the US Consulates, they are the REASON why she might be interested in someone like you to get here, the US.

    If she has graduated college and being employed and making good living (owning her place is a plus, if so), then your case is perfect. But in the eyes of the US Consulate officers, she is among the MANY other VNese college-age students who desire to go to the US to finish their education but can't on their own (don't have enough $$$ or have no immediately relative to sponsor). The EASIEST way to accomplish their goals is via spousal Visas.

    Go through the proper VNese custom, first visit to meet each other, then the "Engagement" cereomony on the second trip. If both of you are single, never been married before, try the K-1 route. Otherwise, do the third trip for an official wedding. Then file a CR-1.

    You're looking at at least 1 year from now to even think about filing your petition, whatever route you choose. Best of luck!

  20. Thank you very much for the information.

    Instead of starting a new topic, is it possible to have this one moved to the Vietnam Regional Discussion forum? So that I can get information specific to Vietnam and the steps I need to complete.

    Here are my main questions:

    1) Specifically for Vietnam, does the CR-1 seem practical for my situation?

    2) Would I need to make more than one trip to Vietnam? That is, after the first trip and the marriage, would a second be necessary?

    3) Other than the standard procedures for the CR-1, what steps would I take specifically for Vietnam to ensure it goes smoothly and ends well?

    4) This ties into the above question, but what specific risks should I be aware of?

    5) Are there any information resources available other than this website that focus on Vietnam?

    Any information you have to offer would be most appreciated.

    Are you Vnese? (since you mentioned the 2 of you communicated minaly in VNese)

    How was your G/F introduced to you? by a family member? Does she have ANY relative(s) living here in the US? Is she currently sponsored by anyone with an immigration petition. ie her immediatel relatives, sibblings, etc.?

    Don't rush! Take time to develop the relationship. The time you spent to make sure she's compatible and genuine with you will also help your petition in the long run!

  21. I've had my paperwork done here in the US (paid), sent over there and they said I'm missing "xac nhan du dieu kien de ket hon"....what is that?

    Meaning "verification of marriage eligibility". Have you submitted your Certificate of being single verification (Cong Ham Doc Than)?

  22. Ok people, just talked to Marc Ellis two times today. He called me back from Ho chi Minch city, wow. He advised me with confident that he did not see any problem with my case (after he listened to my story and the timeline that I stupidly wrote) and that he has helped several cases just like mine ( I felt like a thousand pounds just got off me.) He also stated that the entire consulate knows exactly who he is and that they would know my fiance is one of his client since he will be writing a legal explaination of my timeline and put her name on the list of his client(?) The man sounds confident and knowledgable. Of course he will charge a fee for it. At this point, I am willing to go with Marc since he is over there and ready to step in should my girl gets a denial (even though he does not see it happens that way due to my personal background, job security, and our evidence of the relationship. By the way he said that the way to win is to stop the consulate from sending the case back to USCIS. Ke knows so much about the local culture and why I did what I did (married her in front of her family and friends and filed K1 sine I thought that I was not legally married to her.)

    I just want to thank all for your support and understanding and I hope and pray for the wedding in America for both of us.

    By the way, he requested that I should be there for the interview even though they, the consular officers, would likely not talk to me.

    "Cam on" all gain.

    Good luck with the rest of your journey! Glad to know you decided to listen to my advice about Marc Ellis! Good and wise choice!

    In Vietnam, there's a saying "Dong tien truoc la dong tien khon", roughly translated as "Money given in advance is WISE money!"

  23. OP, if you REALLY love her, (and you already said you really wanted her to get here with you ASAP), don't try to make more mistakes that can be avoided. Red flags will be used against your petition and put it in AR (time consuming) and possibly lead to a denial, which eventually forces you to go there and get married (both time consuming and $$$$).

    To those that said why bother with an EXPERIENCED immigration attorney when there's this site: Why do we have threads like this one? Everything is "supposed" to be perfect in life right?

    .........................and you come in here, a self-help internet forum asking for help?

