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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. As an add-on to this question. I heard that it is possible to combine the maiden name and the married name. So something like: FirstName MaidenName MarriedName. Supposedly the countries passport that has the maiden name will be happy and the USA customs will be happy because of the married name. Any opinions on this?

  2. Hi everyone,

    Over a year ago now my wife and I successfully completed the K1 Visa and she has had her Greencard since early this year. However, there is a reason I put this in the K1 forum, because I think others might know from experience how to answer my question.

    So, my wife wants to travel back to her country, Vietnam, to visit family next year. This is when I realized that while she has all the right US documents, her Vietnamese passport has her maiden name on it. So the problem is that, in order to get into Vietnam, her name on her plane ticket would have to match her Vietnamese Passport name. But, in order to return to the USA, her ticket would have to match her USA documents, which have her married name.

    I am not sure of my options. Do we have to change her name on the Vietnam Passport? and does that mean contacting the Vietnamese Consulate?

    Thanks in advanced!


  3. I did have an additional question. Right now I am working on getting the interview set-up with the ustraveldocs website. It requires that the name be similar to the name as shown on her passport. On the DS 160 there was a form field to write her full name in Vietnamese form. But the ustraveldocs website only has a first and last name form field.

    In the past when I have tried to send money through Western Union, we had problems because the name on the form didn't match the name on her ID card. We would have to amend it so that it fit the Vietnamese format of lastname middle first. How would you work this out on the ustraveldoc website?


  4. Hey all,

    We're working on the DS 160 for the K1. Does anyone know if Vietnamese passports have a book number? I read that some countries passports do and others don't, but I was unable to figure it out for Vietnamese passports.


  5. Anybody currently in Vietnam? I'm currently in Hue city with Phuong and my step-daughter. We got here at the beginning of the week. I'm heading back in the middle of next week, but they're hanging around for about a month before coming back. My step-son is flying here the same day I'm flying back. In fact, we're meeting at the airport in San Francisco so I can hand him some stuff he'll need, like my VN cellphone. We timed it so the house wouldn't be empty.

    Anybody else here? If so, where?

    Too bad this is an old post. I am in Hue right now, it is beautiful but very hot.

  6. Thanks for the information, it is helpful.

    As for the engagement certificate, I have had some people mention it since I have been here. In fact, yesterday I spoke with someone and he heard about the dam hoi, he told me to invite someone from the government to observe so that we could get an engagement certificate. But, since no one here has heard of it, I just won't worry about it.

    Thanks again.

  7. Hello,

    To start, I want to mention that I have done some searching around the forums. The things that I found have prompted me to make this post.

    However, after searching around I did not see anyone mention an engagement certificate for Vietnam. Let me back up for a minute, though. I am presently in Vietnam and am completing my fourth week here for a total of about 5 weeks. My fiancee and I have been communicating together for just about a year now. This is my first visit here (Vietnam). We decided to take the K1 route.

    We have been preparing the dam hoi and are about to have it. The information on the forums has been helpful. For example, I will wear a western suit as opposed to the traditional outfit. But, is it really necessary to have 100+ guests? Her mom is taking care of everything and it is to be at their house.

    More importantly, I have seen little talk of an engagement certificate on the forum. How important is it? I am not entirely sure how to get it, but perhaps would not be too hard to find out.

    Also, I have seen mention of multiple trips being important. For the K1, how many trips are typical for most people?

    I definitely appreciate everyones time and advice.

  8. No, I am not Vietnamese nor Asian. Though, I spend 40+ hours a week with Vietnamese co-workers, so I get lots of time to practice the language. But, admittedly, I cannot read her letters entirely without assistance. I just told her, though, that we should start writing in English. She is a college student so writing English is no problem for her.

    Also, yes, it was a family member, her great aunt. She has no immediate family in the United States, but she does have lots of family here. That includes cousins, aunts and uncles, second cousins, great aunts and uncles and so on. None of them have tried to sponsor her.

  9. Thank you very much for the information.

    Instead of starting a new topic, is it possible to have this one moved to the Vietnam Regional Discussion forum? So that I can get information specific to Vietnam and the steps I need to complete.

    Here are my main questions:

    1) Specifically for Vietnam, does the CR-1 seem practical for my situation?

    2) Would I need to make more than one trip to Vietnam? That is, after the first trip and the marriage, would a second be necessary?

    3) Other than the standard procedures for the CR-1, what steps would I take specifically for Vietnam to ensure it goes smoothly and ends well?

    4) This ties into the above question, but what specific risks should I be aware of?

    5) Are there any information resources available other than this website that focus on Vietnam?

    Any information you have to offer would be most appreciated.

  10. Admittedly, I was a bit nervous about posting here. However, I could really use the advice.

    I have recently been immersing myself in all the information about the K1&K3 visas and sorting it out is quite the task. For the last seven months now I have been in communication with a young lady in Vietnam. On April 24th 2014 I will spend five weeks with her. The issue is whether or not to get married there or to merely become engaged.

    Though, a little background information is in order. I am in my junior year studying computer science and also work full-time. For the last two years I just happened to work predominantly with Asians. To keep it short, we all got along well and it wasn't long before I was asked about communicating with a relative in Vietnam.

    One thing to note, is that we have been communicating primarily in Vietnamese, only one or two e-mails have been written in English. We probably should write more in English, right?

    Now, most of the people I have talked to who have done this before went the spouse route, though, most did it more than fifteen to twenty years ago. That is the route I would like to go with. I would like to marry her when I am there in Vietnam. It would be good for her, so that her parents can be at the wedding.

    Time is not an issue for me. Next year is my senior year, so a long wait time on the visa is acceptable. I would be happy no matter what, if she comes before or after I graduate. Though, I assume working and going to school would become much harder while trying to help a wife adjust to a new culture.

    I am sorry for making this so long. But, I need to know if marriage in Vietnam is truly the best route.

    1) In terms of processing which is easier to complete?

    2) Overall, which would be the best way of ensuring she would be able to come? I have heard stories of people who could not bring their spouse over because of suspected fraud and etc. I need to know what kind of risks there are in marrying her there and then bringing her here and how to avoid them?

    Thank you,


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