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Status Updates posted by CarolineM

  1. empty your pm's :)

  2. I didn't even see your bday wishes until today!!! Thanks Joel :)

  3. Congrats on your reunion :)

  4. what if this really IS a popularity contest??

  5. You need to clean out your PM box woman!!! How can I reply if it's full???

  6. How fun is VJ Space???

  7. Hola Brother Dean!! Thanks for the shout out!!

  8. I know you LOOOOOVE pub quiz :) That sounds good!

  9. I know!! I was in Orlando for work on mon and tues and should have caught up with you :( Stew's great! I had to go online shopping today to buy new summer clothes...my old ones don't fit any more...boooo

  10. YAY!! This is like myspace!

  11. Just wanted to be the first with a comment!!

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