    Don't DONT call Marc Ellis. I fell for than when I was doing my K1 4 years ago. My husband was in morocco and he told me to file for my husband out of some island in the Mediterranean off of Turkey so we could do our interview there bc he thought he would have a better chance there. At that time my husband could not even leaveee Morocco. He also told me our chances were slim. Ended up doing the paper my self we we didn't have a problem at all. Marc Ellis doesn't know what he's talking about. Dont even think about him. Just finish what you started and see where it goes and plan on being there at the interview.

    What's wrong with you?

    Talk to an experienced immigration lawyer BEFORE even thinking about filing any immigration paperwork! Preparation is KEY to success in life. You should already know about that.

    Mark Ellis is a well known lawyer here specializing in Vietnam-related petitions. TALK to him NOW!

    You can afford it. So use your money to buy happiness before it's too late!

    Marc Ellis doesn't live in Morocco. He does in Vietnam.

  24. Hello all,

    I am a new member here and need your advises as to what I should do right now concerning my K1 petition for my fiance (wife?) but first let me tell you all about my story: Got to know Oanh through an online site in July 2012 and starting to "talk" to each other exclusively. After 7 months worth of couple hundred emails and exchanged pictures, I went to Vietnam to meet her. Stayed there for 10 days with her and her family and had to go back to the US to.....work. Purchased a new house on May 2013 and proposed to her and with the blessing of her parents, I went back there in July 2013 to have our wedding reception in front of 700 family members and guests. I did not go to "So Tu Phap" to file the legal marriage certificate with the local government since they required me to stay there 21 days. A visit to a local "Immigration Visa service" center here in San Jose,CA, after listening to what service I was seeking, advised me to file the K1 petition since it is the fastest way for Oanh to be here with me. I did not know this forum then. Here is my problem, I wrote in my timeline that we were married in front of our family and friends and sent it in along with the usual wedding pictures, boarding passes from my trip to Vietnam, receipts from the hotel that did the wedding banquet,ect. My income is around $110k per year so I don;t think it will be a problem. What cvaused me to "freak" out is when I read on this forum of K1 visa being denied due to the fact that we "got" married albeit not obtaining the legal certificate with the Vietnamese authority. Her being the only child in the family and her grandma and parents would like to see us married in front of the relatives and all. Please tell me what to do next since she may be denied a K1 Visa at the interview which should be within three months from now ( The NVC has my petition now for almost a week.)

    Please guide me with your experiences ans insights.

    Thank you.

    .........................and you come in here, a self-help internet forum asking for help?

    What's wrong with you?

    Talk to an experienced immigration lawyer BEFORE even thinking about filing any immigration paperwork! Preparation is KEY to success in life. You should already know about that.

    Mark Ellis is a well known lawyer here specializing in Vietnam-related petitions. TALK to him NOW!

    You can afford it. So use your money to buy happiness before it's too late!

  25. I am NOT laughing at the Philippine people, nor am I laughing at the victims of the typhoon. YOU misunderstood my post sir. I love the Philippine people and country of The Philippines or I would NOT choose to live here 6 months every year. I was "making light" of my own personal events and unfortunate situations which have occurred, and which I have had to endure recently since I arrived here. I feel sorry and compassion for the Philippine people and victims of all the tragedies which have occurred here.

    We understand you didn't purposely laugh at the sad situation going on right now.

    However, it's VERY INAPPROPRIATE to laugh (in real life) or use the word "laugh" (on the internet, digital world) in sad situation in which a lot of deaths are involved.

    One should ALWAYS think twice, and say only once......................................because there're always people out there LISTENNING to your remarks/comments.

    Your "laughing" comment, in whatever angle intended, is NOT in the right place and time IMHO.

    You don't go to a funeral with a laughing face (even if you just found out you won the jackpot of the biggest Powerball ever)!!!!!

    Just saying........nothing personally. Please read the topic of this thread. It's about sharing your sadness and condolences to the lives lost due to the monster storm, not sharing your past personaly life, either happy or sad.

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